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Chatlog 2012-01-19

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15:03:29 <RRSAgent> RRSAgent has joined #gld
15:03:29 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/01/19-gld-irc
15:03:31 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world
15:03:33 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be GLD
15:03:34 <trackbot> Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference
15:03:34 <trackbot> Date: 19 January 2012
15:03:39 <Spyros> Spyros has joined #gld
15:03:41 <Zakim> Zakim has joined #gld
15:03:41 <bhyland> #GLDWG
15:03:47 <cygri> zakim, this will be GLD
15:03:56 <cygri> zakim, who is on the phone?
15:03:56 <gatemezin> scribe:gatemezin
15:03:57 <Zakim> ok, cygri, I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM already started
15:03:59 <Zakim> +rreck
15:04:07 <Zakim> On the phone I see davidwood, raphael, BenediktKaempgen, [LC], ??P22, +35389466aaaa, ??P24, GeraldSteeman, rreck
15:04:14 <GeraldSteeman> GeraldSteeman has joined #GLD
15:04:15 <bhyland> zakim, who is on call?
15:04:17 <cygri> zakim, aaaa is me
15:04:17 <tgheen> Zakim, [LC] is me
15:04:21 <gatemezin> Chair:bhyland
15:04:22 <rreck> zakim, mute me
15:04:28 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call
15:04:31 <Zakim> I don't understand your question, bhyland.
15:04:33 <Zakim> +cygri; got it
15:04:36 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call?
15:04:37 <Zakim> +tgheen; got it
15:04:37 <gatemezin> Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20120119
15:04:41 <Zakim> rreck should now be muted
15:04:43 <rreck> can we edit zakim code?
15:04:47 <Zakim> I don't understand 'who is on the call', bhyland
15:04:57 <Zakim> On the phone I see davidwood, raphael, BenediktKaempgen, tgheen, ??P22, cygri, ??P24, GeraldSteeman, rreck (muted)
15:05:04 <bhyland> #GLDWG
15:05:04 <boris> hi everyone
15:05:12 <Zakim> + +34.91.336.aabb
15:05:12 <gatemezin> hi Boris!!
15:05:14 <Zakim> +??P32
15:05:14 <rreck> yes
15:05:20 <rreck> as in make it more felxioble
15:05:26 <rreck> zakim, unmute me
15:05:26 <Zakim> rreck should no longer be muted
15:05:27 <boris> zakim, aabb is boris
15:05:28 <Zakim> +boris; got it
15:05:39 <Zakim> + +1.202.691.aacc
15:05:44 <olyerickson> Zakim, ??P32 is me. 
15:05:45 <Zakim> +olyerickson; got it
15:05:49 <gatemezin> zakim, who is here?
15:05:50 <Zakim> On the phone I see davidwood, raphael, BenediktKaempgen, tgheen, ??P22, cygri, ??P24, GeraldSteeman, rreck, boris, olyerickson, +1.202.691.aacc
15:05:55 <Zakim> On IRC I see GeraldSteeman, Zakim, Spyros, RRSAgent, boris, olyerickson, tgheen, BenediktKaempgen, gatemezin, bhyland, MacTed, cygri, DaveReynolds, danbri, rreck, trackbot, sandro
15:06:07 <dvilasuero> dvilasuero has joined #gld
15:06:17 <boris> zakim, dvilasuero is with me
15:06:17 <Zakim> +dvilasuero; got it
15:07:30 <bhyland> Agenda bashing for a minute: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20120119#Agenda
15:07:36 <gatemezin> bhyland: last meeting before the F2F....regrets send by George
15:07:53 <gatemezin> bhyland: Is there any thing to add in the agenda? 
15:08:39 <rreck> i would like to comment on the URI section today.
15:08:42 <Zakim> +sandro
15:08:43 <olyerickson> RE agenda, got it, thanks
15:08:44 <gatemezin> John: Is this today agenda or the F2f one?
15:08:48 <sandro> (sorry I'm late!)
15:09:08 <DanG> DanG has joined #gld
15:09:46 <gatemezin> John: Will not be present for the F2F. sorry about that.
15:09:56 <rreck> oops
15:10:00 <rreck> zakim, unmute me
15:10:00 <Zakim> rreck was not muted, rreck
15:10:11 <gatemezin> Zakim, who is speaking?
15:10:22 <Zakim> gatemezin, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: davidwood (43%), rreck (9%)
15:10:48 <DaveReynolds> I won't, I will dial in when I can
15:10:48 <bhyland> zakim, davidwood is me
15:10:48 <Zakim> +bhyland; got it
15:11:00 <GeraldSteeman> I'll be dialing in.
15:11:16 <bhyland> Minutes from last week to approve:
15:11:16 <bhyland> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-01-12
15:11:18 <gatemezin> bhyland: quick look at the last week meeting
15:11:29 <BenediktKaempgen> +1 to minutes
15:11:50 <boris> +1
15:11:53 <rreck> +1 minutes
15:11:53 <gatemezin> bhyland: thanks Sandro for cleaning the minutes
15:12:00 <gatemezin> +1
15:12:17 <bhyland> Action items:
15:12:17 <trackbot> Sorry, bad ACTION syntax
15:12:17 <bhyland> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/
15:12:27 <DruidSmith> DruidSmith has joined #gld
15:12:32 <gatemezin> RESOLUTION: minutes of the last meeting approved
15:13:16 <bhyland> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/actions/9
15:13:24 <Zakim> +DruidSmith
15:13:41 <gatemezin> bhyland: do you have something written for the pragmatic...
15:14:09 <Zakim> -BenediktKaempgen
15:14:16 <bhyland> Topic: Pragmatic Provenance for Best Practices 
15:14:20 <Zakim> +??P44
15:14:57 <gatemezin> John: Pragmatic requires original thinking....
15:15:05 <olyerickson> Will do : EOD tomorrow (Friday)
15:16:05 <john> john has joined #gld
15:16:07 <Zakim> +BenediktKaempgen
15:16:21 <gatemezin> bhyland: For right now, put a place holder in the wiki and discussion in the F2F
15:16:31 <bhyland> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/actions/11
15:16:44 <olyerickson> woot! 
15:16:53 <gatemezin> bhyland: please to say it is done!! Great!
15:16:57 <boris> thanks bhyland
15:17:19 <gatemezin> Good job, bhyland.
15:18:09 <sandro> action-11?
15:18:09 <trackbot> ACTION-11 -- Bernadette Hyland to add vocab in "cookbook" to wiki -- due 2011-10-13 -- OPEN
15:18:09 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/actions/11
15:18:17 <sandro> close action-11
15:18:17 <trackbot> ACTION-11 Add vocab in "cookbook" to wiki closed
15:18:23 <sandro> action-11?
15:18:23 <trackbot> ACTION-11 -- Bernadette Hyland to add vocab in "cookbook" to wiki -- due 2011-10-13 -- CLOSED
15:18:23 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/actions/11
15:18:32 <gatemezin> Zakim, who is here?
15:18:33 <Zakim> On the phone I see bhyland, raphael, tgheen, ??P22, cygri, ??P24, GeraldSteeman, rreck, boris, olyerickson, +1.202.691.aacc, sandro, DruidSmith, ??P44, BenediktKaempgen
15:18:36 <Zakim> boris has boris, dvilasuero
15:18:37 <Zakim> On IRC I see john, DruidSmith, DanG, dvilasuero, GeraldSteeman, Zakim, Spyros, RRSAgent, boris, olyerickson, tgheen, BenediktKaempgen, gatemezin, bhyland, MacTed, cygri,
15:18:41 <Zakim> ... DaveReynolds, danbri, rreck, trackbot, sandro
15:19:28 <bhyland> close action-13
15:19:28 <trackbot> ACTION-13 Post OGV docs as input to GLD on GLD wiki closed
15:20:05 <bhyland> Action 18
15:20:05 <trackbot> Sorry, bad ACTION syntax
15:20:11 <bhyland> close action-18
15:20:11 <trackbot> ACTION-18 Agreed to facilitate initial wiki draft on Vocab page on VCAT. closed
15:20:17 <gatemezin> ??: couple of update to do for the action 13
15:21:12 <bhyland> close action-23
15:21:12 <trackbot> ACTION-23 Hyland to contact Top Quadrant (David Price) closed
15:22:19 <bhyland> close action-27
15:22:20 <trackbot> ACTION-27 Confirm when US Bureau of Labor Stats can be open for our meeting closed
15:22:38 <bhyland> RE: F2F in DC - we can check in as early as 6:30AM start.
15:22:50 <Zakim> +MikePendleton
15:22:52 <Mike_Pendleton> Mike_Pendleton has joined #gld
15:22:54 <bhyland> close action-28
15:22:54 <trackbot> ACTION-28 Agree to clean up unknown references for Mike Pendleton's name in last week's minutes, see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-01-05 closed
15:23:21 <rreck> I have completed my action item
15:24:18 <gatemezin> Topic: F2F Agenda
15:24:47 <bhyland> Review of Day #1 - http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/F2F2#Agenda
15:24:57 <gatemezin> bhyland: Is there any specific things to add?
15:26:39 <rreck> i think Anne (who is not here) was hoping to talk the first day. Apparently there is no time available.
15:26:40 <bhyland> Introducing Spyros Kotoulas (IBM)
15:27:04 <bhyland> IBM Research Dublin. Focus is on RDF Data Management
15:27:21 <BenediktKaempgen> Hi Spyros.
15:27:22 <bhyland> Biplav invited Spyros.
15:27:27 <olyerickson> Trying to get edits to F2F agenda to update...
15:28:57 <gatemezin> bhyland: Encourage people to do small presentations for the discussion, link them to the W3C site
15:29:18 <bhyland> q?
15:30:32 <gatemezin> bhyland: the presentation is done by the facilitator to help people get people more involved
15:30:55 <gatemezin> ..after the presentation, have time to discussion
15:31:22 <rreck> i cant commit Anne, but if I cant get in touch with her, I would commit to Wed
15:31:38 <gatemezin> bhyland: welcome contribution in the agenda..
15:32:26 <gatemezin> John: won't be able for the first session?
15:32:38 <olyerickson> Arrrgh
15:32:39 <gatemezin> John: It is hard to hear you..
15:32:44 <olyerickson> Buy the man an Internet
15:32:53 <cygri> buy him a phone!
15:32:54 <olyerickson> I'm confirmed for 11a leading URInp
15:32:54 <sandro> or a telephone.  :-)
15:33:02 <olyerickson> VERmont
15:33:03 <boris> q+
15:33:06 <olyerickson> NH
15:33:25 <rreck> q+
15:33:26 <olyerickson> Looking forward to leading URI discussion on Thurday
15:33:55 <bhyland> Boris said his colleagues Daniel will collaborate with John on URI construction.
15:33:58 <olyerickson> Weds
15:34:00 <olyerickson> sorry
15:34:42 <gatemezin> boris: coming to Ireland...and that Daniel will collaborate preparing some slides
15:35:01 <olyerickson> Can someone please explain why F2F Wiki isn't updating?!?!
15:36:07 <cygri> q+
15:36:23 <DaveReynolds> Surely that won't be a formal W3C Rec track document will it ?
15:36:26 <bhyland> Topic: What level of "supported" or stable does something we recommend in a W3C Recommendation?
15:36:44 <bhyland> @DaveReynolds - are you talking generally or specifically about the LOD Cookbook
15:37:17 <DaveReynolds> @bhyland anything that recommends say specific tools
15:37:42 <bhyland> For example, only use stable vocabulary X, Y or Z.
15:38:16 <olyerickson> Zakim, who is speaking?
15:38:26 <Zakim> olyerickson, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds
15:38:44 <gatemezin> cygri: for services, we should see the operate the tool; ask the provider before putting in the w3c recommendation
15:38:51 <bhyland> MichaelHausenblas - would only be appropriate to mention something in a W3C Recommendation if we've asked the provider what their support plan is for a given tool.
15:38:54 <rreck> +1 what a great idea
15:39:47 <olyerickson> In some cases (older I think) W3C has hosted reference implementations and tools (w.g. validator, etc)
15:40:01 <cygri> s/MichaelHausenblas/cygri/
15:40:02 <DaveReynolds> Very worried to hear that W3C is planning to recommend specific tools in a Rec track document. 
15:40:19 <gatemezin> s/MichaelHausenblas/cygri
15:40:59 <olyerickson> Issue for Best Practices: Please advise where to insert Practical Provenance discussion
15:41:01 <sandro> DaveReynolds, I didn't hear that said, unless you consider RDF vocabs as tools....
15:41:19 <bhyland> q?
15:41:26 <cygri> ack me
15:41:45 <gatemezin> Zakim, who is speaking?
15:41:54 <DaveReynolds> sandro, I heard "tools" a couple of times. It if is really only stable, supported vocabs then that would be fine.
15:41:55 <Zakim> gatemezin, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: bhyland (43%), sandro (21%), MikePendleton (4%)
15:41:57 <boris> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Best_Practices_Discussion_Summary
15:42:09 <bhyland> q?
15:42:09 <sandro> ack boris 
15:42:13 <bhyland> q- boris
15:42:15 <olyerickson> RE Best Practices "Practical Provenance" I propose adding 2.2.8 Pragmatic Provenance
15:42:28 <gatemezin> boris: made some comments in vocab selection
15:43:09 <bhyland> ack rreck
15:43:12 <bhyland> q?
15:43:22 <bhyland> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Best_Practices_Discussion_Summary
15:44:26 <bhyland> Topic: Procurement Guidance for government procurement officials
15:45:26 <gatemezin> ??: Did an overview of categories for contract officers, procurement checklists also provided
15:45:27 <bhyland> Mike_Pendleton is segmenting out the main sections that would make sense to a procurement officer or his/her technical officer or representative
15:45:47 <gatemezin> s/??/Mike_Pendleton
15:46:58 <gatemezin> Mike_Pendleton: security issue to be faced in the case of US...not sure is the case in Europe
15:48:17 <bhyland> Mike_Pendleton: Questioned whether security plan is universal.
15:48:44 <bhyland> Discussed: Reference card that has text from a Recommendation, but in a handy reference card PDF with W3C logo on it ...
15:49:45 <gatemezin> bhyland: Need a clear description for the governments...
15:50:38 <gatemezin> bhyland: Mike_¨Pendleton to be added in the agenda of day 2, F2F.
15:50:45 <cygri> +1
15:50:46 <DaveReynolds> Structure is certainly not universal
15:51:05 <DaveReynolds> Seems to assume broad arch appraoch
15:51:13 <rreck> i think it is a can of worms and would warrant a long time
15:51:25 <DaveReynolds> +1 to rreck
15:52:54 <bhyland> RE: Security Plan - I'm just suggesting a template with some info specific to LOD that would help people get LOD projects fielded.
15:53:42 <DaveReynolds> Different for hosted, cloud hosted, agency hosted, multi-agency collaboration - not a single template
15:56:37 <bhyland> +1 Dave
15:56:47 <olyerickson> Unless there is something very specific concerning LGD we can offer, we can only advise that stakeholders follow whatever they are supposed to follow
15:57:08 <olyerickson> ...re security
15:57:12 <gatemezin> Mike_Pendleton will just propose security plans that are already out there..
15:57:45 <gatemezin> Zakim, who is speaking?
15:57:52 <rreck> rreck
15:57:55 <Zakim> gatemezin, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: bhyland (46%), MikePendleton (2%)
15:58:49 <gatemezin> bhyland: do anything someone wants to update before the F2F?
15:59:27 <bhyland> Ron, URI's don't need to resolve, you are correct.
15:59:38 <bhyland> We'll fix any errors — we are in the draft stage.
16:00:47 <olyerickson> Our job isn't into explain URIs or enter into existential URI discussions
16:01:03 <john> can chip in a few words on GeoSparql (goodwin not sheridan)
16:01:12 <bhyland> @RonReck - What is the page where you've seen an error?
16:01:17 <olyerickson> I think we should only go into suggestions of syntax
16:01:19 <rreck> i dont think they are existential
16:01:32 <bhyland> Topic: GeoSparql at final draft stage
16:01:40 <rreck> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Best_Practices_Discussion_Summary#2.2.3_URI_Construction
16:02:05 <john> geosparql draft: https://portal.opengeospatial.org/twiki/pub/GEOSPARQLswg/WebHome/11-052r4_GeoSPARQL_-_A_Geographic_Query_Language_for_RDF_Data-01-13-12.doc
16:02:59 <gatemezin> bhyland: send email for the presentation on monday ....
16:03:00 <BenediktKaempgen> What is the paasword for the draft?
16:03:06 <john> (sorry seems to be members only link). Will update when draft is public
16:03:29 <bhyland> cygri: RE: DERI F2F & Galway activities - see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/F2F2#European_Location_.E2.80.93_Galway.2C_Ireland
16:03:41 <bhyland> cygri will email people with watering location.
16:03:46 <gatemezin> cygri: will orgranize something the day before in Ireland
16:04:01 <DanG> Bye all
16:04:03 <DaveReynolds> bye all
16:04:08 <olyerickson> Thanks everyone!
16:04:09 <john> bye
16:04:11 <BenediktKaempgen> bye thanks
16:04:13 <dvilasuero> bye thanks
16:04:27 <Zakim> - +1.202.691.aacc
16:04:29 <Zakim> -MikePendleton
16:04:32 <cygri> looking forward to next week!
16:04:33 <Zakim> -sandro
16:04:35 <Zakim> -DruidSmith
16:04:37 <Zakim> -bhyland
16:04:38 <Zakim> -??P22
16:04:40 <Zakim> -GeraldSteeman
16:04:43 <Zakim> -olyerickson
16:04:45 <Zakim> -BenediktKaempgen
16:04:45 <gatemezin> See you then..
16:04:45 <bhyland> @gatemazin - did you need any help publishing the minutes?
16:04:47 <Zakim> -cygri
16:04:50 <DaveReynolds> DaveReynolds has left #gld
16:04:55 <Zakim> -boris
16:05:01 <Zakim> -tgheen
16:05:09 <bhyland> Check the steps here … http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20120119#Scribe.27s_End_of_Meeting_Checklist
16:05:13 <Zakim> -??P24
16:05:17 <Zakim> -??P44
16:05:25 <gatemezin> @bhyland: thanks. I check it
16:05:44 <bhyland> Thanks you!
16:06:21 <Zakim> -rreck
16:06:45 <Zakim> -raphael
16:06:46 <Zakim> T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended
16:06:48 <Zakim> Attendees were raphael, BenediktKaempgen, +35389466aaaa, GeraldSteeman, rreck, cygri, tgheen, +34.91.336.aabb, boris, +1.202.691.aacc, olyerickson, dvilasuero, sandro, bhyland,
16:06:51 <Zakim> ... DruidSmith, MikePendleton
16:06:57 <gatemezin> rssagent, set logs world-visible
16:07:10 <gatemezin> rssagent, generate minutes
16:08:06 <olyerickson> olyerickson has left #gld
16:08:08 <gatemezin> rrsagent, set logs world-visible
16:08:24 <gatemezin> rrsagent, generate minutes
16:08:24 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/01/19-gld-minutes.html gatemezin