Results of Questionnaire Thorough review of ACT Rules Format 1.0 and ACT Rules

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody.

This questionnaire was open from 2017-09-21 to 2017-10-10.

2 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. ACT Rules Format 1.0 Working Draft
  2. Sample ACT Rules
  3. ACT Implementation

1. ACT Rules Format 1.0 Working Draft

For detailed review: ACT Rules Format 1.0 WD (12 Sep)


ChoiceAll responders
I reviewed ACT Rules Format 1.0 in detail and have no comments. That is, I would approve it as a final W3C standard as-is.
I reviewed ACT Rules Format 1.0 in detail and have comments, which I provided as GitHub issues or in the comments below. 1
I did not review ACT Rules Format 1.0 in detail, and abstain from commenting. I will accept the decision of the group. 1


Responder ACT Rules Format 1.0 Working DraftComments
Tobias Christian Jensen I reviewed ACT Rules Format 1.0 in detail and have comments, which I provided as GitHub issues or in the comments below. See, which I still believe to be quite relevant: https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/109

Would fit better as a kind of Requirement for a test rule. Also we should consider removing the more fluffy "Scripts" and "Templates" from the list of test subject types, as they are more likely to cause confusion than to help. If you come to need these types when developing rules, you will be able to specify them then to properly fit the purpose of your rule.
Romain Deltour I did not review ACT Rules Format 1.0 in detail, and abstain from commenting. I will accept the decision of the group. Sorry, it's been a super busy month.
I do intend to review in detail at the very latest before TPAC.

2. Sample ACT Rules

For detailed review: Sample ACT Rules


ChoiceAll responders
I reviewed ACT Rules Format 1.0 in detail and have no comments. That is, I would approve it as a final W3C standard as-is. 1
I reviewed the sample ACT Rules in detail and have comments, which I provided as GitHub issues or in the comments below.
I did not review ACT Rules Format 1.0 in detail, and abstain from commenting. I will accept the decision of the group. 1


Responder Sample ACT RulesComments
Tobias Christian Jensen I reviewed ACT Rules Format 1.0 in detail and have no comments. That is, I would approve it as a final W3C standard as-is.
Romain Deltour I did not review ACT Rules Format 1.0 in detail, and abstain from commenting. I will accept the decision of the group.

3. ACT Implementation

Following your review of the ACT Rules Format and the sample ACT Rules, consider how feasible it would be for your organization to develop test rules in this format, or map your existing rules to it. Consider publicly available test rules, if you do not develop test rules.


ChoiceAll responders
The test rules I considered fully map to the ACT Rules Format. 2
I noticed some mapping issues between the test rules I considered and the ACT Rules Format, which I provided as GitHub issues or in the comments below.
I have no opinions on this matter. I will accept the decision of the group.


Responder ACT ImplementationComments
Tobias Christian Jensen The test rules I considered fully map to the ACT Rules Format.
Romain Deltour The test rules I considered fully map to the ACT Rules Format. Barring anything I could have identified I had actually reviewed the spec in detail, from what I'm aware of the spec it's compatible with DAISY’s work.

More details on responses


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Katie Haritos-Shea
  2. David MacDonald
  3. Wilco Fiers
  4. Alastair Campbell
  5. Mary Jo Mueller
  6. Detlev Fischer
  7. Chris Loiselle
  8. Jonathan Avila
  9. Rachael Bradley Montgomery
  10. Charles Adams
  11. Kathy Eng
  12. Daniel Montalvo
  13. Helen Burge
  14. Todd Libby
  15. Thomas Brunet
  16. Catherine Droege
  17. Suji Sreerama
  18. Shane Dittmar
  19. Nayan Padrai

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