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Frans Englich posted as follows on the mulberry xsl-list yesterday: <quote> Saxon 8.6 fails this expression with XPTY0004, "Cannot compare xdt:yearMonthDuration to xs:duration": xdt:yearMonthDuration("P200Y2M") eq xs:duration("P200Y2M") The XPath 2.0 book specifies these operators: A eq B xdt:yearMonthDuration xdt:yearMonthDuration A eq B xdt:dayTimeDuration xdt:dayTimeDuration A eq B xs:duration xs:duration It also says this: <quote> Any operator listed in the operator mapping tables may be validly applied to an operand of type AT if the table calls for an operand of type ET and type-matches(ET, AT) is true (see 2.5.4 SequenceType Matching). For example, a table entry indicates that the gt operator may be applied to two xs:date operands, returning xs:boolean. Therefore, the gt operator may also be applied to two (possibly different) subtypes of xs:date, also returning xs:boolean. </quote> Doesn't type-matches(xs:duration, xdt:yearMonthDuration) hold true? My point being that the expression should succeed because xdt:yearMonthDuration is a subtype of xs:duration and that the xs:duration-eq operator therefore can be applied. If that is the case, which I doubt, the eq/ne operators for the two XDT durations are redudant, since the xs:duration-eq/ne operators covers them. What clause in any of the specifications disallow the above operand combination? (and the others variations by the same principle) </quote> I think Frans has a good point here. op:duration-equal is defined as if (cast as xdt:yearMonthDuration ($arg1) eq cast as xdt:yearMonthDuration($arg2) and cast as xdt:dayTimeDuration($arg1) eq cast as xdt:dayTimeDuration ($arg2)) return fn:true() else return fn:false() and this produces the correct result for any combination of duration, dayTimeDuration, and yearMonthDuration. So I think we should remove the four lines in the operator mapping table that define eq and ne operations between subtypes of duration, and the corresponding functions op:dayTimeDuration-equal and op:yearMonthDuration-equal. Michael Kay
I thought some more about it, and the current situation is a bit of a can of worms, I'd say. Consider the following expression: xs:duration(xdt:dayTimeDuration("P365D")) eq xs:duration(xdt:yearMonthDuration("P1Y")) From what I can tell, the validity of this expression depends on whether the dynamic types(xdt:dayTimeDuration/xdt:yearMonthDuration) or the static types(xs:duration/xs:duration) are used for the operator lookup. Perhaps, behavior could in practice become implementation dependent, considering the freedom implementations have in handling the types of values(subtype substitution, for example). The essence seems to be that in the case of the duration operators one can't rely on the very primitive base type(which one can in all other cases), but that a sub-type/dynamic type might be of importance. But yes, the solution Michael proposed seems to solve all this. Also, the pseudo function in op:duration-equal can be simplified into: return cast as xdt:yearMonthDuration($arg1) eq cast as xdt:yearMonthDuration($arg2) and cast as xdt:dayTimeDuration($arg1) eq cast as xdt:dayTimeDuration($arg2) It is less code(the if-expression was removed), but, of course, that doesn't necessarily mean readability is improved. Frans
In the expression xs:duration(xdt:dayTimeDuration("P365D")) eq xs:duration(xdt:yearMonthDuration("P1Y")) both the static and dynamic type of the two values will be xs:duration (the cast changes the dynamic type as well). So I do not see your problem....
Yes Rys, I think you are right. I don't know your reasoning, but from what I can tell a cast expression can return a value whose type is more specific than the static one(from the definition of dynamic type). However, the reason why that doesn't apply to this particular case of xs:duration/xdt:dayTimeDuration is that the relevant sections in F&O special case those; xdt:dayTimeDuration isn't treated as a xs:duration value. Curiosity: my conclusion is that the expression in comment #1 triggers a bug in Saxon, but when Saxon implements what likely is the result of this report(the eq ops for xdt:durations are removed) the bug will go away. Frans
The Saxon problem is off-topic for this list, but is now fixed. Michael Kay
"I don't know your reasoning, but from what I can tell a cast expression can return a value whose type is more specific than the static one(from the definition of dynamic type)." Sorry, but a cast cannot return a more specific dynamic type than the static type. Casting is actually changing the dynamic type and transforms the value from one type's value space to another type's value space. "treat as" does not change the dynamic type...
In discussion it emerged (i.e., Mary Holstege noticed!) that we can't simply get rid of op:yearMonthDuration-equal and op:dayTimeDuration-equal because the definition of op:duration-equal invokes these functions implicitly. On the other hand, the definition of equality on the two subtypes is not saying anything very profound. So we probably need a revised definition of op:duration-equal, in which case the other two functions can be dropped. I was actioned to write a concrete proposal.
"Sorry, but a cast cannot return a more specific dynamic type than the static type." I've asked myself this question a number of times, and have come to the conclusion that the result of a cast *can* be a subtype of the type requested. I think it is a general property of our processing model (see that expressions can return a value whose dynamic type is a subtype of the type implied by the static signature. For example the specification requires that the result of 1+1 is an xs:integer, and an implementation that returns a value of type xs:short conforms to this requirement because every xs:short is an xs:integer. By the same reasoning it is acceptable for xs:int(1+1) to return a value whose most specific type is xs:short. In Saxon, casting to a supertype is generally a no-op, and I believe this is conformant.
I agree with your interpretation for arithmetic. But this is incorrect when casting. Casting per definition needs to change both the static and dynamic type. Casting up the type hierarchy is only a noop regarding the value transformation, but it has to change the type annotation... Best regards Michael
Note that 365D is not necessarilly equal to 1Y. Isn't this why we have two distinct, non-overlapping sub-types of xs:duration in the first place?
The discussion on this bug has explored some interesting side alleys, but I'm now trying to fulfil action A-288-29 by proposing changes for how durations should be compared for equality (that is, eq and ne). 1. In the XPath/XQuery book, appendix B.2, delete the lines A eq B xdt:yearMonthDuration xdt:yearMonthDuration A eq B xdt:dayTimeDuration xdt:dayTimeDuration A ne B xdt:yearMonthDuration xdt:yearMonthDuration A ne B xdt:dayTimeDuration xdt:dayTimeDuration 2. In F+O delete sections 10.4.1 (op:yearMonthDuration-equal) and 10.4.4 (op:dayTimeDuration-equal) 3. To 10.4.7 op:duration-equal add after the second paragraph: Note that this function (like any other) may be applied to arguments that are derived from the types given in the function signature, including the two subtypes xdt:dayTimeDuration and xdt:yearMonthDuration. With the exception of the zero-length duration, no instance of xdt:dayTimeDuration will ever be equal to an instance of xdt:yearMonthDuration. Change the definition of the semantics of the function to read: The semantics of the function are defined by the following expression: xdt:yearMonthDuration($arg1) div xdt:yearMonthDuration('P1M') eq xdt:yearMonthDuration($arg2) div xdt:yearMonthDuration('P1M') and xdt:dayTimeDuration($arg1) div xdt:dayTimeDuration('PT1S') eq xdt:dayTimeDuration($arg2) div xdt:dayTimeDuration('PT1S') that is, the months and seconds components of the two durations are each equal. To the examples, add op:duration-equal(xdt:yearMonthDuration('P0Y'), xdt:dayTimeDuration('PT0D')) returns true op:duration-equal(xdt:yearMonthDuration('P1Y'), xdt:dayTimeDuration('PT365D')) returns false
A minor addition to the proposal in comment #10: Take the existing examples in sections 10.4.1 (op:yearMonthDuration-equal) and 10.4.4 (op:dayTimeDuration-equal) and add them to the revised section 10.4.7 op:duration-equal. Michael Kay
Ignore comment #11. There are no existing examples in sections 10.4.1 (op:yearMonthDuration-equal) and 10.4.4 (op:dayTimeDuration-equal). Instead, create some new examples: op:duration-equal(xdt:yearMonthDuration('P2Y'), xdt:yearMonthDuration('P24M')) returns true op:duration-equal(xdt:dayTimeDuration('P10D'), xdt:dayTimeDuration('PT240H')) returns true op:duration-equal(xs:duration('P2Y0M0DT0H0M0S'), xdt:yearMonthDuration('P24M')) returns true op:duration-equal(xs:duration('P0Y0M10D'), xdt:dayTimeDuration('PT240H')) returns true Michael Kay
We accepted the solution in comment #10 and #12.