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Agenda for SDWWG teleconference 18 February 2015 20:00 GMT
Dial in details
Joining instructions: (official participants and invited guests only) Meeting time is 20:00 GMT throughout northern hemisphere winter/southern summer For audio: WebEx For text discussions, minutes, joining the speaker queue, actions & issues IRC channel: #sdw on irc.w3.org on port 6667 Please be sure to join both IRC and WebEx and use the same nick in both (or it gets very confusing) When you join the IRC channel, please immediately type 'present+ {yourname}' (this adds your name to the participants list in the minutes) If you dial in by phone you'll need this: Meeting number: 648 567 445 Audio connection: +1-617-324-0000 (US Toll Number ) See WebEx Best Practices for more
- Chair: Kerry
- Scribe: Ed
- Regrets:
- Recurring: Rachel Heaven, Jitao Yang
- This meeting: Manolis Koubarakis, Bill Roberts, Chris Little, Ioannis Athanasiadis, John Machin
- Check bots are running (see #The IRC Bots)
- Matching everyone on IRC and phone lines for Zakim
- Appoint Scribe
- Approving last week's minutes
- Patent Call
Main agenda
- New members to introduce themselves
- F2F meeting: call for presentations on GeoSPARQL, NeoGeo and the ISA Core Location vocabulary, GeoJSON, GeoJSON-LD and TopoJSON (for initial background, not for discussion)
- Plan for use case structuring (to be done at the F2F)
- Scope Questions: pls see and add to http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Scope_questions_and_Requirements
- Plan for impending time zone changes (suggestions to mailing list)
- Call for Editor for Use Case deliverable
The IRC Bots
W3C Telecon Resources: Zakim instructions in English Basic instructions in Portuguese
To start the meeting, check that trackbot is in the IRC channel (it usually is). If not, type:
/invite trackbot
Then you can type:
trackbot, start meeting
That should invite zakim and RRSAgent and generally get things ready to go. As a reminder: the Zakim IRC bot handles things like the speaker queue, RRSAgent handles the minute-taking, present and regrets list etc.
Please note that you will see a message that Zakim does not see any meetings scheduled at this time. This is a reference to the old conference bridge (also called Zakim) that is no longer in use. Scheduling is now done under the WebEx system. If you're feeling nostalgic for the old Zakim greeting, it's archived (of course).
Once you have started the meeting, you should see all three bots running:
- RRSAgent [documentation]
- Zakim [documentation]
- Trackbot [documentation]
If any are not in the room, type /invite
and then the name of the bot
During the meeting you may need to set the access permissions on the chat log with this command:
RRSAgent, make logs public
Then to create the minutes, type RRSAgent, draft minutes
- Telecon
- Use Cases Scope
- 2015-02-18
- http://www.w3.org/2015/02/18-sdw-minutes
- Ed
Minutes | http://www.w3.org/2015/02/18-sdw-minutes + |
Scribe | Ed + |
Subject | Use Cases Scope + |
Type | Telecon + |
Date "Date" is a type and predefined property provided by Semantic MediaWiki to represent date values. | February 18, 2015 + |