This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
If I do this I get "true", "true": alert(0 in navigator.plugins); alert('Google Talk Plugin' in navigator.plugins); If I do this I get "true", "false": var names = {}; for (i in navigator.plugins) names[i] = true; alert(0 in names); alert('Google Talk Plugin' in names); With this I get "true", "false" ("true", "true" in Gecko, but that seems bogus given the other results): alert(navigator.plugins.propertyIsEnumerable(0)) alert(navigator.plugins.propertyIsEnumerable('Google Talk Plugin')) I don't see a way to do this in WebIDL. For now I've just said "The properties exposed in this way must not be enumerable". TESTCASE: (Note that Firefox doesn't act consistently here. It seems like it makes properties enumerable once you've tried to see if they're there? But try running the examples above in isolation and you'll see the difference. Or run the middle part of the test before the other two parts.) (I couldn't test IE.)
> It seems like it makes properties enumerable once you've tried to see if > they're there? It creates the properties when you try to see if they're there, and creates them as enumerable. Just trying to enumerate does _not_ create the properties. That's a bug. That bug is being fixed in which will in fact make both the name and the index enumerable, per current WebIDL spec. > For now I've just said "The properties exposed in this way must not be > enumerable". Unfortunately, that directly contradicts normative requirements WebIDL has here; we will be tracking WebIDL unless and until it gets changed (simply because all the code in question is autogenerated in our WebIDL bindings, so has no choice but to track WebIDL).
But note that we want a feature like this for <form> anyway, for bug 22320.
Other browsers don't enumerate the names them either. Given that this API only exists for back-compat, being different just because WebIDL doesn't have a way to do this doesn't seem like a good idea.
You can link to the term #dfn-unenumerable now:
I wonder whether we should use this for htmlcollection too... people seem to get confused by the current enumeration behavior there. :(
Taking this to deal with the implications on my side.
Checked in as WHATWG revision r8571. Check-in comment: Sync with WebIDL over 'unenumerable'.