[Odrl-version2] Namur Notes

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Tue Oct 5 11:50:43 EST 2010

Please find attached the Action Notes from the ODRL WG Meeting in Namur last week.

Overall, it was a productive meeting with excellent outcomes and clearer future directions.

Thanks to the Koblenz Krew for the birthday cake !


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

ODRL Working Group Meeting == ACTION NOTES == 31 Sep - 1 Oct 2010 == Namur, Belgium

1 - ODRL V2.0 Common Vocabulary

a) New Policy Type: Privacy
b) Minor changes to the semantics of a number of the actions
c) Allow two identifiers for some actions (=same semantics)
d) Some actions (eg Lease, Lend, Sell) must have Next Rights
e) New actions: index, preview, include
f) See wiki for changes to Duty actions
g) New party roles for some actions (eg consentingParty)
h) Removed constraints: cpu, HighIncomeNation (=value of spatial)
i) Updated constraints: Area, Size = AbsoluteSize, RelativeSize
j) Watermark moved to Action (from constraint)
k) New constraints: resolution, event, location, media
l) Medium constraint renamed to deliveryChannel
m) New operators: isAnyof, isAllof, isNoneOf, isA, matches
n) Advert duty = Display <asset> + Count constraint
o) Add the new Party roles (scope) and functions

2 - ODRL V2.0 Core Model

a) Cardinality constraints on Party 0..*
b) Linking to Asset (for Duties) - we will not define a packaging format - allow the "external" asset to to packaged in existing formats and link via UID
c) Inheritance: link from Policy to Policy (not Asset) and add inheritRelation (eg oma:subscription)
d) Consequences - what happens if a Duty is not performed - add to Experimental Features

a) sizeOfGroup: specifying how many parties are allowed in a group UID
b) define scope terms (individual vs group)

3 - ODRL V2.0 Encodings

a) XML Schema - on track
b) RDF/OWL - publish on wiki (RDFa then possible)
c) Microdata - todo
d) Consider a JSON encoding?
e) RelaxNG proposed

4 - ODRL Profiles

a) ODRL Services Profile - update to V2.0 - being used in some EU projects
b) PLUS Profile - todo
c) ACAP Profile - discussion underway on wiki
d) ONIX-PL - early discussions about possible changes to Core Model

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