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One observation on the test case "Serialization-json-31": The following expression... normalize-unicode('suçon', 'NFC') = 'ç' ...yields false, so I would also expect the regex test to fail.
Two more observations: * Serialization-json-40: Wouldn't "\t\n\r" be a valid result as well? Next, RFC7159 allows the character sequence in escaped characters to be upper or lower case, so I would recommend to use the following regex: \\u(0009|t)\\n\\u(000D|000d|r) * Serialization-json-55: I believe that the output ["
","\r"] would also be correct. A more flexible pattern could look as follows: \["&(#13|D|d);","\\u(000D|000d|r)"\]
Here is Serialization-json-31: <test-case name="Serialization-json-31"> <description>Test the JSON serialization output method - normalization form </description> <created by="Josh Spiegel" on="2014-11-02"/> <dependency type="spec" value="XQ31+"/> <test><![CDATA[ declare namespace output = ""; declare option output:method "json"; declare option output:normalization-form "NFC"; "suçon" ]]></test> <result> <serialization-matches>"suçon"</serialization-matches> </result> </test-case> I don't understand how this expression you give relates to this test: normalize-unicode('suçon', 'NFC') = 'ç' Did you mean this expression? normalize-unicode('suçon','NFC') = 'suçon' I think this should evaluate to true. Can you clarify?
Josh, thanks for the clarification and sorry for taking your time. After a second check, I can only agree that the normalization makes complete sense. So all that's left is the two other test cases on serializing 	 and .
As I understand it, you would like the test suite to (1) allow lower case and upper case escape sequences and (2) allow \r or \u000D On (2) the specification currently says: "If the JSON output method is selected, replace " with \" and the newline character (
) with \n." It doesn't mention \r. I think it should. If you agree, then I think you should file a bug against the specification asking for clarification. You could re-purpose this bug but it may be confusing that bug comment is unrelated.
I have just file the new bug 27478.
Based on the decision of Bug 27478, the allowed results should now be as follows: * Serialization-json-40 "\t\n\r " * Serialization-json-55 Three possible results: - ["
","\r"], - ["
","\r"] - [" ","\r"]
Fix applied to the test cases Serialization-json-40 and Serialization-json-55
Thanks for the fixes, O'Neil. Just one more thing. I think the special character need to be escaped: * Serialization-json-40 <serialization-matches>\\t\\n\\r </serialization-matches> * Serialization-json-55 <serialization-matches>\["&#13;","\\r"\]</serialization-matches> <serialization-matches>\["&#xD;","\\r"\]</serialization-matches> <serialization-matches>\["&#xd;","\\r"\]</serialization-matches>
Fixed according to comment #8: Escaped special characters