Results of Questionnaire Proposal for ACT rules and state

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody.

This questionnaire was open from 2021-04-06 to 2021-04-15.

6 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. About this Review
  2. proposal for state in ACT rules

1. About this Review

Please take time to review the States in ACT rules . Did you:


ChoiceAll responders
I reviewed it thoroughly. 4
I skimmed it. 2
I didn't get to it. I abstain (not vote). Accept the decision of the group.


Responder About this ReviewComment
Detlev Fischer I skimmed it.
Charles Adams I skimmed it.
Kathy Eng I reviewed it thoroughly. 2. Call for review
Once a pull request has the necessary approvals, the author of the pull request sends an e-mail to the ACT Rules Community Group mailing list - should this email be sent to both the TF and CG?

Annual Check - 1st paragraph, last sentence: "If any changes are deemed necessary, a liaison is picked and the change request is handled as survey feedback, starting in the validation step." -
- this sentence may not be needed since it's covered in the next paragraph
- also starting point would depend on the significance of the change. if a change is approved to pass/fail examples, implementations would need to be updated.
Wilco Fiers I reviewed it thoroughly.
Daniel Montalvo I reviewed it thoroughly. Just minor suggestions for what I think are missing commas. Otherwise, this looks much better now.

Trevor Bostic I reviewed it thoroughly.

2. proposal for state in ACT rules

Please review the States in ACT rules . Do you have any suggested changes you want to see?


ChoiceAll responders
Looks good, no changes to suggest 3
I have a suggestion for editor's discretion entered below. 2
I have a strong suggestion and do not approve the section without this change, entered below

(1 response didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder proposal for state in ACT rulesComments
Detlev Fischer Looks good, no changes to suggest
Charles Adams
Kathy Eng I have a suggestion for editor's discretion entered below. If there is an "Applicable States and Transitions'" should there be a section for "Expected States and Transitions", and vice-versa? Would be good to explain (whatever the answer may be)
Wilco Fiers I have a suggestion for editor's discretion entered below. While I think pseudo-selectors are a good solution, because these are specific to CSS I don't think this will work. There is also other state related information, such as image loading states that I think is important to consider, which can not be tested for with CSS.

The other thing about pseudo elements is that it is a short-hand for the actual state. The focus pseudo class can be active while the element is still transitioning. How would we define a transition, and decide that a transition has ended?

I feel that more thought should go into how state is addressed in test cases. If I have a test case that fails on hoaver, but passes on without it, is it fair to say that an implementors that does not, for technical reasons test hover states is a partial implementation of that rule? That doesn't feel right to me.
Daniel Montalvo Looks good, no changes to suggest
Trevor Bostic Looks good, no changes to suggest

More details on responses

  • Detlev Fischer: last responded on 12, April 2021 at 13:34 (UTC)
  • Charles Adams: last responded on 12, April 2021 at 16:39 (UTC)
  • Kathy Eng: last responded on 14, April 2021 at 21:56 (UTC)
  • Wilco Fiers: last responded on 15, April 2021 at 12:20 (UTC)
  • Daniel Montalvo: last responded on 15, April 2021 at 12:26 (UTC)
  • Trevor Bostic: last responded on 15, April 2021 at 12:58 (UTC)


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Katie Haritos-Shea
  2. David MacDonald
  3. Romain Deltour
  4. Alastair Campbell
  5. Mary Jo Mueller
  6. Chris Loiselle
  7. Jonathan Avila
  8. Rachael Bradley Montgomery
  9. Helen Burge
  10. Todd Libby
  11. Thomas Brunet
  12. Catherine Droege
  13. Suji Sreerama
  14. Shane Dittmar
  15. Nayan Padrai
  16. Sage Keriazes

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