[Odrl-geospatial] Relationship between GeoDRM & ODRL

Elaine L. Westbrooks elw25 at cornell.edu
Wed Dec 1 09:39:21 EST 2004

Hello All:

I must apologize for the tardiness of this response.  As moderator you 
would no believe how much span I receive from this list!  Somehow, Steve's 
message was sitting in my trash.  Renato followed up but I didn't realize 
that Steve had posted a message.  At any rate, let me attempt to address 
your questions listed below:

Steve Morris' first question:  what is (or will be) the relationship 
between the ODRL geospatial profile and GeoDRM?  GeoDRM apears to be 
focused not just on services but also on data files (GML, etc.), but would 
appear--at least initially--to be focused more on OGC-spec based 
data.  Could anyone clarify the relationship?

At this point there is not much of a relationship.  Like you, I have done 
some Online snooping around, but ironically, the OGC is not very "open."  I 
have attempted to touch base with the co-chairs of the GeoDRM working Group 
and I have not received a response.  I will be attending the USGS  Policy 
meeting in Washington DC next week and I am looking forward to speaking 
with Joe Cardinale (co-chair of OGC Geo DRM WG) and Tim Case (GeoData 
Alliance) who also will be in attendance.  Fortunately, ODRL has been 
mentioned in their literature, so they are aware of ODRL and ODRL is 
certainly aware of them.

I'll be sure to write up a report of this meeting and share it with everyone.

I do agree with Steve's assessment of geoDRM, I'm not so sure how well 
their work will apply to the kind of objects that we are dealing with in an 
educational setting.

Another question:  Anyone using the METS Rights Expression schema as a 
short term approach to handling DRM with geospatial content?

I don't know of anyone who is doing this.  Although Mann Library at Cornell 
is committed to implementing METS for our geospatial repository, we have 
not decided what RE schema we plan to use.  If this working group can get a 
profile started with ODRL, I would like to use it.  I understand that the 
METS Rights Expression schema is pretty basic and I don't think that it 
will meet our needs, but I'm not sure-- so don't quote me.  I hope this helps!


At 08:03 PM 11/1/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Send Odrl-geospatial mailing list submissions to
>         odrl-geospatial at odrl.net
>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>         http://lists.odrl.net/mailman/listinfo/odrl-geospatial
>or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         odrl-geospatial-request at odrl.net
>You can reach the person managing the list at
>         odrl-geospatial-owner at odrl.net
>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of Odrl-geospatial digest..."
>Today's Topics:
>    1. Re:       Welcome to the Odrl-geospatial at odrl.net mailing list!
>       (Steve Morris)
>Message: 1
>Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 12:22:26 -0500
>From: Steve Morris <steven_morris at ncsu.edu>
>Subject: Re: [Odrl-geospatial]  Welcome to the
>         Odrl-geospatial at odrl.net        mailing list!
>To: ODRL Geospatial Profile Working Group <odrl-geospatial at odrl.net>
>Message-ID: <418670D2.3030106 at ncsu.edu>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>Hello all,
>Per Elaine's suggestion here's my brief introduction bit:
>I've been working with North Carolina State University Libraries' GIS
>data services program since 1997.  I headed up that operation until 2002
>and since then have been Head of Digital Library Initiatives, working
>with a broader sphere of digital repository, digital preservation, and
>other issues.  We are entering into a new three-year project focused on
>digital preservation of geospatial data, mostly state and local data
>resources.  One of the things we'll be trying to do there is encoding
>DRM statements (along with other descriptive/technical/administrative
>metadata) into METS records.
>My first question:  what is (or will be) the relationship between the
>ODRL geospatial profile and GeoDRM?  GeoDRM apears to be focused not
>just on services but also on data files (GML, etc.), but would
>appear--at least initially--to be focused more on OGC-spec based data.
>Could anyone clarify the relationship?
>Another question:  Anyone using the METS Rights Expression schema as a
>short term approach to handling DRM with geospatial content?
>Elaine L. Westbrooks wrote:
> > Good Afternoon:
> >
> > Welcome to the Odrl-geospatial at odrl.net mailing list!
> >
> > Many of you signed up for this list in early August, so I'm sorry
> > about the delay.  The Geospatial Group of the Open Digital Rights
> > Language Initiative is finally coming to life!  The delay in setting
> > this up can also be attributed to the lack of subscribers from
> > institutions outside of the US.  I've been trying to identify people
> > who may be interested. I know that there are lots of interesting
> > things going on in Europe, Asia, Australia (to name a few regions) in
> > the area of geospatial data management.
> >
> > The web page for the mailing list is:
> > http://www.odrl.net/Profiles/Geospatial/
> > List archives can be found at:
> > http://lists.odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-geospatial/
> >
> > Although as a working group, we have been formally charged with the
> > responsibility of creating a ODRL profile for geospatial data and
> > drafting best practicess, this list is primarily designed to be a
> > common meeting ground to discuss rights issues for those of us working
> > with geospatial information.  Susanne Guth will be are liason
> > <Susanne.Guth at gmx.net> and we can certainly touch base with Renato
> > Iannella, <renato at odrl.net> the driving force behind ODRL.
> >
> > I don't expect the volume to be high on this list.  Out of courtesy to
> > others, when possible, do not send attachments in your messages (mount
> > your files to a public webserver instead).  If someone would like to
> > help me manage and moderate, I'd welcome it.
> >
> > I have permission to post an article written by Daniel Wright,
> > entitled "Geospatial Digital Rights Management"  The article may be
> > downloaded at:  http://metadata.mannlib.cornell.edu/geo_odrl/
> >
> > I invite everyone to send a brief message to the list as an
> > introduction.  I'll start it off:
> >
> > I have been a metadata librarian at Albert Mann Library at Cornell
> > University since 2000 where I serve as the metadata specialist for the
> > Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR)
> > <http://cugir.mannlib.cornell.edu/>.  I also do a lot of work with the
> > various digital library projects that incorporate METS, Dublin Core,
> > TEI, DSpace, and OAI.  Because of my interest in bridging the 2 worlds
> > of GIS and Digital Libraries, I became quite interested in rights
> > expression and management.
> >
> > I will out of the office from now until October 25, but I do plan to
> > check my email during that time.
> >
> > I hope to hear from many of you soon!
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> > Elaine
> >
> > Elaine L. Westbrooks
> > Metadata Librarian
> > Albert R. Mann Library
> > Cornell University
> > Ithaca, NY 14851
> >
> > 607.255.3973
> > mailto:elw25 at cornell.edu
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Odrl-geospatial mailing list
> >Odrl-geospatial at odrl.net
> >http://lists.odrl.net/mailman/listinfo/odrl-geospatial
> >
> >
>Steve Morris
>Head of Digital Library Initiatives
>North Carolina State University Libraries
>Phone: (919) 515-1361  Fax: (919) 513-3553
>Steven_Morris at ncsu.edu
>Odrl-geospatial mailing list
>Odrl-geospatial at odrl.net
>End of Odrl-geospatial Digest, Vol 2, Issue 2
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