F2F Sep 2019

From Audio WG Wiki

16-19 Sep 2019 F2F in Fukuoka, Japan (TPAC 2019)

Before the Meeting

  • Registration by 6 September 2019: via TPAC registration system
  • The meeting is open to Audio WG and Audio CG participants. Observers welcome. Please indicate your interest to attend or observe in the registration form.

Who has registered? WG CG


  • WG Meeting room: Kashi, 1F.
  • CG meeting room: Kei, 3F.

see TPAC venue and TPAC schedule for more detail


Working group Day 1 - Mon 16 Sep 2019
08:30 Arrive, setup, coffee
09:00 Introductions
09:15 V1: Implementation status, open issues blocking Recommendation
10:00 V1: Handle other open issues marked for v1
10:20 Request Recommendation status?!?
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 V2: Decide what V2 means and what the goals are. This is separate from ADC.
12:00 Lunch
13:00 V2: Review labels and milestones and decide how we want to handle these things
14:00 V2: Review high-priority issues
14:30 V2: Prioritize feature requests in issue tracker
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 WebMidi updates
16:00 V2: Triage issues, deciding on whether they belong to V2 or some future version
17:00 Close
Working group Day 2 - Tue 17 Sep 2019
08:30 Arrive, setup, coffee
09:00 V2: More triage of issues
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Audio Device Client issues
12:00 Lunch
13:00 V.next: What is it, what do we want to achieve
13:30 V.next: triage bugs that don't fit v2 but would work for V.next
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 V.next: Continue
16:30 Close
17:30 Dinner/Celebration (venue TBC)
Day 3 - Wed 18 Sep 2019
08:00 - 17:00 Plenary Day
Community Group Day 4 - Wed 19 Sep 2019
10:30 Introductions
10:40 Brief summary of WG meeting for CG
10:50 Open-ended discussion on what the community would like to see in both V2 and V.next
12:20 Wrap up and discussion of WG/CG calls going forward.
12:30 Close