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Chatlog 2011-05-12
From RDFa Working Group Wiki
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13:56:52 <RRSAgent> RRSAgent has joined #rdfa 13:56:52 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/05/12-rdfa-irc 13:56:54 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world 13:56:54 <Zakim> Zakim has joined #rdfa 13:56:56 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 7332 13:56:56 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFa()10:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 13:56:57 <trackbot> Meeting: RDF Web Applications Working Group Teleconference 13:56:57 <trackbot> Date: 12 May 2011 13:59:40 <manu> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2011May/0058.html 13:59:45 <manu> Present: Manu, Benjamin, Shane, Thomas, Ted, Ivan 14:00:58 <manu> zakim, who is on the call? 14:00:58 <Zakim> SW_RDFa()10:00AM has not yet started, manu 14:00:59 <Zakim> On IRC I see RRSAgent, ShaneM, tomayac, MacTed, webr3, ivan, manu, manu1, trackbot 14:01:11 <ivan> zakim, dial ivan-voip 14:01:11 <Zakim> ok, ivan; the call is being made 14:01:36 <ivan> zakim, who is here? 14:01:36 <Zakim> SW_RDFa()10:00AM has not yet started, ivan 14:01:37 <Zakim> On IRC I see RRSAgent, ShaneM, tomayac, MacTed, webr3, ivan, manu, manu1, trackbot 14:01:52 <manu> zakim, I am ??manu 14:01:53 <Zakim> sorry, manu, I do not see a party named '??manu' 14:06:51 <Benjamin> Benjamin has joined #rdfa 14:07:53 <MacTed> Zakim, code? 14:07:53 <Zakim> the conference code is 7332 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), MacTed 14:08:10 <MacTed> Zakim, this is 7332 14:08:10 <Zakim> ok, MacTed; that matches SW_RDFa()10:00AM 14:08:11 <Benjamin> zakim, who is on the phone 14:08:12 <Zakim> I don't understand 'who is on the phone', Benjamin 14:08:14 <MacTed> Zakim, who's here? 14:08:14 <Zakim> On the phone I see Tom, ??P13, Ivan, ??P28, OpenLink_Software 14:08:16 <Zakim> On IRC I see Benjamin, Zakim, RRSAgent, ShaneM, tomayac, MacTed, webr3, ivan, manu, manu1, trackbot 14:08:22 <MacTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 14:08:22 <Zakim> +MacTed; got it 14:08:24 <MacTed> Zakim, mute me 14:08:24 <Zakim> MacTed should now be muted 14:09:00 <MacTed> Zakim, who's noisy? 14:09:11 <Zakim> MacTed, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P28 (91%) 14:09:20 <MacTed> Zakim, ??p28 is Benjamin 14:09:20 <Zakim> +Benjamin; got it 14:09:24 <MacTed> Zakim, mute Benjamin 14:09:25 <manu> zakim, I am ??P13 14:09:26 <Zakim> Benjamin should now be muted 14:09:28 <Zakim> +manu; got it 14:10:07 <Benjamin> zakim, unmute me 14:10:07 <Zakim> Benjamin should no longer be muted 14:10:15 <Benjamin> zakim, mute me 14:10:15 <Zakim> Benjamin should now be muted 14:12:59 <ivan> scribenick: ivan 14:13:47 <ivan> topic: RDF Interfaces publication 14:14:09 <ivan> manu: we had a good publication, and also a semanticweb.com piece on the documents 14:14:10 <manu> http://semanticweb.com/on-various-rdf-api-s%E2%80%A6_b19815 14:14:40 <Benjamin> Thank you Ivan for writing this article !!! 14:15:45 <ivan> manu: ivan, you sent an email that there is a publishing moratorium next week 14:16:07 <ivan> ... it gives us a little bit more time to review Ben's document on RDF API 14:16:15 <Benjamin> zakim, unmute me 14:16:15 <Zakim> Benjamin should no longer be muted 14:16:15 <ivan> ... speaking of... 14:16:18 <manu> Topic: Update on spec progress 14:17:01 <ivan> Benjamin: I fixed the examples, changed the environment to 'Data' 14:17:06 <ivan> ... I fixed the WebIDL 14:17:13 <ivan> ... otherwise I did not make many changes 14:17:14 <manu> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdf-api/ 14:17:26 <ivan> ... what is left: prose/flow has to be fixed, 14:17:37 <ivan> ... we have to discuss the projection, based on the email discussion 14:17:55 <ivan> Benjamin: I added the set method to the projection 14:18:00 <ivan> ... there are some issues on that 14:18:25 <Benjamin> open issues on projections are: 14:18:37 <Benjamin> nested projections 14:19:11 <ivan> q+ 14:19:27 <Benjamin> zakim, mute me 14:19:27 <Zakim> Benjamin should now be muted 14:19:36 <manu> ack ivan 14:19:51 <manu> Manu: The reason we do not allow nested projections is that it is difficult to figure out where top stop travelling down the nested tree. If you have a graph with a billion triples and you build a projection for a subject, do you include all 500 million links? If you nest them, how do you do so (depth-first vs. breadth first)? These raise very complicated implementation questions that will inevitably make the spec more complicated than necessary. Let's not include the ability to do multiple-levels of projections. If a developer wants to get a relationship, they can just perform another query and build another Projection. 14:20:02 <manu> Ivan: Doing automatic projection generation is not a good idea, for all the reasons that Manu said. 14:20:40 <manu> Ivan: Niklas wanted one more method where when one looks at a triple w/ a URIRef, then what you get back is a Projection for that object being the subject. It's strictly a one-step indirection. 14:20:55 <manu> ... it may help to get over the situation where you have the duality of string vs. object. 14:21:15 <manu> ... it helps to overcome that and this is a fairly natural thing to do. It's fairly natural when the object in question is a blank node. 14:21:16 <Benjamin> e.g., ben = ivan.getRel("foaf:knows") 14:21:42 <manu> Manu: What's the return type? 14:21:47 <manu> sequence of Projections or Projection? I think it's a sequence. 14:22:02 <Benjamin> q+ do we really need this? 14:22:47 <Benjamin> q+ 14:22:47 <ivan> manu: we had a choice on to get the 'first' or all in a sequence.. that's why we have .get() vs. .getAll(). The same should apply to .getRel() or .getRels()? 14:22:50 <manu> ack Benjamin 14:22:51 <ivan> ... maybe that is what we need? 14:22:54 <Benjamin> zakim, unmute me 14:22:54 <Zakim> Benjamin was not muted, Benjamin 14:23:03 <ivan> Benjamin: I do not think we really we need this feature 14:23:16 <ivan> ... it is not a big deal to do it manually 14:23:36 <ivan> ... even in the case of a blank node you get what you were looking for. 14:23:37 <manu> What about _:bnode1? 14:23:56 <ivan> manu: How do we express the uri for a blank node? 14:24:02 <ivan> ... we get only strings and native datatypes back from a projection 14:24:15 <ivan> ... the projections are not for low level objects 14:24:34 <ivan> ... we cannot get the difference between an IRI reference and a string 14:24:47 <ivan> ... if we were able to get the difference, then you are right, it does not matter 14:24:58 <ivan> ... not being able to determine the type of an object is a reason that we may want to have getRel()... 14:25:06 <tomayac> is it an issue in practice? we had this in the JSON discussions as well. some serializations cared, most simply didn't... 14:25:23 <manu> var knows = ivan.get("foaf:knows"); 14:25:36 <manu> knows == "http://manu.sporny.org/webid" 14:26:10 <manu> data.getProjection("http://manu.sporny.org/webid") 14:26:49 <ivan> manu: Nevermind, thinking through it - we can just use strings. I now agree with Benjamin, we really do not need getRel() when dealing with IRIs. 14:27:06 <manu> Now, what about blank nodes? 14:27:09 <ivan> manu: for a blank node 14:27:13 <manu> knows == "_:bnode2" 14:27:26 <manu> data.getProjection("_:bnode2") ?? Is this what we should do? 14:27:28 <Benjamin> why not: bnode1 = ivan.get("foaf:knows") 14:27:28 <Benjamin> ben = data.getProjection(bnode1) 14:27:36 <ivan> q+ 14:28:01 <ivan> manu: the reason I am concerned is because the blank node names change when you merge multiple graph together... 14:28:11 <ivan> ... what happens then to the bnodes? 14:28:57 <ivan> ... the two graphs that are merged then things may go wrong because _:bnode1 may not point at the data you are thinking about 14:29:03 <manu> ack ivan 14:29:11 <manu> Ivan: That's the same issue I have w/ this. 14:29:24 <manu> Ivan: If we have bnodes, we are going to have to deal with them... 14:29:37 <MacTed> Zakim, unmute me 14:29:37 <Zakim> MacTed should no longer be muted 14:29:42 <manu> Ivan: It's a potentially dangerous thing to do. 14:29:56 <manu> Ted: I think that this is a guidance question... 14:30:14 <ivan> MacTed: blank nodes exist, but if we say if you can avoid using bnodes, do so 14:30:15 <ivan> q+ 14:30:21 <manu> ack Ivan 14:30:28 <manu> Ivan: I don't disagree with that, Ted 14:30:43 <Benjamin> q+ to ask if getRel and getRev really solve this? 14:31:03 <manu> Ivan: However, if we keep to the examples of FOAF, the semantic web is full of bnodes... it's an issue that will be widespread - we should try to be as fool-proof as we can. 14:31:07 <manu> ack Benjamin 14:31:07 <Zakim> Benjamin, you wanted to ask if getRel and getRev really solve this? 14:31:37 <ivan> Benjamin: if we have a subject and an object as bnodes 14:31:43 <ivan> ... it is just the same problem... 14:31:45 <ivan> q+ 14:31:50 <manu> ack ivan 14:31:51 <tomayac> maybe stupid idea: if we have a bnode, serialize it as a JSON-LD object, run a hash function over the JSON.stringified version of it, and give the bnode a uri at fixed.example.org/.well-known/{hash_result} 14:32:05 <manu> q+ to wonder whether or not "it's the same problem w/ JavaScript" 14:32:27 <tomayac> this would allow us to compare bnodes easily 14:32:30 <manu> Yes, but I don't think this is a bnode comparison problem, is it? It's a "oh crap, I lost the reference to the bnode because it was renamed" problem... 14:33:06 <manu> Ivan: Maybe everything will be renumbered at runtime... you can never rely on a bnode ID after a graph merge, etc. 14:33:21 <manu> Ivan: The only thing you can ask is "is this a bnode" and "are these two bnodes the same"? 14:34:17 <ivan> Benjamin: the only time this is an issue is at parse-time 14:34:28 <Benjamin> zakim, mute me 14:34:28 <Zakim> Benjamin should now be muted 14:34:36 <ivan> manu: but at the lower level we do a bunch of graph merges, it's not just a parse-time issue. 14:34:57 <manu> Benjamin: I think we can put a warning in the document on the .parse() method because that's when this becomes an issue. 14:35:55 <manu> Ivan: I can see that if we put a warning in the document working... this may be something we learn more about in implementations. 14:35:57 <manu> ack manu 14:35:57 <Zakim> manu, you wanted to wonder whether or not "it's the same problem w/ JavaScript" 14:36:26 <ivan> manu: JavaScript could solve this problem, even if you do a graph merges 14:36:36 <ivan> ... if you had a programming language that uses pure references 14:37:07 <ivan> ... if you do a graph merge, the references will still be fine after the merge. However, this is relying on a language feature that is not universally available 14:37:13 <ivan> q+ 14:37:47 <manu> Manu: .getRel() could work across graph merges if we deal with languages that operate on references. 14:38:10 <manu> Ivan: Forget about blank nodes for a while - if I have a graph and ask for a Projection, that projection is all the triples that have a common subject. 14:38:48 <manu> ... I have a reference... then I do a merge. Will the projection have to be updated? Does it give me a current snapshot into the graph, or does it give me an auto-updated item. 14:39:25 <manu> Manu: If we deal w/ reference-based languages - we get an auto-updated item. 14:39:35 <manu> Ivan: When we deal with things that aren't just snapshots, that's when we get in trouble. 14:40:00 <manu> Ivan: If it is a snapshot, an implementation can optimize for it. If it's not a snapshot, every request on a projection has to go down to the graph and do a query. 14:41:27 <ivan> manu: there is a middle ground, (a) snapshot, nothing changes (b) snapshot, number triples do not change, but the values do because they are pure references (c) it is not a snapshot, everything can change triples and values 14:41:27 <Benjamin> q+ to say it has to be a snapshot. 14:41:58 <ivan> manu: third option may become very complicated 14:42:17 <manu> ack ivan 14:42:54 <Benjamin> zakim, unmute me 14:42:54 <Zakim> Benjamin should no longer be muted 14:42:58 <manu> Ivan: We agree on option #3 and option #1, not on option #2 14:43:13 <ivan> Benjamin: if it is not a snapshot, then we have to solve race conditions, we will have to deal with any sort of "waiting" condition. 14:43:26 <ivan> ivan: yes, good point 14:43:45 <manu> Ivan: This has to be very clearly documented... seems like we think that getRel() is not necessary and that bnodes can be kicked out from under you during parsing and graph merges. 14:43:58 <Zakim> +??P36 14:44:11 <ivan> zakim, ??P36 is ShaneM 14:44:11 <Zakim> +ShaneM; got it 14:44:13 <Benjamin> zakim, mute me 14:44:13 <Zakim> Benjamin should now be muted 14:44:19 <Benjamin> zakim, unmute me 14:44:19 <Zakim> Benjamin should no longer be muted 14:44:38 <Benjamin> zakim, mute me 14:44:38 <Zakim> Benjamin should now be muted 14:44:45 <Benjamin> zakim, unmute me 14:44:45 <Zakim> Benjamin should no longer be muted 14:44:47 <ivan> Result of the discussion: projections are snapshots (option a), bnodes can disappear during parsing/merges, and we do not need getRel() 14:45:00 <webr3> webr3 has joined #rdfa 14:45:06 <Benjamin> zakim, mute me 14:45:31 <MacTed> Zakim, mute Benjamin 14:45:31 <Zakim> Benjamin should now be muted 14:46:47 <manu> Topic: ISSUE-89: Term vs. Alias 14:46:53 <manu> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/89 14:47:27 <ivan> manu: this came up because nathan used 'alias' in the last RDF interface document. 14:47:50 <ivan> ... as Ivan said we would have to change lots of documents if we wanted to use alias 14:48:04 <ivan> ... and, if we decide to change, how to do that 14:48:06 <ivan> q+ 14:48:15 <MacTed> +1 term 14:48:22 <ivan> ShaneM: we should continue to use terms 14:48:48 <ivan> ... it has a mind share, it is already in use in the area activity as well, i do not want to re-educate them, i do no see the advantage 14:49:04 <ivan> ... alias is computer science, and term is more linguistic... RDFa attempts to be more linguistic than computer-sciencey 14:49:10 <tomayac> +1 for term, fwiw 14:49:11 <ivan> ... term seems to fit better than alias 14:49:25 <manu> ack ivan 14:49:53 <manu> Ivan: I am a bit afraid that we're going to have to change all the docs/implementations/blog posts... 14:49:59 <ShaneM> Oh yeah! And datatypes, XHTML M12N, etc. ick 14:50:07 <manu> Ivan: There doesn't seem to be a very big advantage for making the change... it's a bit too late to make this change. 14:50:09 <manu> q+ 14:50:23 <manu> Ivan: Keep terms. 14:50:32 <manu> ack ivan 14:50:37 <ivan> manu: I had a different view on this 14:50:46 <ivan> ... I had just come to the conclusion that we should move to alias 14:51:10 <ivan> ... English-speaking people would understand what 'alias' means faster than they would understand 'term', IMHO 14:51:16 <ivan> ... after all this is what we do, we 'alias' a URI. We don't 'term' a URI. 14:51:30 <ivan> ... it invokes more of what an alias is than what a term is. 14:51:33 <ivan> q+ 14:51:36 <ivan> ack manu 14:51:47 <ShaneM> q+ to discuss what a term really is 14:51:48 <ivan> manu: this is the strongest argument I have, and it's not really that strong of an argument. 14:52:03 <manu> ack ivan 14:52:07 <ivan> ack ivan 14:52:26 <manu> Ivan: If we had this discussion a year ago, I would fully agree with you. 14:52:45 <manu> Ivan: The argument resonates with me - it's a bit too late. We need a stronger argument now. 14:52:48 <manu> ack ShaneM 14:52:48 <Zakim> ShaneM, you wanted to discuss what a term really is 14:53:02 <ivan> ShaneM: you said something I may not agree with 14:53:22 <ivan> ... it is true internally that we have a mechanism to take a string and map it to a uri 14:53:34 <ivan> ... but that is not how I explain things to people 14:53:45 <ivan> .. I say that a 'term' is a component of a vocabulary, which is easier to understand. 14:54:07 <ivan> ... it is a term. it expands to a uri, but for our audience 'you can use this word, and means _this_'. How vocabularies contain terms that lead to definitions. 14:54:21 <ivan> ... we would like to attract the microformat community with this 14:54:28 <ivan> ... they not care about URIs, but they do care about terms. 14:54:36 <ivan> PROPOSAL: Keep the word 'term' - do not use the word 'alias'. 14:54:45 <ivan> Ivan: +1 14:54:50 <MacTed> +1 14:54:51 <tomayac> +1 14:54:58 <manu> +1 14:55:02 <Benjamin> +1 14:55:16 <manu> RESOLVED: Keep the word 'term' - do not use the word 'alias'. 14:55:17 <ShaneM> +1 14:55:55 <manu> Topic: ISSUE-94: Formulation on fragid in RDFa Core 14:56:06 <manu> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/94 14:56:10 <ivan> manu: this boils down removing 2 words from the spec 14:56:35 <ivan> ... the issue the TAG / Jonathan Rees had with the spec is that we say the word 'at present', and we should not say it 14:56:50 <ivan> ... if we do that, they are happy 14:58:17 <manu> PROPOSAL: Remove the words "at present" when discussing fragment identifiers. The editor will create language that is in line with the TAG's request. 14:58:20 <manu> +1 14:58:22 <ivan> Ivan: +1 14:58:25 <tomayac> +1 14:58:26 <Benjamin> +1 14:58:34 <ShaneM> +1 14:59:35 <MacTed> +1 :-) 14:58:40 <ivan> RESOLVED: Remove the words "at present" when discussing fragment identifiers. The editor will create language that is in line with the TAG's request. 14:59:55 <manu> ACTION: Manu to do official 2nd LC response to ISSUE-94. 15:00:03 <trackbot> Created ACTION-77 - Do official 2nd LC response to ISSUE-94. [on Manu Sporny - due 2011-05-19]. 15:00:05 <manu> Topic: ISSUE-87: IRI vs. URI References 15:00:33 <manu> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/87 15:00:54 <ivan> manu: Mischa asked us to use the same terminology as the rest of the RDF community 15:01:05 <ivan> ... ShaneM explained the reasoning on the mailing list 15:03:14 <Zakim> -MacTed 15:04:17 <ShaneM> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2011Mar/0069.html 15:05:58 <ivan> What happens when one expresses this in RDFa in @href: http://www.résumé.org/ 15:06:13 <manu> Shane responded: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2011Mar/0067.html 15:06:25 <manu> Mischa's response to Shane's response: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2011Mar/0069.html 15:07:18 <tomayac> xn--rsum-bpad.org 15:07:56 <tomayac> manu, depends on your browser 15:08:00 <tomayac> some show it, some hide it 15:08:10 <tomayac> in the background they punycode it 15:08:43 <manu> So for: www.zürich.com does RDFa output that? Or does it output: www.xn--zrich-kva.com 15:10:21 <manu> Can RDFa output the following: <www.сделат картинки.com> ? for a subject? 15:13:15 <tomayac> we have problems with e.g. ntriples, which only allow ascii, rdfa has no problem with it 15:14:24 <ShaneM> tomayac: ahh 15:14:28 <ShaneM> Ivan: We need to get the RDF WG and Semantic Web Coordination group involved. 15:15:53 <manu> ACTION: Manu to write e-mail to RDF WG chairs about ISSUE-87 - we can't go to CR without this being resolved. 15:15:53 <trackbot> Created ACTION-78 - Write e-mail to RDF WG chairs about ISSUE-87 - we can't go to CR without this being resolved. [on Manu Sporny - due 2011-05-19]. 15:17:15 <ivan> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011Apr/0469.html 15:18:16 <tomayac> shouldn't we default to punycoding all IRIs, so treat them always the same. least common multiple... 15:18:18 <manu> I don't think that we should do that. 15:23:29 <ShaneM> Section 6 says "The lexical space of a CURIE is as defined in curie below. The value space is the set of URIs." 15:24:00 <Zakim> -Benjamin 15:24:19 <Benjamin> bye 15:27:40 <ShaneM> href="http://www.сделат картинки.com/example" is what in the DOM within a browser? 15:27:56 <manu> ShaneM: No, that's not in the DOM 15:28:29 <tomayac> http://www.xn--zrich-kva.de/ 15:30:12 <tomayac> <a href="http://www.xn--schweizer-kche-qsb.de/">Schweizer Küche</a> 15:34:16 <tomayac> <a href="http://www.xn--schweizer-kche-qsb.de/">Schweizer Küche</a> 15:34:39 <ShaneM> check this: http://www.aptest.com/iri.html 15:34:44 <tomayac> my irc client punycodes... the 2nd link had a ü in it 15:35:48 <manu> RDFa processors should allow: <a href="http://www.schweizer-küche.de/">Schweizer Küche</a> 15:35:48 <manu> ... lots of discussion on how to best proceed with RDFa processors and how they may affect URLs and IRIs that are generated ... 15:36:48 <tomayac> hmmm, personally i expect the rdfa processors to punycode. just sayin'... 15:45:04 <Zakim> -Ivan 15:45:05 <Zakim> -ShaneM 15:45:05 <Zakim> -Thomas 15:45:07 <Zakim> SW_RDFa()10:00AM has ended 15:45:10 <Zakim> Attendees were Thomas, Ivan, MacTed, Benjamin, manu, ShaneM 15:48:06 <tomayac> we kinda have this issue already: http://dbpedia.org/page/Tie_%28draw%29 is NOT the same as http://dbpedia.org/page/Tie_(draw), where http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tie_(draw) is the same as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tie_%28draw%29 # SPECIAL MARKER FOR CHATSYNC. 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