[Odrl-version2] Common Vocabulary - Constraints on Duties

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Wed Jun 15 01:03:14 EST 2011

Hi Renato

Some further explanation. The problem arises from trying to decide what 'count' means as a Constraint when applied to different Actions.

In the case of the Action 'copy', it would be intuitive for the Constraint 'count' to imply a restriction on the number of copies that can be made. If one generalizes from that, the Constraint 'count' can be said to mean the number of times that the Action is performed.

But in that case, what does 'count' mean when applied to a Duty Action such as 'obtainConsent'? If it means the number of times that the Action is performed, that would imply that the Duty Action must be performed once. But "once" is meaningless unless one is certain what the denominator is. Is it "once ever", "once per Action", "once per day", "once per recipient of the copy"?

I'm not suggesting that the Common Vocabulary has to accommodate all cases, but I think we should understand what cases ARE accommodated. It seems to me that the current text is not sufficiently clear.



On 14 Jun 2011, at 15:48, Francis Cave wrote:

> Hi Renato
> The third case was intended to be more straightforward than per day (how does "per day" get specified, by the way? surely the rules ultimately should be expressible in ODRL?). I meant per Action, i.e. each time you want to perform the Action, you have to obtain consent first, regardless of when you wish to perform the Action. I'm not saying this is realistic in such a simple form, I'm just trying to check the bounds of what can/cannot be expressed in ODRL.
> Of course, real license terms will frequently be much more complicated and specify limits on the number of copies that can be made without consent, with consent and over what period.
> Regards,
> Francis
> On 14 Jun 2011, at 14:22, ri at odrl.net wrote:
>> On 14 Jun 2011, at 18:33, Francis Cave wrote:
>>> - You are permitted to make one copy of the asset, but must obtain consent first.
>>> - You are permitted to make any number of copies of the asset, but must obtain consent first.
>>> - You are permitted to make any number of copies of the asset, but must obtain consent first IN EACH CASE.
>> Hi Francis - let me understand these 3 cases first...
>> Case 1: Perm.Action.Copy Constraint.Count.eq.1 Duty.Action.obtainConsent
>> Case 2: Perm.Action.Copy Duty.Action.obtainConsent
>> For Case3, I am not clear on "in each case".
>> Do you mean that I make 10 copies today, and obtain Consent (once).
>> Then tomorrow I make 30 copies, and need to obtain consent again (once) ?
>> Cheers
>> Renato Iannella
>> ODRL Initiative
>> http://odrl.net

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