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Chatlog 2011-09-29
From RDFa Working Group Wiki
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13:55:31 <RRSAgent> RRSAgent has joined #rdfa 13:55:31 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-rdfa-irc 13:55:33 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world 13:55:33 <Zakim> Zakim has joined #rdfa 13:55:35 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 7332 13:55:36 <trackbot> Meeting: RDF Web Applications Working Group Teleconference 13:55:36 <trackbot> Date: 29 September 2011 13:55:36 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFa()10:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 13:55:42 <manu1> Guest: Niklas (lindstream) Lindström 13:56:20 <manu1> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2011Sep/0102.html 13:56:37 <manu1> Chair: Manu 14:00:20 <Knud> Knud has joined #rdfa 14:00:35 <lindstream> lindstream has joined #rdfa 14:00:50 <ShaneM> ShaneM has joined #rdfa 14:01:15 <Zakim> SW_RDFa()10:00AM has now started 14:01:15 <ShaneM> ShaneM has left #rdfa 14:01:22 <Zakim> + +3539149aaaa 14:01:31 <Knud> zakim, I am +aaaa 14:01:31 <Zakim> sorry, Knud, I do not see a party named '+aaaa' 14:01:35 <SebastianGermesin> SebastianGermesin has joined #rdfa 14:01:39 <Zakim> +??P34 14:01:41 <Knud> zakim, I am aaaa 14:01:41 <Zakim> +Knud; got it 14:01:45 <Knud> zakim, mute me 14:01:45 <Zakim> Knud should now be muted 14:01:54 <lindstream> zakim, I am ??P34 14:01:54 <Zakim> +lindstream; got it 14:02:05 <Zakim> +??P37 14:02:16 <gkellogg> zakim, I am ??P37 14:02:17 <Zakim> +gkellogg; got it 14:02:18 <Zakim> +??P39 14:02:21 <manu1> zakim, I am ??P39 14:02:21 <Zakim> +manu1; got it 14:02:39 <Zakim> + +68185775aabb 14:02:47 <SebastianGermesin> Zakim, I am aabb 14:02:47 <Zakim> +SebastianGermesin; got it 14:03:46 <manu1> zakim, who is on the call? 14:03:46 <Zakim> On the phone I see Knud (muted), lindstream, gkellogg, manu1, SebastianGermesin 14:04:26 <manu1> Scribe: Knud 14:04:44 <Knud> manu: updates to the agenda? 14:05:03 <Zakim> +Steven 14:07:28 <Knud> … talked with Jeni Tennison in HTML data TF 14:08:00 <Knud> … we believe that RDFa 1.1 fulfils what this group wants 14:09:10 <Knud> … Is test-suite up to date? 14:09:41 <Knud> Greg: suite has been updated recently, should be pretty much up to date 14:09:56 <Knud> … there are still RDFa 1.0 tests in there - should they remain? 14:11:22 <gkellogg> Core rdfa-test-suite updated, not my own. 14:11:34 <Steven> q+ 14:12:22 <Knud> steven: I'm on ODF technical committee. ODF 1.2 is about to become standard. 14:12:23 <lindstream> q+ 14:12:30 <manu1> ack Steven 14:12:33 <manu1> ack lindstream 14:12:34 <Knud> … there will be a short quote about RDFa and XForms in it 14:13:07 <Knud> lindstream: did anybody look closer at rNews inclusion in schema.org? 14:13:31 <Knud> manu: not in detail 14:14:26 <Knud> lindstream: wondering if rNews will change to use MicroData instead of RDFa 14:14:47 <manu1> ACTION: Manu to ask IPTC what status of RDFa support for rNews will be in the future. 14:14:47 <trackbot> Created ACTION-95 - Ask IPTC what status of RDFa support for rNews will be in the future. [on Manu Sporny - due 2011-10-06]. 14:14:53 <Knud> manu: I'll ask Evan and others in IPTC about that 14:15:08 <manu1> Topic: ISSUE-108: Refine/deprecate Link relations 14:15:30 <Knud> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/108 14:16:04 <Knud> manu: someone needs to do this - any volunteers? 14:16:04 <Knud> No volunteers, postpone until next time. 14:16:33 <manu1> Topic: ISSUE-104: link/meta in HTML5 flow content 14:16:41 <manu1> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/104 14:17:04 <Knud> manu: this is not something we need to address in this WG 14:17:41 <Knud> … some old browser versions will move link and meta statements from body to head, messing up your markup 14:17:51 <Steven> q+ 14:18:06 <manu1> ack Steven 14:18:07 <Steven> Nice to see HTML5 discovering XHTML2 features 14:19:06 <Knud> steven: it doesn't matter to us. Our rules will work anyway. 14:19:15 <gkellogg> q+ 14:19:29 <Knud> manu: but a JS implementation might not work in old browsers 14:19:33 <manu1> ack gkellogg 14:20:00 <Knud> gkellog: isn't this an issue for the HTML WG? 14:20:43 <Knud> manu: yes, but we should make a decision and then I can raise it in the HTML WG. 14:21:18 <lindstream> q+ 14:22:03 <manu1> ack lindstream 14:22:18 <Knud> gkellog: HTML WG needs to take a stand on this 14:22:42 <Knud> lindstream: didn't Jeni already raise this with HTML WG? Shouldn't we just back her on this? 14:23:44 <Knud> manu: based on our discussion here, I can raise this in HTML WG? Propose to have this in the HTML 5 spec, instead of just in the MicroData spec. I personally don't like the use of LINK and META in the body of the document. 14:23:46 <gkellogg> PROPOSAL: The RDFWA WG supports the use of link & meta in the body of HTML5 documents. 14:24:52 <lindstream> q+ 14:26:23 <lindstream> +1 14:26:24 <gkellogg> +1 14:26:26 <SebastianGermesin> +1 14:26:26 <Steven> +1 14:26:28 <Knud> Knud: +1 14:26:29 <manu1> -1 (but don't feel strongly about it) 14:26:44 <manu1> RESOLVED: The RDFWA WG supports the use of link & meta in the body of HTML5 documents. 14:27:28 <lindstream> q+ 14:27:52 <manu1> ACTION: Manu to push issue with HTML WG on LINK/META elements in body. 14:27:52 <trackbot> Created ACTION-96 - Push issue with HTML WG on LINK/META elements in body. [on Manu Sporny - due 2011-10-06]. 14:28:13 <Knud> lindstream: we should mention somewhere that hidden data is hard to maintain, and RDFa focuses on visible data 14:28:14 <gkellogg> q+ 14:28:19 <manu1> ack lindstream 14:28:38 <manu1> ack gkellogg 14:29:57 <manu1> Topic: ISSUE-101: RDF 1.1 and plain literals 14:30:06 <manu1> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/101 14:30:35 <lindstream> q+ 14:33:41 <Knud> lindstream: we should get some more input from RDF WG on how this should be handled 14:36:11 <lindstream> q+ :) 14:36:28 <manu1> ack lindstream 14:36:28 <Zakim> lindstream, you wanted to say ) 14:36:49 <Knud> lindstream: we are conflating two issues: what the test suite should check for and ... what a serialization should do 14:39:29 <gkellogg> q+ 14:40:00 <manu1> ack gkellogg 14:40:06 <Knud> … in RDFa 1.1, there is no semantic distinction between xsd:string and plain literal. 14:40:21 <Knud> manu: but it still breaks things like SPARQL queries, we need more input from RDF WG on this. It's just not very clear what they expect specs to say based on that decision. 14:42:13 <manu1> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-101 due to a lack of concrete guidance on how the RDF WG's plain literal decision impacts RDFa 1.1 14:42:17 <Knud> Knud: +1 14:42:18 <gkellogg> +1 14:42:19 <lindstream> +1 14:42:20 <manu1> +1 14:42:20 <SebastianGermesin> +1 14:42:31 <Steven> +1 14:42:35 <manu1> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-101 due to a lack of concrete guidance on how the RDF WG's plain literal decision impacts RDFa 1.1 14:42:50 <manu1> Topic: RDF API and RDFa API Work 14:44:11 <lindstream> q+ 14:44:18 <manu1> ack lindstream 14:44:38 <Knud> manu: This is just a suggestion - but perhaps we should spin the API work out into a community group. I think the work should take more time to incubate - we're not having many people screaming for these features, and there are very few frameworks that even deal with this sort of data these days. If it were in a CG, we could incubate on it longer - let it grow naturally and then standardize once we feel that there are enough implementation experience. Any thoughts about this? 14:45:18 <Knud> lindstream: The RDF API is probably beyond our own WG's scope 14:45:18 <Knud> manu: It's in scope, but it would be good to get some folks from RDF WG involved - which is why we might try to move it elsewhere. 14:45:20 <manu1> q+ 14:45:54 <Knud> gkellog: why did we change our name to WebApps WG, if not to deal with Web applications, which means to deal with APIs 14:47:35 <Knud> manu: it's unlikely that any browser vendors will support the APIs any time soon 14:47:51 <Knud> … they seem to be rather hostile towards them 14:48:21 <lindstream> q+ 14:48:27 <manu1> ack manu1 14:48:32 <Knud> … there doesn't seem to be a strong demand for it in the community currently either 14:49:00 <Knud> lindstream: one of the reasons I was invited into this WG was my interest in such APIs 14:49:20 <Knud> … but yes, maybe it could take some time to incubate 14:50:13 <lindstream> q+ 14:50:15 <Knud> manu: this wouldn't halt the work on the APIs, instead it would give them more time. 14:50:47 <manu1> ack lindstream 14:51:37 <Knud> lindstream: some aspects of the API are more closely related to JSON-LD 14:52:13 <Knud> manu: yes, and this is also the way our company is dealing with this issue - conversion of RDFa to JSON-LD and then using those data structures directly. It's worked very well for us. 14:53:22 <Knud> People think it's a good idea to move this out to a community group 14:53:38 <Knud> manu: that's all from the agenda. Any other business? 14:53:44 <Knud> no other business. 14:53:44 <Zakim> -gkellogg 14:53:46 <Zakim> -Steven 14:53:46 <Zakim> -SebastianGermesin 14:53:48 <Zakim> -manu1 14:53:52 <Zakim> -Knud 14:53:54 <Zakim> -lindstream 14:53:54 <Zakim> SW_RDFa()10:00AM has ended 14:53:56 <Zakim> Attendees were +3539149aaaa, Knud, lindstream, gkellogg, manu1, +68185775aabb, SebastianGermesin, Steven 14:54:33 <lindstream> lindstream has left #rdfa 15:11:20 <ShaneM> ShaneM has joined #rdfa 15:12:45 <Knud> Knud has joined #rdfa # SPECIAL MARKER FOR CHATSYNC. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE OR BELOW. SRCLINESUSED=00000155