[Odrl-version2] Is a uid required for asset that itself includes the ODRL?

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Mon Jan 10 16:19:13 EST 2011

On 29 Dec 2010, at 06:49, Myles, Stuart wrote:
> What if I want to include an ODRL policy within the asset itself?  In that case, do I need to include the asset/@uid?
> Let's say I am including some ODRL within a news message, which is in an XML format such as ATOM or NewsML-G2.  If I omit the asset/@uid, will that imply that the policy applies to the wrapper asset?  I may not actually have a URI scheme for my news message, you see.  So, it would be convenient for me if I don't have to make one up!

Stuart - currently an Asset is mandatory in the Model, but I can see the use cases for your example.

In fact, if you look at the Birthday Attribute example in (in Section 6 of the XML WD [1]), you can see that the Asset is omitted - it is assumed to be the "parent" block of XML (in this case, the person's birthdate).

I think we need to add this to the Model (somehow) as the use cases for embedding ODRL in online digital content is growing....


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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