PNG file paint-markers-BE-04.png, which shows the correct result as a raster image

Tests the rendering of markers, specifically property inheritance. For the four tests, there should be two identical paths with markers drawn. The path on the left is rendered using the marker elements. The path on the right is rendered using the equivalent SVG, showing what the marked path should look like.

The outermost svg element has the fill property set to green. In no cases in this test should a marker be filled green, since the property inheritance for the markers comes from the marked path and it's ancestors, rather than from the marker element's ancestors.

The top test examines the rendering of markers with the fill property set on the marked path. The markers are filled in the same color as the path.

The second test examines the rendering of markers with the stroke property set on the marked path. The markers are stroked in the same color and the same proportional stroke-width as the path.

The third test examines the rendering of markers in a situation where the properties are inherited from the parent of the marked path. The fill property is set to be red on the parent of the marked path, which is not the parent of the marker element.

The last test examines the rendering of markers in a situation where there are properties inherited from the parent element of the marked path and properties specified on the marker element's children. In this case, the parent of the marked path has specified a fill of red and a stroke of green. The marker child element has specified a stroke of blue. The marked path inherits it's parents properties (fill of red and stroke of green) while the markers inherit the red fill from the marked path's parent and the green stroke is overridden by the child element as blue.