This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
The following sentence appears as item 19 in section E Checklist of implementation-defined features: 19. ...either a or t, to indicate alphabetic or traditional numbering respectively, the default being ·implementation-defined·. (See fn:format-integer.)
Actually, this happens more often: 35. ...the format token n, N, or Nn, indicating that the value of the component is to be output by name, in lower-case, upper-case, or title-case respectively. Components that can be output by name include (but are not limited to) months, days of the week, timezones, and eras. If the processor cannot output these components by name for the chosen calendar and language then it must use an ·implementation-defined· fallback representation. (See The picture string.) 36. ...indicates alphabetic or traditional numbering respectively, the default being ·implementation-defined·. This has the same meaning as in the second argument of fn:format-integer. (See The picture string.) 49. ...the processor may use ·implementation-defined· heuristics to determine the likely encoding, otherwise... (See fn:unparsed-text.) So thinking a bit about this, perhaps it is intentional.
The checklist in appendix E is generated by extracting the "sentence" in which the keyword "implementation-defined" appears. If the "sentence" does not begin with a capital letter (typically because it is extracted from an item in a bulleted list) then it is preceded by an ellipsis. No action.