This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
In section 5.5 of the 3.1 specification at, the character "a umlaut" in "Jäger" is incorrectly rendered as "square root, section sign" in my browser. It is correctly rendered in the 3.0 version of the spec.
Another corruption occurs in (format-date) where the width modifier syntax appears as    ","  min-width ("-" max-width)? and another in 9.8.5 where the German for 31st is given as einunddreißigste However, pi and theta appear correctly in the specs of math functions, and the Islamic and Thai dates in 9.8.5 also appear correct, as do the Arabic-Indic digits and the Italian ordinal indicators in 4.6.1.
Looking at the CVS log, it seems the corruptions go back to the first version of the 3.1 xpath-functions.xml, which was apparently copied incorrectly from the 3.0 version of the document. (But it's hard to be sure, because my CVS client has a compare utility that is itself not showing these characters correctly). The corruptions moreover appear to be in some sense cumulative, in that different CVS commits show different variations of the character. Probably the best solution is to replace all non-ASCII characters in the source by character references or entity references, to reduce the risk of further corruption if someone uses a non-UTF-8 editor to edit the file.
The non-ASCII characters in the xpath-functions.xml file are in the following sections: namespace-prefixes - mdash, OK. defining-decimal-format - per mille sign - seems OK uca-collations - wrong (strength) A=a=√Ç=√¢, should be A=a=Â=â substring.functions - Jaeger should contain "a umlaut" (several times) date-time-duration-conformance - mdash, codepoint 8212 (twice), in deleted text. date-picture-string - ¬†¬†¬†","¬†¬†min-width ("-" max-width)? should use NBSP formatting-timezones - uses NBSP twice, written as entity ref, OK. date-time-examples - German example einunddrei√üigste Dezember is wrong, but the Hebrew, Arabic and Thai examples look OK. casting-to-float - wrong, √ó should be <= casting-to-double - wrong, √ó should be <= ISO10967 - mdash, OK. ISO15924 - mdash, OK. ISO15924_register - mdash, OK.
Correction, the symbol in casting-to-float and -double should be a multiplication sign.
These problems have been fixed by use of entities defined in the DTD.