Group participants

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There are 34 users listed in the system.

Name Nicknames
Kazuyuki Ashimura kaz
Paolo Baggia
F Avery Bishop
Michael Bodell
David Bolter davidb
Bjorn Bringert
Robert Brown
Dave Burke
Daniel Burnett burn, dan, danb
Jerry Carter
Somnath Chandra
Charles Chen CLC
Deborah Dahl ddahl, debbie, debbie_dahl
Dan Druta
patrick ehlen
Rania Elnaggar
Chaitanya Gharpure
Markus Gylling mgylling
Michael Johnston
Nagesh Kharidi
Ingmar Kliche
Jim Larson
Andy Mauro
Fabio Paternò
Olli Pettay smaug
Silvia Pfeiffer
Andrei Popescu andreip
T.V. Raman tv
Ravi Reddy
Satish Kumar Sampath
Marc Schröder
Raj Tumuluri
Matt Womer , mdw
Milan Young

Daniel Burnett <>, Michael Bodell <>, Dave Burke <>, Chairs, Coralie Mercier <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: index.html,v 1.1 2012/03/06 15:45:59 vivien Exp $