DCAT revision - public working drafts

From Dataset Exchange Working Group

DCAT Revision 2PWD (October 2018)

Text for Request for Comments

Dear Colleague

This mail is to update you on the work of the W3C Data Exchange Working Group [1] and to ask for your help in reviewing progress on the revision of the RDF vocabulary for data catalogues, DCAT, that was published on 16 October 2018. The draft of the revision is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-2/

The revision of DCAT is part of a group of 3 deliverables described in the Charter [2], but it is able to stand up by itself as an update to the recommended way in which data catalogues should be published on the web.

The main ways in which this first draft revision differs from the current recommendation include:

  • the scope of DCAT is extended to include data services and data distribution services, as well as datasets, as members of a catalog
  • some initial recommendations concerning the use of elements from the W3C PROV-O vocabulary for Dataset provenance
  • recommendations for catalogs with lower expressivity, concerning the relations between Datasets and associated resources
  • recommendations concerning the description of dataset quality, primarily using DQV (from the Data on the Web Working Group)
  • some minor adjustments to support citation of all catalogued resources
  • more relaxed axiomatisation that gives greater flexibility to the domain and range Classes of several predicates

In addition, among other things, we are working on:

  • ways of dealing with related datasets (including sub-datasets)
  • further recommendations regarding use of PROV-O elements and patterns in DCAT descriptions
  • patterns for dataset versioning

In reviewing the draft it might be helpful for you to keep in mind the “Use Cases and Requirements” document that we are working to [3].

We would find it helpful to get feedback on the following lines:

  1. Do you agree with the direction of travel of this revision of DCAT?
  2. Are there any areas where we could improve what we have done? [please illustrate]
  3. Are there any areas where you think the proposal is wrong or could lead us into developing proposals that are erroneous? [please give examples and reasons]
  4. Are there other use cases for data catalogues and datasets descriptions that we have not considered [please illustrate]

Please also feel free to make any other comments and suggestions regarding the draft. Note that positive comments or general assent to changes are very welcome, as these provide evidence of community acceptance.

Please, send comments through GitHub issues (https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues) or through email at public-dxwg-comments@w3.org

Best wishes

[1] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Main_Page

[2] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/charter

[3] https://www.w3.org/TR/dcat-ucr/

Spanish translation

Estimado colega,

Este mensaje es para dar información sobre el trabajo del 'W3C Data Exchange Working Group' [1] y para pedir tu opinión sobre el progreso de la revisión del vocabulario DCAT sobre catálogos de datos, cuya más reciente publicación es del 16 de octubre de 2018. Esta versión de la revisión está disponible en el siguiente enlace: https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-2/

La revisión de DCAT es uno de los 3 documentos en los que el 'Working Group' está trabajando, los cuáles están descriptos en el 'Charter' [2], pero es un documento independiente que recomienda cómo los catálogos de datos deben publicarse en la web.

Las principales diferencias de esta revisión con respecto al vocabulario original son:

  • el campo de aplicación de DCAT se ha extendido para incluir servicios de datos y servicios de distribución de datos, además de conjuntos de datos (o 'datasets'), como miembros del catálogo
  • algunas recomendaciones iniciales sobre el uso de elementos del vocabulario de W3C PROV-O para describir la proveniencia de los conjuntos de datos
  • recomendaciones para catálogos con menos detalles, incluyendo la relación entre datasets y otros recursos asociados
  • recomendaciones con respecto a la calidad de los conjuntos de datos, mayormente basadas en el vocabulario DQV (que fue uno de los resultados del 'Working Group' sobre Datos en la Web)
  • algunos ajustos menores para poder citar los recursos incluídos en el catálogo
  • algunas axiomatizaciones relativas al dominio y rango de varios predicados fueron relajadas para proveer más flexibilidad en su uso

Además, estamos trabajando en los siguientes temas para la versión final del documento:

  • formas de describir datasets relacionados (incluyendo sub-datasets)
  • recomendaciones adicionales sobre uso de elementos de PROV-O y sobre patrones en las descripciones usando DCAT
  • patrones para versiones de datasets

Para revisar el documento, puede ser útil considerar el primer documento que el Working Group produjo sobre casos de uso y requerimientos: “Use Cases and Requirements” [3].

Sería útil para nosotros recibir opiniones sobre el documento en base a las siguientes preguntas:

  1. Estás de acuerdo con la dirección que ha tomado esta revisión de DCAT?
  2. Hay alguna parte que deberíamos mejorar lo que hemos hecho? Cuáles?
  3. Hay alguna parte que crees que esté mal y pueda llevarnos a desarrollar descripciones equivocadas de catálogos de recursos en la web? Por favor, proveer ejemplos y razones
  4. Hay otros casos de uso para catálogos de recursos de datos y descripciones de datasets que no hemos considerado? Por favor, proveer información detallada.

Estaremos agradecidos si puedes proveer otros comentarios y sugerencias sobre el documento. Comentarios positivos o asentimientos generales acerca de los cambios también son bienvenidos, ya que los mismos son evidencia de la aceptación de los cambios por la comunidad.

Por favor, envia tus comentarios a través de Github (https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues) o por email a public-dxwg-comments@w3.org

Muchas gracias,

[1] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Main_Page

[2] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/charter

[3] https://www.w3.org/TR/dcat-ucr/

DCAT Revision First Public Working Draft (May 2018)

Text for Request for Comments

Dear Colleague

This mail is to update you on the work of the W3C Data Exchange Working Group [1] and to ask for your help in reviewing progress on the revision of the RDF vocabulary for data catalogues, DCAT, that was published on 8 May 2018. The First Public Working Draft of the revision is available at https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-2/

The revision of DCAT is part of a group of 3 deliverables described in the Charter [2], but it is able to stand up by itself as an update to the recommended way in which data catalogues should be published on the web.

The main ways in which this first draft revision differs from the current recommendation include:

  • more relaxed axiomatisation that gives greater flexibility to the domain and range Classes of several predicates
  • an expectation for a more modular approach to ontology development that defines a core and provides scope for other optional components through import

In addition, among other things, we are working on:

  • extending the scope of DCAT to include data services and data distribution services as well as datasets as members of a catalog
  • ways of dealing with related datasets (including sub-datasets)
  • representing dataset quality

In reviewing the draft it might be helpful for you to keep in mind the “Use Cases and Requirements” document that we are working to [3].

We would find it helpful to get feedback on the following lines:

  1. Do you agree with the direction of travel of this revision of DCAT?
  2. Are there any areas where we could improve what we have done? [please illustrate]
  3. Are there any areas where you think the proposal is wrong or could lead us into developing proposals that are erroneous? [please give examples and reasons]
  4. Are there other use cases for data catalogues and datasets descriptions that we have not considered [please illustrate]

Please also feel free to make any other comments and suggestions regarding the draft.

Please, send comments through GitHub issues (https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues) or through email at public-dxwg-comments@w3.org

Best wishes

[1] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Main_Page

[2] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/charter

[3] https://www.w3.org/TR/dcat-ucr/

Spreadsheet of contacts

The spreadsheet is here.