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The first two list items(out of six) following Examples repeat the text under Intent verbatim. I do not understand why. The fifth list item says the left nav links are made to appear before main content via CSS but the left nav links actually main content in the code. And this helps navigating to main content directly and this passes SC 2.4.3. Comment: I think it fails SC 2.4.3. A sighted keyboard user will be confused if he cannot tab to a set of links that appear before main content. In a left to right and top-down system one might expect tab focus to go to left nav links first. For a screen reader user too, this may pose problems: there may be an h1 before main content and no heading before left nav links. So it may be difficult to identify end of main content. If the page layout has been explained to a blind user, he too will be confused if he cannot navigate to left nav before main content. (If left nav appear after main content visually and in tab order, it is another matter).