This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
At one time we proposed that a streamed node should carry with it some kind of set of counters indicating basic information about the number of preceding siblings of different kinds. I don't believe there is now any functionality in the spec that relies on this. However, I found a couple of references to the idea: Section 2.10 "However, constructs (for example, simple forms of xsl:number, and simple positional patterns) that require knowledge of the number of preceding elements by name are permitted." Similarly in 4.6: "Summary data about the preceding siblings of the node, and of each of its ancestor nodes: specifically, for each distinct combination of node kind, node name, and type annotation, a count of the number of preceding siblings that have that combination of properties. This information allows patterns such as match="para[1]" to be used, and it permits some limited use of the xsl:number instruction." I think these two paragraphs are obsolete and should be deleted. (For info: Saxon's streaming implementation does in fact carry this information, but makes very little use of it; about the only use I can find is to support simple positional patterns such as para[1]).
The WG agreed that these paragraphs should go.
The changes have been applied.