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All PROV examples

  • author: Paolo Missier (with Luc moreau from an old PROV-DM draft)

Identify the problem

This example is concerned with the evolution of a crime statistics file (referred to as e0) stored on a shared file system and which journalists Alice, Bob, Charles, David, and Edith can share and edit.

The use of provenance

Provenance tracks the various stages of cooperative document editing. Specifically:

Event evt1: Alice creates (activity: a0) an empty file in /share/crime.txt. We denote this file e1.

Event evt2: Bob appends (activity: a1) the following line to /share/crime.txt: "There was a lot of crime in London last month."

We denote the revised file e2.

Event evt3: Charles emails (a2) the contents of /share/crime.txt, as an attachment, which we refer to as e4. (We specifically refer to a copy of the file that is uploaded on the mail server.)

Event evt4: David edits (activity: a3) file /share/crime.txt as follows: "There was a lot of crime in London and New York last month."

We denote the revised file e3.

Event evt5: Edith emails (activity: a4) the contents of /share/crime.txt as an attachment, referred to as e5.

Event evt6: between events

Here is a graphical depiction:

crime file provenance graphical illustration

The PROV example

How PROV is accessed and queried?