Immersive Web Community Group Teleconference

15 Sep 2020


adarose, alexturn, atsushi, avadacatavra, bajones, cabanier, cwilso, dino, kip, Leonard, Manishearth, yonet

Meeting minutes

Ada: Review & submit responses for TPAC call in October

Ada: <offline now... :-( ?


<adarose> webex failed

webxr-hand-input#44 Add support for fillJointRadii and fillPoses

Brandon: Picking up...

[Ada returns]

<Manishearth> https://‌github.com/‌immersive-web/‌webxr-hand-input/‌pull/‌44

Manish: Previously discussed to allow the handling of all hand joints without having to create 100's of objects each frame

<Manishearth> https://‌github.com/‌immersive-web/‌webxr-hand-input/‌pull/‌46

Manish: currently in Hands repo, but if desired can be inserted into future version of Core

<cabanier> +1

Manish: still deciding on need for Boolean -- see PR

Rik: Boolean return is next agenda item

OGC has GeoPose WG. Potential for overuse of over-specification of "Pose"

Manish: Agrees, but just for knowledge

Manish: (to Rik) can have this and a dictionary API if needed

Brandon: Agree with Manish

Alex: Is the representation in the general case more or less convenient when passing into GPU

Brandon: Hard to say... may produce results that may or may not look good
… other choice is to send in a number of indenity arrays -- but that could cause major problems

Rik: May need to take an all-or-nothing, at least for hands.

<alexturn> q{

Manish: Does radius need to be nullable? If it is required, then providing reasonable defaults is fine.
… FALSE is returned if single NULL is in the array.

<cabanier> +1

Alex: No platform would provide a missing single joint -- the whole hand would be emulated

<Manishearth> https://‌github.com/‌immersive-web/‌webxr-hand-input/‌issues/‌23

webxr-hand-input#46 Return boolean from fill methods

layers#202 Publish first Working draft of the layers spec

Ada: previous agenda item -- https://‌github.com/‌immersive-web/‌webxr-hand-input/‌pull/‌46

Layers: https://‌github.com/‌immersive-web/‌layers/‌issues/‌202

Rik: Ready to publish as 1st Working Draft

Rik: No objections

Manish: Privacy issue (missed the details)

<avadacatavra> first published working draft of hands spec

What avadacatavra said

Diane: A lot of issues to identifiy what needs to be mitigated. A lot of work needs to be done on hands spec.
… Hesitant to let mitigation postpone 1st WD.


Diane: [New Topic] Leaving mixed reality in a new job. Participation only for the next couple of weeks. Anything for Diane
… needs to get to her quickly

<cabanier> 😢

<yonet> Good luck in your next adventure Diane.

[WG] Lots of thanks, appreciation, and congratulations...

Brandon: Privacy discussion generated a proposal on the repo (#1124). A little feedback has already appeared
… Please look

Ada: Do the Doodle poll today! (for TPAC date)

<adarose> https://‌doodle.com/‌poll/‌znr4vwkqabap2bt2?utm_campaign=poll_added_participant_admin&utm_medium=email&utm_source=poll_transactional&utm_content=gotopoll-cta#table

Ada: Meeting adjourned.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 123 (Tue Sep 1 21:19:13 2020 UTC).


Succeeded: s/scribe Leonard/scribe: Leonard/

Maybe present: Ada, Alex, Brandon, Diane, Layers, Manish, Rik