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Main Page
- OM-Definition What is an Object Memory, and which are its characteristic features.
- Requirements
- Requirements and UseCases: A number of functionalities that are motivated by real-world use cases - confirmed.
- Drafts
- Requirements and UseCases: A number of functionalities that are motivated by real-world use cases - proposals.
- Requirements
- Object Memory Format
- Discussion Area
- OMM Format Specification 0.98
- Download (PDF), 09/08/2011
- XML-Sample, 09/08/2011
- XSD-Sample, 09/08/2011
- OMM Format Specification 1.0
- See Final Report
- Alternative Object Memory Formats
- HTML5+Microdata-Sample, 09/02/2011
- OMM-RDFa-Sample 09/21/2011
- OMM Binary Format Draft
- Final Report
Previous Work
External links to projects and activities related to topics addressed by OMM XG.
- SemProM homepage
- XML Format Proposition of an XML binding for Semantic Product Memories based on SemProM Container Format Version 1.0.
- Container Format (V1.0)
- Meta Tags (V1.0) Meta tag definition based on SemProM Meta Format
- ADiWa homepage
- Aletheia homepage
- SmartProducts homepage
- TOTeM homepage Tales of Things and electronic Memories
Related Work
Related W3C Activities
W3C Provenance Working Group
The W3C Provenance Working Group seeks to support the widespread publication and use of provenance information of Web documents, data, and resources. This topic is related to the goals of the OMM XG in various ways. An object memory seeks to enable different parties to contribute data to the memory (e.g., in order to record the exchange of an artifact between business partners), but also to provide a clear distinction of all of these contributions. As such, provenance of an object memory is two-fold: First of all, provenance of contributed data has to be represented. Second of all and depending on the use cases, the overall memory may represent the provenance of an artifact. Here, provenance of contained data is not constrained to a particular subject.
History: The W3C Provenance Incubator Group was active between September 2009 to December 2010. For information about the activities see the final report and an overview for a high-level description of the focus of this incubator group.
W3C Product Modelling Incubator Group
The W3C Product Modelling Incubator Group sought to define a small core of basic classes and properties for semantic product modelling: the definition, storage, exchange and sharing of product data. The approach is related to some extent to the goals of the OMM XG, since such product models might describe the content of a product's object memory.
W3C Efficient XML Interchange Working Group
The OMM can be naturally encoded in an XML representation, and this report gives several examples of XML encoded OMMs. Given the restrictions of many potential OMM containers, such as RFID tags or even barcodes, a more concise, binary, representation format for the OMM is extremely desirable. However, translating the OMM to a representation suited for such labels is a challenge on its own.
The W3C Efficient XML Interchange Working Group has expressed a recommendation concerning an Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format. It specifies a compact binary representation for XML documents, which could be applied in order to create a binary and highly compact representation of an OMM.
Related Non-W3C Activities
Event Logging - CEE
Common Event Expression (CEE) is an active standardization project with a focus on how “computer events are described, logged, and exchanged”. Information about the project can be found at the CEE website. The documentation contains an overview over the technical architecture and drafts of the CEE language specifications.
Unlike other event logging standards that are mainly concerned with web server logs such as W3C Common Log file format and W3C Extended Log File format CEE aims to improve overall audit processes and to increase interoperability between event and log formats.
CEE contains of a number of different elements and will offer different levels of conformance. The specification contains of a log syntax (CLS) that describes how an event and its data are represented. The collection of possible event fields and value types of event records are described via a CEE Dictionary and the CEE Taxonomy defines a collection of tags that can be used to categorize events. The CEE community provides log recommendations (CELR) that are aimed at providing best practices what data to log and how to log it. Finally another part of the specification (CLT) describes what technical support is necessary (e.g. internationalization, interfaces for event recording) to support the transport of logs.
Physical Markup Language
The Physical Markup Language (PML) provides an XML-based mechanism for modeling physical properties of an artifact including aspects related to supply-chain management such as changing ownership or responsibilities. Especially the latter features are of interest for an object memory model as well.
Smart Transducer standard
After several years of discussion the standard IEEE 1451.7 (identical to ANSI 1451.7) has been published on the 26th of June 2010. Its full title is "Standard for a smart transducer interface for sensors and actuators-transducers to radio frequency identification (RFID) systems communication protocols and transducer electronic data formats"
This standard includes a binary data model for describing the key features of the sensor / actuator as well as different event logging mechanisms. Different types of events and summaries (max value, means, …) are given. Finally an interface (also binary) to the transducer is given.
Because of its focus on binary representations and its narrow field of application, the approach is probably not directly applicable to our approach. Nevertheless, its extensive listing of event types and logging mechanisms is interesting.