The Web as Unifying Force in Europe

Jean-François Abramatic

W3C10 Europe

3 June 2004

The Web as Unifying Force in Europe

Dan Applequist (Vodafone) - Where the Web meets Mobile Telecommunications

Richard Ishida (W3C) - The Challenge of Internationalization

Keith Jeffery (ERCIM) - GRIDs and the World Wide Web

Moderator: Jean-François Abramatic (ILOG)

Where the Web meets Mobile Telecommunications

Dan Applequist photo

Dan Applequist, Senior Technology Strategist, Vodafone Group Services Limited

The Past of the Web –A Personal Perspective

Fast Forward

Web-based services available and used by millions on mobile phones

Some Figures on Mobile Connectivity

Vodafone’s Global Reach

Vodafone Global Reach

Reach 150 million proportionate mobile customers across its markets

GSM Operators’Commitment to Open Standards

Vodafone Live!

Vodafone live!

Challenges of the Mobile Web

What does the future of the Web look like?

XML Compound Documents

XML coumpound documents

Thank you!

The Challenge of Internationalization

Richard Ishida photo

Richard Ishida, Internationalization Activity Lead, W3C

Presentation at:

GRIDs and the World Wide Web

Keith Jeffery photo

Keith Jeffery, President, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM)

Flags of Countries Represented in ERCIM

ERCIM logo


ERCIM: Members

ERCIM is a consortium of leading research institutions from 18 European countries committed to information technology and applied mathematics.

Map of ERCIM Members

ERCIM: Members

Member Country Size* Member since
** INRIA France 2500 1989***
** FhG (ICT) Germany 2300 1989***
SpaRCIM Spain 1000 2003
FWO/FNRS Belgium 1000 2004
NTNU Norway 800 2002
** CNR (IT) Italy 600 1991
SARIT Switzerland 500 1994
AARIT Austria 500 2001
VTT (IT) Finland 450 1993
CRCIM Czech Republic 400 1996
SZTAKI Hungary 350 1994
** CCLRC (IT) United Kingdom 300 1990
** FORTH (IT) Greece 250 1992
** CWI The Netherlands 250 1989***
SRCIM Slovakia 250 1998
SICS Sweden 200 1992
IUC Ireland 200 2000
FNR Luxembourg 150 2002
Total 12,000

*estimated staff in areas relevant to ERCIM

ERCIM: New Structure

Organizational Chart



Cover of book: The Grid Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure

The GRIDs Architecture

GRID Stack

The GRIDs Architecture (2)

GRID Stack, Continued

The Big Idea: What it Provides

Big Idea

A Possible Architecture

Possible Architecture

A Brief History of GRIDs

1G: custom-made architecture machines to user Pioneering metacomputing
2G: proprietary standards and interfaces
e-Science Apps
3G: adopted W3C concepts for open interfaces - OGSA / OGSI: note especially OGSA/DAI: But built on 2.G foundations e-Science R and D

But ...


Next Generation GRIDs

And This System Is ...

Where Now?

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Tim Berners-Lee Keynote

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