This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
The bug explains the explicit commit action with two examples. (see: In the second example it says: "... a Date control that allows both text-based user input and user selection from a drop-down calendar: while text input might not have an explicit commit step, ..." I think the "might" should be changed to either "should" or "must". i.e.: "... a Date control that allows both text-based user input and user selection from a drop-down calendar: while text input *must* not have an explicit commit step, ..." It would be also great to explain an explicit commit action in case of an input[type="range"]. Because both current examples involve a "popover menu" (file select, date calendar). While a range has a totally different UI. For example, while the user holds the mouse and is dragging, he hasn't commited a change (only input event occurs). As soon as the user releases his mouse button (mousup, touchend, keyup etc.), he has commited a change.
Looking at: to see how this works in browsers today...
HTML5.1 Bugzilla Bug Triage: I believe I've given this a shot at commit: I also added a third example. Apologies that this commit also has a trailing whitespace cleanup as well. Your changes are only around the relevant spec text not spread out anywhere else... (This PR is not yet merged; comments welcome.) If this resolution is not satisfactory, please copy the relevant bug details/proposal into a new issue at the W3C HTML5 Issue tracker: where it will be re-triaged. Thanks!