[Odrl-version2] Discussion forum @ODRL wiki

Daniel Pähler tulkas at uni-koblenz.de
Sat Jul 31 01:53:16 EST 2010

Dear all,

I'd just like to point out that there are some issues being discussed in the 
TikiWiki forum, or more precisely at


We decided to use the forum instead of the mailing list for two reasons:
- we can have the subject being discussed (in this case the new suggested 
Duties) in the same place as the discussion
- the discussion and its outcome are conserved in a way that makes them easier 
to find later than if they could only be found in the mailing list archives

Please participate actively in the discussions!

Greetings from Koblenz,
Dipl.-Inform. Daniel Pähler

Institute for IS Research
University of Koblenz-Landau
Universitaetsstrasse 1
D-56070 Koblenz
Fon +49-(0)261-287-2644
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