09:41:38 RRSAgent has joined #html-wg2 09:41:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-irc 09:41:49 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 09:48:00 plh has joined #html-wg2 09:48:18 plh has changed the topic to: IRC for HTML WG breakout room 3B. For 3A, see #html-wg 09:55:36 mjs has joined #html-wg2 09:56:58 Meeting: HTML WG F2F meeting (room 3A) 09:57:28 weinig has joined #html-wg2 09:57:37 hi dsinger! 09:58:20 oops. 09:58:22 Meeting: HTML WG F2F meeting (room 3B) 10:00:23 mjs has joined #html-wg2 10:00:27 beverloo has joined #html-wg2 10:01:10 yongil_jang has joined #html-wg2 10:01:12 yongil_jang has left #html-wg2 10:04:37 hsivonen has joined #html-wg2 10:04:41 anne has joined #html-wg2 10:06:22 ScribeNick: mjs 10:07:54 Julian has joined #html-wg2 10:08:36 Sam, http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/ (test cases and links) 10:09:55 agenda: 10:09:56 (1) intro from Alexey 10:10:14 (2) IANA / rel / MIME / charset 10:10:17 Julian: thanks 10:10:32 (3) URI / IRI 10:10:45 URL! 10:10:48 (4) HTML: is it a good enough format to publish RFCs in? 10:11:23 hsivonen, will do 10:11:33 Alexey: I call you about the organization chart 10:12:14 Alexey: I want to project the IANA slide that I think was skipped yesterday 10:12:19 (setting up projector) 10:12:37 eliot has joined #html-wg2 10:14:35 (IETF and IANA is projected) 10:14:50 Alexey: IANA manages registries, and there are multiple entities that affect what IANA does 10:15:10 adam has joined #html-wg2 10:15:13 Alexey: If IETF adopts a procedure or defines a policy, IANA is required to follow it 10:15:23 Alexey: IANA does give input on what the policy should be 10:15:38 Alexey: IANA follows what IETF says in RFCs 10:16:02 Alexey: the other entity that affects IANA is the IAB (Internet Architecture Board) - talks to IANA about policy decisions like licensing 10:16:32 Alexey: IESG approves RFCs and so defines the formats, IAB controls the policy experts 10:16:56 Alexey: If people are unhappy with IANA policies they should not blame IANA - except in the case where IANA is slow in updating something 10:17:04 AVK: can blame them about format, URL persistence 10:17:34 Alexey: there is a document, RFC5226 which defines standard procedures for registries 10:17:53 Alexey: IETF can make any format that it wants, but there is a typical format for registries 10:18:08 Alexey: registries can have different policies, templates, levels of restrictiveness 10:18:26 Alexey: most permissive level is first come first serve 10:18:32 Alexey: examples include vendor names 10:18:58 Alexey: on the other end of the spectrum, the strictest ones require a standards track RFC 10:19:08 Alexey: in the middle is a procedure called "specification required" 10:19:31 Alexey: requires a stable specification from an IETF-recognized standards organization 10:19:41 adrianba has joined #html-wg2 10:19:48 HS: Is there an official definition of what is a recognized standards organization? there are different opinions 10:20:01 Alexey: no, it's not defined; people don't want to fix the list 10:20:14 Alexey: general criteria are: long established, stable document 10:20:41 HS: why is stability a requirement? if the software moves faster than the registry, then the registry is out of date 10:20:54 Alexey: depends on the registry - many registries are for developers 10:21:29 Alexey: for example, as a developer you may want to find all the link relations 10:21:34 yael has joined #html-wg2 10:21:39 AVK: but as a developer, I find current IANA registries useless 10:21:47 AVK: wikipedia is a better reference for URI schemes than IANA is 10:22:01 AVK: vetting by experts makes registries incomplete and inaccurate 10:22:10 HS: you said not just software implementors or others 10:22:24 HS: for years, image/svg+xml wasn't in the registry 10:22:39 HS: when Apple shipped MPEG-4, the type wasn't in the registry 10:22:52 HS: I can't think of any constituency for whom the registry says all that they want to know, or even close 10:22:58 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 10:22:58 AVK: apart from pedants, maybe 10:23:04 Alexey: a couple of comments on this 10:23:11 Alexey: different registries have different policies 10:23:27 Alexey: at the time when the registry was established, there was IETF consensus that this was the desired policy 10:23:28 krijnh has joined #html-wg2 10:23:53 Alexey: as time goes on, it may be that reality shows that a particular policy was too strict (or too permissive) 10:24:03 Zakim has joined #html-wg2 10:24:10 Alexey: maybe part of the answer is to revise the policy 10:24:29 Joshue has joined #html-wg2 10:24:41 HS: in the days of classic MacOS when Carbon was still used a lot, and you needed four char type and creator codes, it seemd that the value for those codes was smaller than the space for MIME types 10:25:08 HS: so you'd think you'd have a greater need than for MIME types to limit who can get what, but Apple operated a registry on first-come first-serve basis and nothing bad came out 10:25:13 Lachy has joined #html-wg2 10:25:27 MJS: you mentioned that it is possible to change the policy 10:25:39 ... assuming that some of the folks here are interested in a much more permissive policy 10:25:43 MichaelC has joined #html-wg2 10:25:56 ... what would be the process to get the IETF to change 10:26:14 Alexey: talk to the AD and talk to other people to initiate discussion 10:26:19 Lachy has joined #html-wg2 10:26:22 Alexey: I'm happy to help with the progress 10:26:29 Alexey: the other half of the answer 10:26:31 silvia has joined #html-wg2 10:26:42 Alexey: there is a reason there are expert reviews for some of the registries, like MIME types 10:27:02 Alexey: people do make stupid mistakes in MIME types, so there is an opportunities to fix this 10:27:29 HS: one of the supposed mistakes is using the text/* subtree for a lot of stuff, and there I would claim the mistake on the IETF side 10:28:01 AVK: what proportion of MIME types are not in use when they are registered? it seems like most of them already are deployed by the time you go to register them, so it might be too late to fix 10:28:16 q+ 10:28:16 Alexey: in the ideal world, people should ask experts up front 10:28:17 ! 10:28:31 Alexey: one example is that you can't use UTF-16 of textual types 10:28:33 HS: that's bogus 10:28:49 AVK: still insisting the case now is misguided 10:29:22 JR: one thing that Anne mentioned - some registries have a provisional system 10:29:33 JR: but not MIME types 10:29:45 Alexey: vendor prefix ones are first-come first-server 10:30:04 JR: other question -regarding the media type registration RFC, Larry has started discussing revising it in the TAG 10:30:22 JR: for example, people sniff for types - we could make that more robust 10:30:35 HS: I want to complain more about CR/LF 10:30:59 HS: the history of CR/LF restriction and the fact that text/* defaults to US-ASCII in the absence of charsets... 10:31:10 HS: this is an artifact of a leaky abstraction from SMTP 10:31:17 q- 10:31:28 HS: US-ASCII default is a theoretical most prudent default from the time when in email there wasn't an obvious default 10:31:38 HS: but neither of those considerations apply to HTTP 10:31:48 dbaron has joined #html-wg2 10:31:59 HS: HTTP can send text that has line breaks that are not CR/LF 10:32:06 HS: in fact for HTML, LF-only is preferred 10:32:22 HS: it makes no sense to say that all these types like HTML, JavaScript and CSS are "wrong" 10:32:35 HS: instead it would make more sense to say that CR/LF does not apply to HTTP 10:33:01 HS: for some types, for historical reasons we need to default to Windows -1252 or UTF-8 10:33:20 HS: pretending these need to be registered under the application/* subtree doesn't help anyone 10:33:35 HS: it only serves the RFC canon that HTTP and SMTP match, but that doesn't help authors or implementors 10:33:47 HS: line breaks should be based on transport protocol 10:34:13 HS: types themselves should be able to define their default charset 10:34:30 JR: if you look at the thing that Larry brought to the TAG about MIME on the Web... 10:34:33 JR: he mentions all these problems 10:34:56 JR: line break thing doesn't make sense on the Web 10:35:08 JR: HTTP appears to use MIME, but doesn't, and doesn't need to 10:35:25 JR: charset is also an issue for HTTP 10:35:59 JR: conflict between MIME, HTTP and XML types on text/* 10:36:32 HS: I actually implement RFC2023 10:36:40 HS: I have a checkbox for saying ignore it 10:36:43 (There's a t-shirt saying "I support RFC 3023") 10:37:01 HS: if I shipped the validator without the "ignore it" box, people couldn't use the validator 10:37:07 JR: what's the default? 10:37:13 HS: defaults to supporting it 10:37:51 Alexey: comment on Web vs email - this needs to be discussed in IETF 10:38:12 Alexey: if Web requires modified version of MIME, let's do it 10:38:19 Alexey: there is a new WG in applications area 10:38:22 MikeSmith has joined #html-wg2 10:38:35 APPSAWG 10:38:54 RRSAgent, make minutes 10:38:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-minutes.html MikeSmith 10:39:06 RRSAgent, make logs public 10:39:17 http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/appsawg/charter/ 10:39:36 HS: it feels frustrating to actually have to discuss this 10:39:44 HS: that people don't believe what they say on the web 10:40:02 AVK: the feeling is that the IETF is so much behind, and then we have to get in and tell the old timers what the new world looks like 10:40:12 AVK: we're not sure it is worth our time 10:40:15 AVK: we have moved on 10:40:32 Alexey: it is occasionally helpful to talk to people who designed the original 10:40:48 Alexey: especially when it comes to character set - I think there is agreement from the original author 10:41:09 AVK: I talked about some of the discussion about moving away from text/plain drafts, and people there express fear of Unicode.... 10:41:36 AVK: W3C is kind of slow too, but at least we think HTML and Unicode are ok 10:41:55 HS: well, W3C isn't ready to publish HTML5 as HTML5 yet 10:42:05 JR: IETF thinks HTML and Unicode are fine, just not for their documents 10:42:34 Alexey: there is provisional registration 10:42:53 s/that people don't believe what they say on the web/that people don't believe what they see on the web/ 10:42:56 AVK: for header fields, you need spec even for provisional 10:43:06 scottv_ has joined #html-wg2 10:43:08 AVK: person guarding the header field registry was too conservative 10:44:03 JR: does header name registry have a public mailing list 10:44:06 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 10:44:28 JR: registry lists should be public 10:44:45 Alexey: can you draw cases like this to my attention? it might be implementation of process failures 10:44:50 AVK: but if we look at URI schemes.. 10:45:00 Alexey: it's hard for me to defend the people who designed the procedure 10:45:17 Alexey: there was a discussion about relaxing registration of certain types of URIs 10:45:40 Alexey: so we could register things like skype or yahoo IM 10:45:58 AVK: we are trying to register about: - there should be some registration pointing to the draft 10:46:16 AVK: and for many headers, browsers have to know about them even if they are unregistered 10:46:35 AVK: difficulty of using registry causes incentive to use X- names and just not registry 10:47:03 JR: one thing we should look at is accountability - there needs to be a public mailing list for header registration 10:47:10 JR: also Larry will join us to talk about IRI 10:47:30 AVK: I would rather just get rid of IANA and have a W3C registry, with a community-managed wiki 10:48:02 HS: to consider how the XHTML2 WG was doing things - at some point it was obvious that just giving feedback wasn't going to change the way they did things 10:48:25 HS: so instead of trying to change the way they did things, another group did something else, and that became the group people paid more attention to 10:48:42 HS: there is a feeling that fixing IANA is so difficult that it would just be easier to set up a wiki 10:48:58 AVK: we could just compete 10:49:04 Alexey: this is not helpful 10:49:35 AVK: I would like a registry that would tell me X-Frame-Options exists 10:49:44 AVK: I don't think this will ever fly at IANA 10:50:40 HS: I have no experience of registration, but the language tag registry is a very positive role model 10:51:01 Alexey: when I talk to IANA, they listen 10:51:19 AVK: I think the problem is the process 10:51:31 Alexey: I can help you initiate changing the process 10:51:45 AVK: not sure I am interested in helping to fix the process if there is an easier path 10:51:58 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 10:51:59 HS: we should mention willful violations of the charset registry 10:52:31 HS: it would be useful for the main charset registry to be the place to go to find out what you need to implement 10:52:47 HS: the thing is that ISO-Latin1 should actually be interpreted as Windows-1252 10:52:49 q+ 10:52:50 q+ to say that Zakim is here already 10:52:56 q- 10:53:04 HS: another example is that instead of Shift-JS you need to use the Microsoft tables not the ISO tables 10:53:22 q- 10:53:24 LM: I note that my draft covers many of these issues 10:53:34 HS: not in this much detail; I will give feedback 10:53:49 http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-masinter-mime-web-info-01 10:53:52 LM: I hope in the cases where there are willful violations, that the right thing to do is to fix the registry 10:54:17 AVK: in the case of the charset registry, there might be a need for separate registries for Web clients vs other clients 10:54:28 HS: for example the Java platform uses the IANA names for charsets with their real meaning 10:54:46 HS: it would not be good to change Java, so the registry should include both sets of info 10:55:00 HS: JAva could add an API for Web content decoders 10:55:07 LM: I think this is a three-phase process 10:55:13 LM: (1) identify the problem 10:55:25 LM: (2) identify which things need to change (w/o being explicit about how) 10:55:49 LM: (3) then there needs to be action on the change 10:55:57 LM: I would like to identify the problem and the kinds of changes first 10:56:05 LM: only then decide whether to make a wiki, change the process, etc 10:56:14 AVK: if you are already working on this, then that's great 10:56:23 LM: I would be happy to have co-authors 10:56:29 Alexey: at minimum we should talk 10:56:39 LM: I think we should bring it into a working group or take it up as an action item 10:56:58 LM: MIME is a part of the Web architecture that we have adopted without adopting it 10:57:09 JR: we talked earlier about text/html and encoding 10:57:23 LM: again I think we should describe the problem first 10:57:36 LM: same thing might be said for URI schemes 10:58:09 HS: given last call schedule (1H2010), how realistic is it that changes of these magnitude could go through the IETF 10:58:16 HS: seems unlikely 10:58:39 LM: my view is that a W3C document entering LC can make reference to documents at similar or behind level of maturity 10:58:48 LM: they don't need to be final until you go to REC 10:59:54 MS: (explains W3C process) 11:00:04 HS: one reason I'm skeptical about the rate of change at IETF is the URL thing 11:00:19 HS: we had rules in the HTML5 spec abut transforming href values to IRIs 11:00:27 HS: it was argued that IRIbis was supposed to solve it 11:00:33 HS: I remember there was a schedule 11:00:37 LM: it's quite off 11:00:50 HS: at the date when there was supposed to be a deliverable, they haven't even started 11:01:08 HS: we shouldn't send things to the IETF to die 11:01:29 mattur_ has joined #html-wg2 11:01:31 HS: I was really annoyed when I wanted to fix a bug relating to URL handling in Firefox and the spec did not have what was needed 11:01:56 HS: I think that for URLs the process has had it chance and din't deliver 11:02:15 RI: the original schedule was very aggressive and we never really expected meeting it 11:02:20 LM: it was wildly optimistic 11:02:36 LM: the problem with most standards activities is that there's nobody home except for people who showed up 11:02:53 LM: if you look at the archives, there was really a fallow period, but since then it is picking up 11:03:06 LM: meeting next week in beijing 11:03:18 LM: people who care about URLs in HTML should show up online 11:03:50 HS: there is also the problem that if people are already showing up in some venue, then moving the work to a different venue and then complaining that people didn't show up in the other venue is not productive 11:04:01 LM: the problem really is that what was in the HTML document before was wrong 11:04:26 LM: unfortunately there is complexity due to need to coordinate with IDNA and bidirectional IRIs 11:09:13 HS: you need something that takes a base IRI, a relative reference as UTF-16, and a charset, and you get a URI/IRI back 11:09:43 HS: my point is that the HTML spec doesn't need to deal with rendering any kind of address 11:10:01 HS: it just cares about resolution / parsing 11:10:35 HS: nothing about how to render an IRI 11:17:26 RRSAgent, make minutes 11:17:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-minutes.html MikeSmith 11:17:27 HS: what is required is someone writing down the real-world algorithm for this resolution thing 11:17:42 HS: and it needs to be somewhere that you can reference it 11:17:50 HS: if it were in the IRI specification would it be ok for you 11:18:15 HS: what I am annoyed about is that we had something that was right or fixable, was removed or delegated, and now we have to rewrite it 11:18:22 HS: I am now betting on Adam delivering it 11:18:27 JR: I would like to say one thing 11:18:51 JR: we need to find the right separation between things that are just part of the attribute and things that are part of the the resolving algorithm 11:19:02 JR: I think whitespace discarding is not part of the resolutions 11:19:46 JR: there might be a step before resolving that is part of extracting from an attribute 11:20:02 AVK: in the running code, whitespace stripping happens at the resolving end 11:20:10 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 11:21:21 LM: it would be nice if you could copy from the location bar into other apps 11:21:26 HS: we are not talking about the location bar 11:21:31 krijnh has joined #html-wg2 11:21:36 JR: what about space-separated lists of URLs 11:21:41 AVK: this is a different case 11:21:59 LM: motivation for trying to start the work in the IETF was to make sure that URLs in HTML and in other apps weren't different 11:22:16 LM: it is true that the work has been delayed, but activity has been restarted 11:22:41 Alexey: you need to open bugs 11:22:41 s/HS: if it were in/RI: if it were in/ 11:22:47 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 11:22:57 LM: Adam was at the last meeting 11:23:05 q+ 11:23:09 LM: there is an IETF document of how to do IETF document 11:23:10 q+ 11:23:34 HS: it's great the kinds of URLs that the web uses were the same as what other things use it, that would be great 11:23:38 HS: but the Web is constrained 11:23:48 q+ 11:24:01 ack Julian 11:24:22 JR: this was very useful, which I'm not sure was expected; we have another point about link relations, which is on the agenda 11:24:29 ack 11:24:33 ack mjs 11:26:08 RRSAgent, make minutes 11:26:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-minutes.html MikeSmith 11:26:16 MS: in the future, we shouldn't delete things until the replacement is ready 11:26:33 LM: chairs from IRI working group are prepared to add an additional charter item 11:26:40 AVK: Adam is a bit reluctant to go back to the IETF 11:26:51 ack r12a-nb 11:27:01 (that was my impression) 11:27:13 RI: it seems like there are discussions coming up in beijing where we need to be talking between the HTML WG and IETF 11:28:14 LM: editors will be remote, so remote participation might be good 11:28:52 i/one reason I'm skeptical/Topic: URI/IRI [URL]/ 11:28:55 RRSAgent, make minutes 11:28:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-minutes.html MikeSmith 11:29:12 LM: how about file: URLs 11:29:21 HS: they are not really on the Web 11:29:40 HS: best thing to do for USB key is relative URLs 11:29:53 whether it's beijing or not, i think we need to find a way to pursue this dialog with HTML5 folks and chairs/editors of the IRI spec 11:30:08 RI: is something gonna happen 11:30:39 RI: action items? 11:30:46 i/ I call you about the organization chart/Topic: intro from Alexey/ 11:30:50 RRSAgent, make minutes 11:30:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-minutes.html MikeSmith 11:30:54 LM: don't be skeptical - if you believe it will work 11:31:35 ACTION: Henri to give feedback to Larry on MIME etc draft 11:33:41 i/Is there an official definition of what is a recognized standards organization/Topic: IANA, rel, MIME, charset/ 11:33:44 RRSAgent, make minutes 11:33:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-minutes.html MikeSmith 11:33:54 ACTION: Anne to give Alexey info about registry problems 11:34:39 started lunch break? 11:34:50 MikeSmith, we're about it 11:34:54 k 11:35:18 er, about to 11:35:34 session adjuourned 11:35:39 RRSAgent, make minutes 11:35:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-minutes.html mjs 12:02:01 myakura has joined #html-wg2 12:27:37 mattur has joined #html-wg2 12:27:47 mattur has left #html-wg2 12:37:47 Lachy has joined #html-wg2 12:41:18 myakura has joined #html-wg2 12:41:43 adrianba has joined #html-wg2 12:52:38 MichaelC has left #html-wg2 12:53:44 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 12:58:52 mjs has joined #html-wg2 13:00:48 dbaron has joined #html-wg2 13:01:40 Julian has joined #html-wg2 13:02:18 anne has joined #html-wg2 13:04:13 weinig has joined #html-wg2 13:06:30 dsinger has joined #html-wg2 13:13:39 mjs has joined #html-wg2 13:15:51 dsinger has joined #html-wg2 13:20:00 tehu has joined #html-wg2 13:29:26 r12a has joined #html-wg2 13:29:38 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 13:30:22 tehu has left #html-wg2 13:37:47 Julian has joined #html-wg2 13:47:32 adam has joined #html-wg2 13:55:09 Zakim has left #html-wg2 13:56:59 matt has joined #html-wg2 13:57:54 matt has left #html-wg2 14:04:27 Julian has joined #html-wg2 14:59:52 mjs has joined #html-wg2 15:00:26 Julian has joined #html-wg2 15:09:18 adam has joined #html-wg2 15:11:02 fwiw, testing was half an hour delayed 15:11:21 not sure if anyone is actually in the other room yet 15:11:27 but since you just signed in... 15:18:28 isn't testing at 5pm (50 mins from now?) 15:19:28 no 15:19:33 it's a double block 15:20:07 oh 15:23:52 Julian has joined #html-wg2 15:30:34 dbaron has joined #html-wg2 15:34:25 mjs has joined #html-wg2 15:34:45 yes 15:34:50 we are setting up 15:34:55 weinig has joined #html-wg2 15:35:19 dbaron, ^^ 15:35:45 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 15:35:56 shan has joined #HTML-WG2 15:35:57 dbaron, we are in Rhone 3b 15:36:19 Kai has joined #html-wg2 15:36:20 sicking has joined #HTML-WG2 15:36:30 hendry has joined #html-wg2 15:36:38 scribenick hendry 15:36:43 plh has joined #html-wg2 15:36:46 yael has joined #html-wg2 15:36:48 scottv has joined #html-wg2 15:36:51 scribenick: hendry 15:36:58 rrsagent, wher am I? 15:36:58 I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'wher am I' 15:37:01 rrsagent, wherw am I? 15:37:01 I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'wherw am I' 15:37:03 rrsagent, where am I? 15:37:03 See http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-irc#T15-37-03 15:37:12 krisk has joined #html-wg2 15:37:14 TOPIC: Testing 15:37:55 me: to find the connection type, it's not slow or rather blocking is it? 15:37:55 it's a fast operation Andrei: yes, we fire online when the type changes 15:37:55 type just caches last seen connection type 15:38:47 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html/ 15:39:21 [ scribe apologies for pasting in wrong buffer ] 15:40:16 present+ Kai_Hendry 15:40:33 paul_irish has joined #html-wg2 15:41:21 maciej: how to particpate in tasks tf, goals 15:41:38 s/goals/testing framework/ 15:41:43 kk: and goals for LC 15:41:50 kk: Microsoft meet every two weeks 15:41:59 s/Microsoft/the TF/ 15:42:13 .. there is a wiki with schedule, there is a server with hg 15:42:34 .. philippe has mirrored that work at http://dvcs.w3.org 15:43:03 --> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html/ HTML test suite repository 15:43:04 r12a-ipod has joined #html-wg2 15:43:33 .. same content on both servers 15:43:55 --> http://test.w3.org/html/ HTML Testing Area 15:44:09 .. asking what to test ... localstorage, x-domain messaging, doing spec analysis 15:44:17 .. looking at features which are shipping 15:44:25 .. submitted some canvas tests 15:44:32 --> http://test.w3.org/html/tests/submission/PhilipTaylor/ Canvas test suite 15:44:38 .. getElementsByClassname tests from Opera 15:44:55 .. distinction between approved and un-approved tests 15:44:56 --> s/Canvas/Philipp Taylor/ 15:45:05 s/Canvas/Philipp Taylor/ 15:45:16 .. bugzilla to process the test 15:45:24 s/Philipp/Philip/ 15:45:28 --> http://test.w3.org/html/tests/harness/harness.htm Test harness 15:45:35 jonias: what is the harness ? 15:45:39 anne: same as XHR 15:45:48 nimbupani has joined #html-wg2 15:45:56 kk: tests run automatically 15:46:07 .. video tests is hard to automate 15:46:13 .. self-describing test 15:46:32 .. some exceptions that you can't poke in the OM and you can't test it 15:46:48 hsivonen: can you do some REFerence tests ? 15:47:10 jonas: yes, there are some things 15:47:34 kk: there are some things you can't test with REF tests, for e.g. Audio 15:49:41 hsivonen: multi-testing question 15:50:36 plh: some tests are manual and some tests are automatic 15:51:42 kk: existing tests not using the testharness, it might not be worth re-writing them 15:52:26 dom has joined #html-wg2 15:52:31 plh: it's a bug, it shows the buttons, though its automatic 15:52:49 kk: waits for 5 seconds before going to next test 15:53:15 maciej: this UI is broken 15:53:31 kk: can we get all the requirements up front ? 15:54:08 kk: esp we need a plan with REF tests 15:54:49 maciej: propsed categories; script driven, ref test, manual test 15:55:07 .. too awkward with 100k tests ... takes too long to run 15:55:39 plh: the test can indicate itself, if it's manual or automatic 15:56:30 anne: if the test loads the test harness, we know it's an automatic test ( no need to categorise ) 15:56:52 hsivonen: just have 3 directories 15:57:16 dbaron: you can harness the harness 15:57:46 kk: we should do it in one file 15:58:04 hsivonen: the easier way is to use directories 15:58:05 dbaron has joined #html-wg2 15:58:15 jonas: i don't care 15:58:42 maciej: text file is harder to maintain than a directory, not big deal either way 15:59:48 scripts/ 15:59:51 reftests/ 15:59:52 anne: we want directories for *types* of tests 15:59:53 manuals/ 16:00:10 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 16:00:54 dbaron: painful to use dirs as metadata, as you may need to move them around 16:02:03 kk: maybe we will come up with a new dir in some months time, prefers a text file as it wont change location 16:02:47 jonas: bigger problem to have a done function call than 5 secs wait till test finishes 16:03:40 anne: there is logic in the harness to handle this & async tests 16:03:53 Kai has joined #html-wg2 16:05:08 hsivonen: [ didn't quite understand your implicit monkey test comment ] 16:05:37 s/have a done function call than 5 secs wait till test finishes/have a function call when the test finishes so we don't have to wait 5 seconds after each one loads/ 16:05:51 plh: need a way to copy all the additional files that tests depend on 16:05:52 I find that I almost always have to use the explicit finish function for scripted tests, so it's not a win to finish tests implicitly on onload 16:06:29 jonas: we need to somehow markup dependencies 16:06:50 sweinig: in the common case there will be no deps 16:07:16 hsivonen: should we decide whether to allow data URLs ? 16:07:36 anne: common resources makes sense 16:08:22 hsivonen: you want to use data URLs for near 0 load times 16:08:43 [ why does jonas use data URLs? didn't get his argument ] 16:09:06 kk: ie9 supports dataURIs 16:09:49 .. might be a problem that browsers do not support dataURIs 16:10:52 jonas: we need to list our deps and assumptions 16:11:51 .. can we assume browsers have ES5, foreach is nice 16:12:31 maceij: we should not use ES5 until it's widely implemented 16:13:11 jonas: queryselector test cases were held up by WebIDL 16:14:35 kk: e.g. of WebIDL false positive in canvas read only thing 16:15:16 jonas: do we have any existing docs of assumptions? 16:15:22 kk: there is just the source code 16:15:35 .. can someone take an action to document them? 16:15:48 anne: read the XHR tests :-) 16:15:54 oedipus has joined #html-wg2 16:16:53 testing wiki http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/Testing 16:16:58 jonas: these tests are already in directories 16:17:19 kk: suggests documenting the tests in the wiki 16:18:06 hsivonen: ... something about re-writing the "monkey tests" ?? 16:18:31 s/monkey/mochi/g 16:18:56 anne: i'm fine with re-writing / using another harness 16:19:34 Kai has joined #html-wg2 16:19:38 kk: first anchor test is very simple, it's not hard to migrate to james's harness 16:20:45 jonas: make some requirements for making the tests portable between harnesses [ IIUC ] 16:21:59 hsivonen: something about integration layer, which allows reporting into your own system (thanks anne) 16:22:00 --> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html/ mercurial 16:23:16 plh: you can commit a test if you have a W3C account 16:24:30 dbaron: might need to be aware with hg's push caveats [ to plh ] 16:25:26 ACTION: plh to work with systeam to make sure we keep track of hg push 16:25:28 maciej: not great security, since hg trusts the client's config WRT who wrote the patch 16:25:42 dbaron: you might want logs 16:26:23 .. Mozilla have a tool called push-log for this problem 16:26:45 jonas: i can see now the tests are seperated by directory 16:26:56 The source for pushlog is in this hg repository: http://hg.mozilla.org/hgcustom/pushlog/ 16:26:57 .. is there a description file ? 16:27:11 http://test.w3.org/html/tests/ 16:27:37 http://test.w3.org/html/tests/harness/approvedtests.txt 16:27:49 kk: see http://test.w3.org/html/tests/harness/approvedtests.txt 16:28:05 kk: we will add extra info 16:28:25 jonas: remove domain so it's not server specific 16:28:35 .. we have a test file per dir 16:29:39 .. i want to walk this from the cmdline 16:29:47 nimbupani has joined #html-wg2 16:29:52 .. i want relative paths 16:30:21 kk: we might need some absolute stuff 16:30:54 jonas: i'm pulling via hg 16:32:23 kk: there is no absolute need for absolute urls 16:32:38 hsivonen: mochi-tests point to localhost 16:33:24 jonas: something clearly identifiable for a search & replace to get the tests working 16:34:42 .. you can get different types of relative paths 16:35:14 .. it's important that we can accomodate them in a "search & replace" 16:35:37 .. we need to scale 16:35:54 .. it's not workable to ban asb paths 16:36:07 s/asb/absolute/ 16:38:14 hsivonen: we need to document the "clearly identifiable" bit, like test.w3.org and test2.w3.org 16:38:59 jonas: we have to say it's OK to use abs paths 16:39:41 hsivonen: worried about some dir collision in the namespace 16:40:18 s/collision in the namespace/namespace collision/ 16:41:34 hsivonen: get rid of prefixes 16:41:41 jonas: OK 16:41:46 That is fine 16:42:30 kk: how to delimit the file ? 16:42:36 jonas: i don't care 16:43:38 jonas: though, since it's hand-written, was it easy & little to type 16:44:01 s/was it/make it/ 16:44:28 sam: is there a preferred length? with CSS tests there was a wide range 16:45:03 .. bad = long test & lots of permutations 16:45:29 hsivonen: we know a bad test when we see it 16:45:55 maceij: there is a fuzzy boundary 16:46:48 jonas: io bound if we have a million tests ... we need to keep it somewhat reasonable 16:47:00 hober has joined #html-wg2 16:47:18 sam: there are examples of tests that can be merged 16:47:40 nimbupani has joined #html-wg2 16:47:42 adrian: there is a review process 16:47:49 kk: you could file a bug, raise issues 16:48:25 adrian: of course if it's approved, it doesn't mean it can't change again 16:48:53 adam has joined #html-wg2 16:49:03 Present+ adrianba 16:49:38 sam: if all the tests pass, then the bugs are in the specs 16:50:37 kk: tests do content negotiation (canPlayType?) WRT choosing a codec the runtime support 16:50:53 s/support/supportS/ 16:51:37 hsivonen: mochi tests that we (mozilla) use, requires server side javascript 16:51:57 plh: was a lot of trouble already to support PHP for security reasons 16:52:36 sam: we have tests that use python, php, curl for certain load tests 16:52:47 (we evoked this in WebApps the other day; we can probably consider more server-side stuff at some point, but we need to need to have requirements documented earlier rather than ater) 16:53:09 (and please consider limiting the number of needed languages/platforms as much as possible) 16:54:06 jonas: we can generalise "slow load tests" so it doesn't neccessarily require PHP 16:54:46 .. some security concerns here 16:55:21 plh: we need to review PHP files before they become live 16:56:21 jonas: we need it one the same server for same origin type cases 16:56:49 if same server == test.w3.org, that's part of the plan 16:56:51 hsivonen: we need a mechanism to load things slowly for example 16:57:13 (use a DTD for that) 16:58:26 hsivonen: avoid echo, we should return existing (approved) files 16:59:02 jonas: is there sensitive data WRT XSS-ing 16:59:08 plh: should be fine 16:59:38 safest might be w3test.org or some such 17:00:40 kk: what happens if 10 million tests are in the Q to be approved 17:01:50 dbaron: biggest risk is a test that claims to test something, but doesn't actually test it 17:02:35 sam: we should only accept tests that use the new harness 17:03:20 .. the tests here are about testing regressions 17:04:11 kk: worried about approval rate, esp. if only he does it 17:04:48 plh: if a subset of tests are passed by everyone, they are probably good 17:05:10 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 17:05:22 anne: 1) is it good enough ? 2) ... [ didn't get that ] 17:05:48 maceij: lets do a cost benefit analysis 17:05:58 Accidentally testing something that is not a requirement at all 17:06:13 .. 1st category testing undefined behaviour 17:06:29 .. 2nd -- testing something contrary to a requirement 17:06:41 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:06:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-minutes.html dom 17:06:54 .. -- at least one browser will fail this 17:08:00 [ can someone write what maceij said pls ? ] 17:08:36 .. 3rd cat testing something where it doesn't actually test it 17:08:43 .. review should catch them all 17:08:57 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 17:08:59 Kai has left #html-wg2 17:09:03 .. almost certain something will be wrong 17:09:18 .. how much time should be spent on review versus benefit 17:09:51 .. test approved == matches what the spec says 17:11:09 dbaron: from exp within CSS, review is more work than writing to test... so its not worth doing for an existing contributor 17:11:27 s/writing to test/writing the test/ 17:11:43 dbaron: figure out why the test is failing sooner than later 17:12:23 .. imp report: 1) run all tests 2) bug in test suite or in browser (v. time consuming) 17:12:34 .. figure out WHY tests are failing 17:13:10 hsivonen: we should flag tests that fail in all browsers 17:13:42 hsivonen: we can't assume the spec is neccessarily 100% correct 17:14:01 we should flag tests that fail in 3 engines 17:15:32 maceij: low skilled tests don't need to be approved, better if everyone is just running them [ IIUC ] 17:16:04 anne: we should distribute the testing 17:16:32 maceij: don't have ref test when you could have a script test 17:17:03 .. distributed test is more likely to succeed 17:17:50 hsivonen: do we have any way to feed the test info to the WHATWG HTML5 section info box things 17:19:00 kk: could be an admin problem if links change 17:20:17 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:20:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/11/04-html-wg2-minutes.html mjs 17:22:20 mjs has joined #html-wg2 17:25:16 see http://test.w3.org/html/tests/approved/getElementsByClassName/001.htm for an example of a script based test 17:44:55 sicking has joined #HTML-WG2 17:46:43 adrianba has joined #html-wg2 17:47:16 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 17:51:05 dsinger has joined #html-wg2 17:55:12 paul_irish has joined #html-wg2 18:45:27 paul_irish has joined #html-wg2 19:46:48 nimbupani has joined #html-wg2 21:11:17 Lachy has joined #html-wg2 21:25:31 Lachy has joined #html-wg2 22:58:50 Kai has joined #html-wg2 22:59:04 Kai has left #html-wg2 01:54:18 nimbupani has joined #html-wg2 05:08:08 paul_irish has joined #html-wg2 05:20:03 paul_irish has joined #html-wg2 06:28:23 paul_irish has joined #html-wg2 07:15:24 oedipus_away has joined #html-wg2 07:16:04 freedom has joined #html-wg2 07:23:49 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 07:23:59 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 07:28:15 mgylling has joined #html-wg2 07:31:18 nobody in 3B yet? there will be an EPUB related meeting right? 07:33:21 according to the agenda, EPUB discussion in 3B starting 8:30 french time http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/TPAC_2010_Agenda#Room_3B__.28IRC_.23html-wg2.29 07:34:00 Reads 09:00 to me 07:34:38 MichaelC has joined #html-wg2 07:34:56 To anybody who is physically there: does 3B have call-in facilities? 07:35:02 guess the first half hour will be spent in common again then breakout to 3B 07:35:33 seems not 07:35:42 I am in 3B physically now 07:36:49 freedom, thanks. 07:37:04 mjs has joined #html-wg2 07:37:19 dsinger has joined #html-wg2 07:37:57 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 07:40:35 weinig has joined #html-wg2 07:40:40 myakura has joined #html-wg2 07:44:30 adrianba has joined #html-wg2 07:45:14 shan_ has joined #html-wg2 07:47:00 MikeSmith has joined #html-wg2 07:47:17 seungjae has joined #html-wg2 07:47:27 kliehm has joined #html-wg2 07:50:03 eliot has joined #html-wg2 07:52:06 Kai has joined #html-wg2 07:53:42 SGondo has joined #html-wg2 08:00:35 scottv has joined #html-wg2 08:00:45 Julian has joined #html-wg2 08:02:21 Zakim has joined #html-wg2 08:02:44 yuma_1985 has joined #html-wg2 08:02:51 topic: epub 08:02:56 scribe: Julian 08:03:06 ms: markus to give overview 08:03:24 Kai has joined #html-wg2 08:03:26 mgylling: (remotely) 08:03:47 www.idpf.org 08:04:19 mgylling: epub standard for ebooks, around for several years, expanding in popularity, large adoption 08:04:31 ...idpf.org 08:04:52 ...based on xhtml, subsets defined 08:05:01 ...current ebpub 2.0 08:05:08 ...uses XHTML1.1 mod 08:05:26 ...is a fileset, ZIP container, different document types 08:05:38 ...container called OCF 08:05:45 dom has left #html-wg2 08:05:47 http://www.idpf.org/specs.htm 08:06:26 ...some of the formats in epub defined by w3c 08:06:41 ...some of the metadata formats owned by epub itself 08:06:49 ...is undergoing rev to 3.0 08:07:18 ...charter: update & alignment with modern web standard 08:07:22 s 08:07:31 use HTML5 as grammar 08:07:56 is not allowed by current specs but already happening 08:08:15 need to formalize & stabilize 08:08:38 on HTML5 vs XHTML5: epub decided to use X* 08:09:13 based on requirement for existing reading systems to be upgradeable 08:09:42 MS: asks about design philosophies 08:10:43 MS: drive spec based on what current UAs already can do? 08:11:11 mg: docs used to be static 08:11:26 mg: