This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
An exception gets thrown from time to time when the library is deployed within a Web service. I suspect that this happens because the TransformerFactory that is used to create the source and stylesheet documents is not always the same. The bug is not easily reproductible as the same NamePool seems to be used most of the time, but it does occur a few times per day.
The Saxon Configuration instance was defined as static in AbstractXsltTestImplementation causing the instance to be shared amongst threads. The configuration object was given to the function that loads a compiled stylesheet. This function starts by changing the NamePool to the one that was used to compile the stylesheet. When multiple threads use the same library at the same time, the UnknownNamePool exception could be raised as a consequence.