Transportation Ontology Coordination Committee

24 Mar 2020

Remote meeting minutes


Ted, Ken, Mark, Tom, Philippe, Glenn, Ulf, Daniel, Gunnar, Clemens, Linda, MagnusF, Megan, Peter, Benjamin, Jay, George, Arman, MagnusG, Wonsuk, Steve_Sill(DOT), Hongki
Peter, Ulf, Megan, Ken
Megan, Ted


[Route Use Case notes]

Ken: recap from yesterday; need to decide on a framework - how the ontology relates to other standards
...(2) making sure we establish a set of governance rules: goal to have ontology accepted beyond W3C, from all groups
...(3) establishing a set of conventions -- there will be multiple groups working on different things but models need to sync up somehow -- what are the conventions to diagram or otherwise formalize
...what metadata do we need to record
...(4) identify specific use cases to use as initial model to show people how to do all of this...e.g. routing

George: is what ken presented the scope / organization of the TOCC?

Ken: unclear exactly what the TOCC is intended to be, need to follow-up with Ted for more detail

Mark: given that we're all looking at transportation from different perspectives...
...the idea of focusing on a few different applications is a good way of addressing the problem of how do each of our data models / ontology perspectives interact with each other
...try to answer the questions what does each perspective do in terms of the different representation of the data; where should/does it come from
...need to identify where each of us contributes; suggest this might be a good goal, lets use routing as a step toward that and then move toward another use case

All: no objections, we'll focus on routing

Ken: within ITS architecture there is a trip planning and route service package

Clemens: focus is more on the dynamic information the TIC gives to the routing engine
...TIC = traffic information centre

Ken: different types of routing services...

Clemens: clarification on use case presented...there is somewhere in the cloud...something a mobile device communicates to and gets a route

Ken: example may not be a vehicular route but a transit route...multimodal
...but is what we're really talking about a fleet management scenario?

Mark: re. ken's diagram - from a city perspective, we're trying to answer what is the information from a city that is relevant to this scenario?
...e.g. city data, fire department, public works...
...it would be useful if we create a use case that expands on this use case to incorporate all of our perspectives so we can use that information to determine what's available in terms of data standards

George: is there commonality on the message structure?

Ken: many of the messages / flows have associated standards

George: ...ontological definition of the message flows?

Ken: that is what we want to do

George: how did the abstraction work for the OGC routing ontology?

Clemens: struggling with how to bring the concrete work of the pilot with the high level stuff e.g. Ken's presentation
...how can they benefit each other?

Ken: benefits longer term; e.g. migration between standards

Ken: what metadata do we need to record at each of the 3 layers? (conceptual, logical, physical? if those are the right 3 layers)
...e.g. data restrictions

Mark:Is physical level in the scope of this group?

Ken: agree, but it's important to connect to / harmonize with physical data models

Mark: responsibility of members of different groups to harmonize with required physical data models
...re. metadata, existing ontologies provide detailed specification of many of those concerns
...if we want to look at that we should review what's out there
...back to the use case...we need a shared use case...need to articulate the requirements
...to answer these questions
...can we start putting together a set of requirements about the use case? what does it have to cover (from each perspective)?

George: agree...maybe need more than one

Ken documenting use case discussion output on shared screen

George: network vs geometry representation...

settled on an example use case

Mark: how do we proceed? can everyone put together an example that defines the actors, requirements, constraints that we can circulate and put together tomorrow?

Clemens: one of the pilot participants used results from SCRIA project
...used API without any changes
...can describe the work they did with this pilot

Ted: re. scoping...
...auto group has a major focus on vehicle signals...we need to figure out / relate each of our high level goals...
...TOCC coordination with SDWIG and Auto/Transport group...
...main focus should be on data; suggest create a GitHub ...

Mark: re. homework - we agreed we'll put together variations on 2 use cases to discuss and come up with unified set of use cases
...suggest time this week to share these use cases, we could post on the GitHub for all to review and access
...worthwhile to have a second meeting this week to discuss and then discuss meeting frequency and focus going forward

Ted: create repository tonight w3c/tocc

All: homework assignment (use cases) for review on Thursday

use cases will be used to determine relevant data

2PM EST on Thursday to review use cases

no track 2 tomorrow

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/04/15 19:12:55 $