XML Community Greetings

The greeting card is closed to new entries. Greetings 220 to 201 (of 419 total) displayed below.


xml holte mich von der strasse

danke xml, alles gute zum 10ten...(11.)

sent on 2008-06-13

lalala, xml

lala, happy birthday, xml!

vince.zhang xiaosjw@163.com, sent on 2008-06-12

Gefeliciteerd, XML!

Een vriendelijke groet van Nederlandse bodem aan het geweldige en mooie XML... en alle daarop gebaseerde talen :-).

Ralph, sent on 2008-06-10

Penblwydd Hapus XML

(a birthday greeting in Welsh)

Chris Williams gwefeistr@gwynedd.gov.uk, sent on 2008-06-10


Parabéns XML!

André Diniz adiniz@gmail.com, sent on 2008-06-09

Selamat Ulang Tahun XML

satu.. dua.. tiga..


:) :)


Ahmad Mukhlason ahmad.mukhlason@gmail.com, sent on 2008-06-09

Its Great Technology

the first time, I've worked with XML b4 9 years ago... i achieved many

taks, proejcts and tools using this kind of tech.

its really great.

i suggest to interduce and teaching XML in the schools or universities beside databse courses!

Monther Atout mmatout@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-06-09

El formato que usamos todos, aunque no lo vemos...

En 1999 descubrí el potencial inmenso de XML... En mi pais los pocos desarrolladores web que habían, no apostaban por este nuevo formato: La mayoría ni siquiera entendía de qué se trataba. Hoy uso XML (como millones en el mundo)para escribir contenido en un dispositivo móvil, leer variables desde Actionscript, enviar información imprimiéndolo via PHP y hasta para configurar los Desklets en el escritorio de mi máquina


Qué increíble formato...!

Alexis Olivo alexis@persuativa.com, sent on 2008-06-09

Félicitation aux initiateurs de XML

avec XML, s'est créée une voie royale vers des architecture ouvertes en terme de supports de données, mais aussi de vecteurs de traitements. Une

sacrée (r)évolution !

Merci à tous ceux qui y ont contribués.

Heureux anniversaire et longue vie à XML !

Patrick patrick.dezecache@gmail.com, sent on 2008-06-07


XML bring the web into my world, I can use xml to design the web sites and create some of the interesting web pages.

songbo wang songbo_wang@3com.com, sent on 2008-06-06

Thank's Mates

A very, very, very important technology...

All the people in it must be very proud, cool developers and cleaver people are allways welcome to the WEB!!!

Luis lmbg_1@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-06-06

Gracias desde España

Creo que fuí la persona que trajo Internet a España, hace más de 25 años, cuando trabajaba en un centro de investigación de la multinacional


Según mis cálculos, con un grupo de jóvenes, montamos el tercer

servidor web en España.

Cuando apareció XML en W3, vi su potencial y reconvertí mi web personal www.tic2.org, a XML. La información la introduzco en una base de datos, a

partir de ella genero XML y por transformación con XSL, produzco HTML.

Estas tecnologías he tratado de introducirlas en España, en la Administración, Universidad e Industria con un exito muy variado. Así como la web html está muy difundida, creo que XML no está suficientemente extendido. Aunque XML parece una cosa simple, es un cambio

demasiado profundo, que tardará algún tiempo en ser usado masívamente.

En mi opinión, XML ha sido un salto expectacular en el proceso y

distribución de la información.

Gracias por haber puesto esta tecnología a disposición de todos.

Ignacio López ilopez@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-06-06

Hats off to XML!!!

Congrats and all the very best to make XML still more usefull component.

Rajesh rajeshragu@gmail.com, sent on 2008-06-05


My 10th Anniversary wishes...

seethu seethukrishnan@gmail.com, sent on 2008-06-05

To Kill A Mockingbird

For eons, Computer Science students like me were made to believe that there

were two classes of data - Binary (or proprietary/executable) and Text.

Certainly there was a measure of class-ism between the two.

On one side, there was the ineffectual, human-readable textual data always looked down upon in books and used as a means of configuring menial ignoble

settings (config.sys anyone?).

On the other hand was binary - esoteric, obfuscated and closed from all

except the cabal which created it.

I like to think of XML as Atticus Finch - demolishing walls, making sure data remains accessible, human readable, possibly most importantly -


Celebrating a decade of this meta-data and this nomenclature.

Happy Birthday XML.

Pankaj L Ahire pankajahire@gmail.com, sent on 2008-06-04

XML saved my life

I remember one time I owed my landlord several months back rent, facing a possible eviction...and it was the middle of winter in Chicago (brutal). My landlord had pity on me, though, and because I knew XML, he asked me to help with a project at his other job in exchange for that month's rent. I stayed warm and sheltered, he got his project delivered on time and everybody won...thanks to the power of XML.

jonathan jonathan.youngblood@gmail.com, sent on 2008-06-03


Have a Nice Day.

vamsi vamsikrishna_tva@satyam.com, sent on 2008-06-02

Anonymous greeting

happy birthday :)

sent on 2008-06-01

10 years of contribution

long live w3. this evolution and its progress will save the man.

best wishes

lalinda lalicolombo@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-05-31

Congrats XML!

I wish to congratulate to the people who created XML and those who are

devoted to it.


You guys rock! And so does XML!

Keep up the good work!

Márk Zsombók slider2800@gmail.com, sent on 2008-05-30

Congratulation XML

happy ten years XML,

you help lot of people, ease our programming life, thanks

Ahmed Gaber aigdonia@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-05-31