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On several occasions throughout the text of the LC, the terms "library package" and "top-level package" are used, sometimes normatively, for example in XTSE3080 and in the xsl:output description. It is not clear from the get-go what a library package is. Though the term is largely self-explanatory, considering the impact of these terms on the specification, I think we should define these terms clearly.
Yes, I agree, we should define these terms.
The WG discussed this during the ftf meeting in Prague and accepted the proposal made in the bug description. It's error-prone enough to want to see the definition when done (so we're marking this ASSIGNED, not RESOLVED).
Proposal: (A) in 1.1, change the definition of stylesheet, currently: [Definition: A transformation in the XSLT language is expressed in the form of a stylesheet, whose syntax is well-formed XML [XML 1.0] conforming to the Namespaces in XML Recommendation [Namespaces in XML].] so that it is no longer a definition, and is changed to read: A transformation in the XSLT language is expressed in the form of a stylesheet. A styleheet consists of one or more well-formed XML [XML 1.0] documents conforming to the Namespaces in XML Recommendation [Namespaces in XML].] (B) Later in the section, change the last two paragraphs to: Stylesheets have a modular structure; they may contain several packages developed independently of each other, and each package may consist of several stylesheet modules. [Definition: A *stylesheet* consists of one or more packages: specifically, one top-level package and zero or more library packages.] [Definition: For a given transformation, one package functions as the *top-level package*. The complete stylesheet is assembled by finding the packages referenced directly or indirectly from the top-level package using xsl:use-package declarations: see 3.6.1] [Definition: Every package within a stylesheet, other than the top-level package, is referred to as a *library package*] [Definition: Within a package, one stylesheet module functions as the *principal stylesheet module*. The complete package is assembled by finding the stylesheet modules referenced directly or indirectly from the principal stylesheet module using xsl:include and xsl:import elements: see 3.12.2 Stylesheet Inclusion and 3.12.3 Stylesheet Import.] (C) In 2.3.1, change "principal stylesheet module for the transformation" to "principal stylesheet module of the package". (D) In 2.3.3 after "principal stylesheet module" add "of the top-level package". (E) In 25 Serialization, change "However, if the version attribute of the xsl:stylesheet element of the principal stylesheet module has the value 1.0..." to "However, if the effective version of the outermmost element of the principal stylesheet module in the top-level package has the value 1.0..." (F) Hyperlink all references to "top-level package" and "library package" as required.
The WG discussed this again in Prague and accepted the resolution in comment 3.
Changes applied.