Results of Questionnaire Changing the Schedule of Silver Meetings

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody.

This questionnaire was open from 2021-01-11 to 2021-01-19.

22 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Straw poll of rescheduling suggestions
  2. Picking a time for the Silver Task Force and Community Group

1. Straw poll of rescheduling suggestions

The group had a discussion of scheduling priorities on Friday, 8 January 2021. There was also a proposal to eliminate the Friday meeting. It didn't have a lot of agreement in the meeting, however, people who weren't attending on Friday may have important perspective.

Priorities discussed were to:

  • Make participation easier for EU, US West Coast, and Asia-Pacific (specifically Japan)
  • Consider future merge with AGWG who meet on Tuesdays 30 minutes after the end of the Tuesday Silver call

There were suggestions:

  • Have more, shorter meetings. Feedback pointed out the overhead of setting up a meeting
  • Make it easier to participate asynchronously by email, reading minutes, new tools, etc.
  • Narrow the window of available time to make it more painful for all
  • Have a rotating meeting time. Several participants immediately responded that they could not participate with a rotating time.
  • Move the Friday meeting to a different day, same time to allow more EU participation even at a later time
  • Move the Friday meeting to a different day and earlier time
  • Keep the Tuesday meeting and move the Friday meeting
  • Eliminate the Friday meeting and only meet on Tuesday
  • Eliminate the Tuesday meeting and only meet on a new day and time to be determined


ChoiceAll responders
NoYes, but prefer notYesYes, and prefer
Have more, shorter meetings. 12 4 3 1
Make it easier to participate asynchronously by email, reading minutes, new tools, etc. 1 13 6
Have a rotating meeting time 10 8 1 1
Keep Tuesday meeting and move Friday meeting to a different day at the same time 8 6 5 3
Keep Tuesday and move Friday to a different day at a different time 7 4 9 2
Eliminate the Tuesday meeting and only meet on a new day and time 11 5 5 1
Only meet on Tuesday (eliminate the Friday meeting) 5 5 5 7
Eliminate the Tuesday meeting and move the Friday meeting to a different day and time 11 3 8

Ranking of choices in order of least unacceptable/most prefered:

RanksAll responders:
1Make it easier to participate asynchronously by email, reading minutes, new tools, etc.
2Only meet on Tuesday (eliminate the Friday meeting)
3Keep Tuesday and move Friday to a different day at a different time
4Keep Tuesday meeting and move Friday meeting to a different day at the same time
5Have a rotating meeting time
6Eliminate the Tuesday meeting and move the Friday meeting to a different day and time
7Eliminate the Tuesday meeting and only meet on a new day and time
8Have more, shorter meetings.


Responder Have more, shorter meetings. Make it easier to participate asynchronously by email, reading minutes, new tools, etc. Have a rotating meeting timeKeep Tuesday meeting and move Friday meeting to a different day at the same timeKeep Tuesday and move Friday to a different day at a different timeEliminate the Tuesday meeting and only meet on a new day and timeOnly meet on Tuesday (eliminate the Friday meeting)Eliminate the Tuesday meeting and move the Friday meeting to a different day and timeComments on options
Makoto Ueki Yes, but prefer not Yes No Yes No Domo arigato so much for considerations. I do understand it is really difficult to find the timing which work for EU, US West Coast, and Asia-Pacific. It is great to make participation easier also for Asia-Pacific. It'll allow experts in other countries than Japan, such as China, Korea, Australia and so on, to join the task force more easily.
Justine Pascalides No Yes No No Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes, and prefer Yes
Sheri Byrne-Haber Yes, but prefer not Yes, and prefer Yes, but prefer not No No No Yes No My preference overall is to keep it to a single meeting. While I am not enamored with the 6:30 PST startup time, I am used to it. Finding a 90-120 minute block in the middle of the day (such as the Friday meeting) has proven problematic since I already have meetings scheduled at that time which I must attend.
Kim Dirks No Yes, and prefer No Yes Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not No If we move to one meeting (which I do not prefer, but would try to make work) I think it needs to be a 2-hour meeting.
Jennifer Strickland No Yes Yes, but prefer not No Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes
Rachael Bradley Montgomery No Yes, and prefer Yes, but prefer not Yes Yes Yes Yes, and prefer Yes
Chris Loiselle No Yes No Yes, and prefer No No Yes, but prefer not No General comments: Recording the zoom session. Recording zoom session and possibly noting timestamps on zoom video for asynchronous share thereafter would allow users who want to review irc based / zakim minutes against the zoom call itself. I.e. if the zoom call featured a screen share and a person wanted to review that on the call as recorded in zoom and in minutes provided by scribe in irc.
Charles Adams Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes I am fine with all these options. My preference is to reduce my time load for W3C by combining Silver and AGWG. While there is need for independent Silver calls, I'm happy to go with whatever the group decides is the best approach for progress and participation.
Christian Perera No Yes No No No No Yes Yes One meeting a week using working timescales for deliverables / progress check-ins.
JaEun Jemma Ku Yes, but prefer not Yes No Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, and prefer Yes, and prefer Yes, but prefer not
Peter Korn No Yes No No No Yes No Yes I'm not sure who the last and the 3rd from last question are functionally different. Fundamentally my vote is for 1 meeting a week, at neither the existing Tuesday or Friday times, but in the morning PT a little later than 6:30am PT.
Todd Libby Yes Yes No No No No Yes, and prefer No
Tobias Christian Jensen Yes Yes, and prefer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wilco Fiers Yes, but prefer not Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes, and prefer Yes, but prefer not No No No
Matt Garrish No Yes No No No Yes Yes, and prefer Yes
Francis Storr No Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not No No No
John Foliot Yes Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not No No Yes, and prefer No
Janina Sajka No Yes No Yes Yes, and prefer No No No I've begun to wonder whether we're a bit premature in this effort.
Oughtn't we perhaps wait to see what volume of comments we need to
process from the FPWD?
Suzanne Taylor Yes, but prefer not Yes, and prefer Yes, and prefer Yes, and prefer Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not
Jake Abma No Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes No Yes, and prefer No
Sarah Horton No Yes No Yes, but prefer not Yes, and prefer No Yes, but prefer not No
Charles Hall Yes, and prefer Yes, and prefer Yes, but prefer not No Yes Yes, but prefer not No Yes, but prefer not Time of day (am, ET) is currently more of a challenge than day of week.

2. Picking a time for the Silver Task Force and Community Group

Please indicate in the table below at which times you would be available for the call. This reflects that narrower window of time suggested in the meeting. Please use the comment field for other suggestions or comments.


ChoiceAll responders
NoYes, but prefer notYesYes, and prefer
Monday, 10 ET 8 6 7 1
Monday, 11 ET 3 5 12 2
Monday, 12 ET 3 4 12 3
Wednesday, 10 ET 5 4 13
Wednesday, 11 ET 9 3 9 1
Wednesday, 12 ET 8 3 10 1
Thursday, 10 ET 8 5 8 1
Thursday, 11 ET 10 5 6 1
Thursday, 12 ET 7 4 9 2

Ranking of choices in order of least unacceptable/most prefered:

RanksAll responders:
1Monday, 12 ET
2Monday, 11 ET
3Wednesday, 10 ET
4Thursday, 12 ET
5Wednesday, 12 ET
6Thursday, 10 ET
7Monday, 10 ET
8Wednesday, 11 ET
9Thursday, 11 ET


Responder Monday, 10 ETMonday, 11 ETMonday, 12 ETWednesday, 10 ETWednesday, 11 ETWednesday, 12 ETThursday, 10 ETThursday, 11 ETThursday, 12 ETComments
Makoto Ueki Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No It'll be 0am, 1am and 2am in Tokyo time.
Justine Pascalides Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes, but prefer not
Sheri Byrne-Haber Yes Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes No No Yes Yes No Wednesday at 8 is the Maturity modeling subcommittee meeting. Wednesday at 9 is the Errors subcommittee meeting
Kim Dirks No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes, but prefer not Yes
Jennifer Strickland Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Rachael Bradley Montgomery No Yes, but prefer not Yes No No No No No Yes
Chris Loiselle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
Charles Adams No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Christian Perera Yes, but prefer not Yes Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes Yes, but prefer not No Yes
JaEun Jemma Ku Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes WOW, all these options avoid the meeting conflicts with ARIA APG, ARIA and ARIA AT on Tuesday and Thursday. Thanks for all your coordination!
Peter Korn Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, and prefer Yes, but prefer not Yes Yes, and prefer Yes, but prefer not Yes Yes, and prefer I need some notice to shift a standing weekly meeting I have at 11am ET on Mondays, but otherwise can make that non-preferred time.
Todd Libby Yes, and prefer Yes, and prefer Yes, and prefer Yes No No Yes No No
Tobias Christian Jensen Yes, but prefer not No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Wilco Fiers No Yes No No No Yes No No No Wednesday 11 conflicts with the maturity model meeting. If that moves I could attend it.
Matt Garrish No Yes, but prefer not Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes, but prefer not Yes
Francis Storr Yes, but prefer not Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes, but prefer not No Post pandemic, when schools are back open, Thursdays become a little easier.
John Foliot No Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not No Yes, but prefer not No Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not
Janina Sajka No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes, and prefer Yes No
Suzanne Taylor Yes, but prefer not Yes, and prefer Yes, and prefer Yes, but prefer not Yes, and prefer Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, and prefer Yes, and prefer In some cases there are subgroup meetings at these times, so I entered prefer not, but I assume those meetings would be moved.
Jake Abma Yes Yes Yes, but prefer not Yes No Yes, but prefer not Yes No Yes, but prefer not
Sarah Horton No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Charles Hall Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Yes, but prefer not Time of day (am, ET) is currently more of a challenge than day of week. Typically, a 12p ET meeting for me would include the multitasking of lunch.

More details on responses

  • Justine Pascalides: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 16:40 (UTC)
  • Sheri Byrne-Haber: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 16:44 (UTC)
  • Kim Dirks: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 16:55 (UTC)
  • Jennifer Strickland: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 17:00 (UTC)
  • Rachael Bradley Montgomery: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 17:55 (UTC)
  • Chris Loiselle: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 18:38 (UTC)
  • Charles Adams: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 19:09 (UTC)
  • Christian Perera: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 20:03 (UTC)
  • JaEun Jemma Ku: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 20:28 (UTC)
  • Peter Korn: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 22:02 (UTC)
  • Todd Libby: last responded on 12, January 2021 at 22:05 (UTC)
  • Tobias Christian Jensen: last responded on 13, January 2021 at 08:47 (UTC)
  • Wilco Fiers: last responded on 13, January 2021 at 13:36 (UTC)
  • Matt Garrish: last responded on 13, January 2021 at 19:24 (UTC)
  • Francis Storr: last responded on 13, January 2021 at 22:37 (UTC)
  • John Foliot: last responded on 14, January 2021 at 14:31 (UTC)
  • Janina Sajka: last responded on 15, January 2021 at 01:38 (UTC)
  • Suzanne Taylor: last responded on 15, January 2021 at 02:47 (UTC)
  • Jake Abma: last responded on 15, January 2021 at 09:15 (UTC)
  • Sarah Horton: last responded on 15, January 2021 at 14:41 (UTC)
  • Charles Hall: last responded on 16, January 2021 at 19:46 (UTC)


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Gregg Vanderheiden
  2. Janina Sajka
  3. Shadi Abou-Zahra
  4. Bruce Bailey
  5. Jeanne F Spellman
  6. Alastair Campbell
  7. Léonie Watson
  8. David Sloan
  9. Mary Jo Mueller
  10. John Kirkwood
  11. Detlev Fischer
  12. John Rochford
  13. Aparna Pasi
  14. Ruoxi Ran
  15. Arthur Soroken
  16. David Fazio
  17. Daniel Montalvo
  18. Caryn Pagel
  19. Julia Chen
  20. Rain Breaw Michaels
  21. Jaunita George
  22. Suji Sreerama

Send an email to all the non-responders.

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