[Odrl-version2] Container Semantics

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Tue Feb 17 13:22:56 EST 2009

As we discussed at the last teleconference [1], we are going to create/ 
update the definitions of OR/AND/XOR for *each* of the core entities  
(Permission, Prohibition, Duty, Constraint):

Permission/OR:	You can perform Any one of the actions
Permission/AND:	You must perform All of the actions
Permission/XOR: 	You can perform Only one of the actions

Prohibition/OR: 	?
Prohibition/AND: 	?
Prohibition/XOR: 	?

Duty/OR: 	?
Duty/AND: 	?
Duty/XOR: 	?

Constraint/OR: 	?
Constraint/AND: 	?
Constraint/XOR: 	?

We need to define these semantically to match the core entity and the  
mathematical operator....

Any comments/additions/feedback welcome!!


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

[1] <http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2009-January/000017.html 

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