This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Given that the reasons why bug 13390 isn't going to be fixed means the widgets can't be read only I guess it would make sense to have :read-write applying to them. However, some of the input types for which @readonly doesn't apply shouldn't be considered :read-write like hidden, button, submit and reset. The ones that should be :read-write are: range, color, checkbox, radio and file. I think the specs should add as a second item after: "The :read-write pseudo-class must match any element falling into one of the following categories:" (4.14.2, ":read-write"), the following case: "input elements to which the readonly attribute does not apply and with a value mode different from value." If the value mode seems wrong, we could list the types for which it applies or the types for which it doesn't.
IMHO neither should really apply to them, but the way I read CSS3 UI every element should match one or the other.
Should we change CSS3UI?
This bug was cloned to create bug 17812 as part of operation convergence.
Filter on [Idon'tcareaboutHTMLWGbugspam].
HTML5.1 Bugzilla Bug Triage: Moved to If this resolution is not satisfactory, please copy the relevant bug details/proposal into a new issue at the W3C HTML5 Issue tracker: where it will be re-triaged. Thanks!