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Linguistic Linked Data as a bridge to reach a global audience

Presentation: Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and coordinador of LIDER project

Abstract: this presentation will introduce the notion of Linguistic Linked Data (LLD): linked data sets that can play a crucial role in making data on the Web multilingual. LLD can help PSI providers to engage directly with users around the world. We will discuss what LLD data sets are already available, which ones should have a high priority for you, and what needs to happen to make your data multilingual.

Your requirements for reaching a global audience with PSI data

Discussion session: - Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and coordinador of LIDER project

Abstract: in this session we will discuss a goal everybody has: your data wants to reach a global audience. If prioritization of data sets takes the current state into account, this aim fails: most of PSI data sets are monolingual. The aim of this session is to understand your priorities: what data sets do you want to be multilingual? What (technical, organizational, other) obstacles do you see in achieving multilingual data sets? What business value + usage scenarios are of high priority for you that would benefit from multilingual PSI? The outcome of this session will feed directly into activities of the LIDER project, which is building a community around linguistic linked data - an important ingredient for making your data multilingual.