[Odrl-geospatial] Relationship between GeoDRM & ODRL [resent]

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Wed Dec 1 13:53:43 EST 2004

From: spmorris at ncsu.edu
Date: 1 December 2004 12:48:18 GMT+10:00
To: "ODRL Geospatial Profile Working Group" <odrl-geospatial at odrl.net>
Subject: Re: [Odrl-geospatial] Relationship between GeoDRM & ODRL


> I will be attending the USGS  Policy
> meeting in Washington DC next week and I am looking forward to speaking
> with Joe Cardinale (co-chair of OGC Geo DRM WG) and Tim Case (GeoData
> Alliance) who also will be in attendance. ...
> I'll be sure to write up a report of this meeting and share it with
> everyone.

That would be great.  I tried to join the GeoDRM listserv some time back
and got bounced (no OGC membership).  We've been trying to join the OGC
for some time now to engage on this and other issues of interest but 
hasn't panned out yet.

> I do agree with Steve's assessment of geoDRM, I'm not so sure how well
> their work will apply to the kind of objects that we are dealing with 
> in
> an educational setting.

Yeah, I'd like to get a better sense of the use cases GeoDRM will cover.

Will it cover client interaction with a WMS or WFS or WCS or geocoding
service? -- most likely

Will it cover download of a GML file from a server? -- possibly

Will it cover download of a shapefile from an FTP server?  -- not so 
about that

For this preservation project we are working on we are also dealing with
the issue of getting preservation use cases into these discussions.  If
these use cases don't get into the domain DRM standards then we may be
stuck with using the relevant domain DRM for 'use' elements in 
with some other possible generic 'preservation' DRM elements.

> I don't know of anyone who is doing this.  Although Mann Library at
> Cornell
> is committed to implementing METS for our geospatial repository, we 
> have
> not decided what RE schema we plan to use.  If this working group can 
> get
> a profile started with ODRL, I would like to use it.

Since we need a short term solution I think where we might be at is 
to shoehorn some things into METS DRM, documenting all the ways that
doesn't work, and use that to hopefully help inform ODRL
Geospatial/GeoDRM/preservation DRM efforts with the idea that the long
term solution lies there ... but then again maybe we'll find a way to 
things out a bit longer.


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