Results of Questionnaire ACT TF - Rule Review: ARIA required owned elements

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email addresses: team-wcag-act-surveys@w3.org,maryjom@us.ibm.com,wilco.fiers@deque.com

This questionnaire was open from 2020-07-23 to 2020-08-06.

5 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Instructions
  2. Consistency with ACT Rules Format
  3. Rule assumptions
  4. Implementation data
  5. Consistent with defined standards
  6. Remaining open issues
  7. Other questions or concerns
  8. Readiness for publishing

1. Instructions

Review the rule ARIA required owned elements and answer the questions in this survey.

If there are issues with the rule, you may either open an issue in GitHub or provide details in the entry fields for the applicable question.


ChoiceAll responders


Responder Instructions
Wilco Fiers
Kathy Eng
Mary Jo Mueller
Detlev Fischer
Trevor Bostic

2. Consistency with ACT Rules Format

Does the rule follow the ACT Rules Format 1.0?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes 5
No. I have opened an issue in GitHub or have documented my comments below.
I don't know. My questions are documented below.


Responder Consistency with ACT Rules FormatComments
Wilco Fiers Yes
Kathy Eng Yes
Mary Jo Mueller Yes
Detlev Fischer Yes
Trevor Bostic Yes

3. Rule assumptions

Are the assumptions acceptable?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes 5
No. I have opened an issue in GitHub or have documented my comments below.
I don't know. My questions are documented below.


Responder Rule assumptionsComments
Wilco Fiers Yes
Kathy Eng Yes
Mary Jo Mueller Yes
Detlev Fischer Yes
Trevor Bostic Yes

4. Implementation data

Is the implementation data correct?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes 4
No. I have opened an issue in GitHub or have documented my comments below.
I don't know. My questions or comments are documented below. 1


Responder Implementation dataComments
Wilco Fiers Yes
Kathy Eng Yes
Mary Jo Mueller Yes
Detlev Fischer Yes
Trevor Bostic I don't know. My questions or comments are documented below. Passed example 4 maybe invalid html in multiple ways. I don't think we can have an <li> element that is not under <ul>, <ol>, or a <menu> (though I was wondering if the role="menu" changed this). The second is that the roles "menuitemradio" and "menuitemcheckbox" need an aria-checked value. I found/confirmed some of these with the W3C validator https://validator.w3.org/. If true, this might also affect failed example 3.

5. Consistent with defined standards

Is the rule consistent with existing accessibility standards (e.g. WCAG, ARIA, etc.)?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes 5
No. I have opened an issue in GitHub or have documented my comments below.
I don't know. My questions or comments are documented below.


Responder Consistent with defined standardsComments
Wilco Fiers Yes
Kathy Eng Yes
Mary Jo Mueller Yes
Detlev Fischer Yes
Trevor Bostic Yes

6. Remaining open issues

Are there any remaining open issues for this rule that were opened prior to this review?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes there are open issues that need to be resolved. I have listed them below.
Yes, there are open issues but they don't need to be resolved for the rule to be published.
No, there are no open issues. 5


Responder Remaining open issuesComments
Wilco Fiers No, there are no open issues.
Kathy Eng No, there are no open issues.
Mary Jo Mueller No, there are no open issues.
Detlev Fischer No, there are no open issues.
Trevor Bostic No, there are no open issues.

7. Other questions or concerns

Do you have any further questions or concerns about this rule?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes, I have questions or concerns, described below. 2
No, I have no further questions or concerns. 3


Responder Other questions or concernsComments
Wilco Fiers No, I have no further questions or concerns.
Kathy Eng Yes, I have questions or concerns, described below. the element has an implicit semantic role that is identical to its explicit semantic role; - why is this exempt in the applicability?
Mary Jo Mueller No, I have no further questions or concerns.
Detlev Fischer No, I have no further questions or concerns.
Trevor Bostic Yes, I have questions or concerns, described below. I think notes 1 and 3 inside of the expectation may be able to be moved to the background section. I don't find them as directly relevant to the expectation as note 2.

8. Readiness for publishing

Do you think this rule is ready to be published?


ChoiceAll responders
Yes, it is ready to publish as-is. 4
Yes, it is ready to publish with the following changes.
No, it is not ready to publish and the reason is documented below. 1


Responder Readiness for publishingComments
Wilco Fiers Yes, it is ready to publish as-is.
Kathy Eng Yes, it is ready to publish as-is.
Mary Jo Mueller Yes, it is ready to publish as-is.
Detlev Fischer Yes, it is ready to publish as-is.
Trevor Bostic No, it is not ready to publish and the reason is documented below. Need to make sure our examples are solid and maybe a bit of structure rework for this rule (i.e. moving notes).

More details on responses


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Katie Haritos-Shea
  2. David MacDonald
  3. Romain Deltour
  4. Alastair Campbell
  5. Chris Loiselle
  6. Jonathan Avila
  7. Rachael Bradley Montgomery
  8. Charles Adams
  9. Daniel Montalvo
  10. Helen Burge
  11. Todd Libby
  12. Thomas Brunet
  13. Catherine Droege
  14. Suji Sreerama
  15. Shane Dittmar
  16. Nayan Padrai
  17. Sage Keriazes

Send an email to all the non-responders.

Compact view of the results / list of email addresses of the responders

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