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Bug 16093 - "created" and "dispatched" should be hyperlinks here.
Summary: "created" and "dispatched" should be hyperlinks here.
Alias: None
Product: WHATWG
Classification: Unclassified
Component: HTML (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other other
: P3 trivial
Target Milestone: Unsorted
Assignee: Ian 'Hixie' Hickson
QA Contact: contributor
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-02-23 19:39 UTC by contributor
Modified: 2012-12-10 05:01 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:


Description contributor 2012-02-23 19:39:08 UTC

"created" and "dispatched" should be hyperlinks here.

Posted from:
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.7 Safari/535.19
Comment 1 contributor 2012-07-18 16:20:13 UTC
This bug was cloned to create bug 18066 as part of operation convergence.
Comment 2 Ian 'Hixie' Hickson 2012-09-24 03:17:55 UTC
Aryeh: Where should "created" by hyperlinked to?

I think it might make sense to hyperlink all the uses of "fire" and "dispatch", actually. Several people have either suggested it, or been confused by those terms enough that I think it might help. It's a lot of work though.
Comment 3 Anne 2012-09-24 08:37:20 UTC
The linking I think makes sense. Not sure why "create" and "dispatch" need to be hyperlinks. DOM clearly defines the terms "fire" (which includes create) and "dispatch" in detail.
Comment 4 Aryeh Gregor 2012-09-27 09:58:09 UTC
If there's no definition anywhere of "created", then the wording here should be either be changed to a defined term or just removed (". . . must be dispatched . . .").  If there's no definition of what it actually means, I don't see how it adds clarity.

I definitely think things like this need to be hyperlinked.  Otherwise it's impossible for anyone but a spec guru to understand that the spec actually means something precise, and implementers are rarely spec gurus.  Of course, the cost-benefit tradeoff might not warrant the work of a mass change, but at least heavily-referenced uses like this can be changed, and any newly-added uses.

Yes, *we* know to look in DOM for things like this, but other people won't, particularly since there are multiple versions of DOM floating around (including now W3C vs. not) and other specs that cover similar ground (DOM 3 Events).  DOM 3 Events does indeed define "fire" and "dispatch", which do not mean the same thing as in DOM (it's not precisely defined at all AFAICT):

Random implementers are never going to be able to easily understand modern web specs, given how big and complicated they are these days, but that doesn't mean we need to plant landmines for them.
Comment 5 Ian 'Hixie' Hickson 2012-12-10 05:01:46 UTC
Fire and dispatch are now hyperlinked. Create just has its English meaning (well, it's computer science meaning, I guess), I don't know what is ambiguous about it.

Feel free to reopen if there's something I've missed or if the "create" here is unusually ambiguous.