Results of Questionnaire WCAG2ICT - Review updated proposed changes since 16 May - Round 2

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email address: maryjom@us.ibm.com

This questionnaire was open from 2024-05-27 to 2024-05-30.

9 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. (1 of 3) Update definition of "closed functionality"
  2. (2 of 3) Update to "closed functionality" examples
  3. (3 of 3) Move statement from Key term "closed functionality" to "Comments on Closed Functionality"
  4. (1 of 2) General guidance - Note 8 of 1.4.10 Reflow
  5. (2 of 2) General guidance - Note 1 for 2.1.1 Keyboard, and add "virtual keyboard" key term
  6. (1 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed Functionality
  7. (2 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 1.3.4 Orientation
  8. (3 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 1.4.10 Reflow
  9. (4 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 2.1.1 Keyboard
  10. (5 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 2.4.2 Page Titled
  11. (6 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 3.3.1 Error Identification
  12. General guidance - New proposed note for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum)
  13. General guidance - New proposed note for 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum)

1. (1 of 3) Update definition of "closed functionality"

The participants in the extra Friday meeting on 24 May worked to address comments from questions in the previous survey that proposed changes to the WCAG2ICT draft. All but two of the new proposals can be found in the Google doc to solve the 23 May survey comments. The options have been narrowed to one or two to items for each question, but other numbered items are left in the document for historical purposes. A new pull request was made to enable reading the changes in-context. Links to specific files and sections are provided with the questions they pertain to.

Review the proposed changes to the definition of "closed functionality" in PR 375 Key Terms file line 28. You can read all of the proposed changes to the key term closed functionality in context. This proposal also provides a new key term definition which can be read in-context: "platform software".

There are three questions in the survey regarding proposed changes to "closed functionality". This question focuses on the proposed change to the definition verbiage, excerpted below.

NOTE: The last survey was very split on the two proposals (3 preferred option 1, 4 preferred option 2 - 3 of those with proposed changes to option 2), so two options are again presented for this question with the requested edits incorporated into Option 3 below.

Option 1: Original definition

closed functionality (as used in WCAG2ICT)

a property or characteristic that prevents users from attaching, installing, or using assistive technology

Option 3: Updated proposal from last week based on survey comments

closed functionality (as used in WCAG2ICT)

a property or characteristic that prevents users from attaching, installing, or using either assistive technology or the accessibility features built into platform software

Add a new definition for "platform software" using the definition from the EN 301 549

platform software

collection of software components that runs on an underlying software or hardware layer, and that provides a set of software services to other software components that allows those applications to be isolated from the underlying software or hardware layer

NOTE: Should the new definition be accepted, the editors will sweep the document to add links to the definition from all uses of the term "platform software".

Indicate which option you prefer. If edits are needed, provide the detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.


ChoiceAll responders
Prefer Option 1, as-is. 5
Prefer Option 3, as-is. 1
Prefer Option 3, with edits (Provide detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.) 1

(2 responses didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder (1 of 3) Update definition of "closed functionality"Comments
Sam Ogami Prefer Option 1, as-is. Option 1still the most to the point and understandable. When the definition is viewed in greater context of the note and examples (for the definition CF) and the multiple points in the wcag2ict document the addition to the definition (in option 2) is not needed. https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/pull/378/files#r1617859548
Gregg Vanderheiden Prefer Option 3, as-is.
Phil Day Prefer Option 1, as-is. I still don't like the modified proposal as it means that every closed functionality system that I've worked on in the last 18 years does not meet this new definition of closed functionality, as they all use some features built into the platform software to provide accessibility features. As a result, I would strongly resist adoption of option 3 or any variation - it simply does not describe the architecture of the closed systems (that I am familiar with).

Bruce Bailey Prefer Option 3, with edits (Provide detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.) I am okay with Option 1.

I thought I had liked where we were going with option 3, but I agree with Phil the proposed wording reverses the long-standing meaning of the term. Closed functionality implies the user must rely upon platform accessibility features, not that the user is prevented from using them! My proposed suggestion for an Option 3:

Closed Functionality:
a property or characteristic that prevents users from attaching, installing, or using assistive technology, or that otherwise limits users to the accessibility features built into platform software.
Shadi Abou-Zahra I'm ambivalent about this,I like Bruce's suggestion
Chris Loiselle Prefer Option 1, as-is.
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Prefer Option 1, as-is. After rethinking on the issue, I now believe that we don't need to change the definition of closed functionality to include platform-provided accessibility features.

The reason for my thinking is that these platform-provided accessibility features are assistive technology according the definition included in WCAG, and adapted in WCAG2ICT: "assistive technology (as used in this document): hardware and/or software that acts [stand-alone], or along with [mainstream information and communication technologies (ICT)], to provide functionality to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by [mainstream ICT]"

The mobile platform screen readers for iOS (VoiceOver) and Android (Talkback) are software that acts along their operating systems to support the needs of users with disabilities, more specifically, blind users. Thus they are assistive technology according to our definition.

Maybe what we need is a new note in the definition of assistive technology to clarify this.
Mike Pluke Prefer Option 1, as-is. Loïc's logic has persuaded me away from option 3.

2. (2 of 3) Update to "closed functionality" examples

Note, the survey results from last week showed a high preference for Option 2 - 2 preferred option 1 (but both were OK with option 2 with edits), 5 preferred Option 2 (4 with edits). Option 3 below incorporates the comments from last week's survey.

This is the second question regarding proposed changes to the key term "closed functionality", specifically the Examples callout box. Use the links in the previous question to see the detailed changes in the PR and the in-context view of all changes being proposed. NOTE: If these edits are accepted, they would also be similarly changed as shown in the example callout box in the Comments on Closed Functionality section.

For reference only: Original bullet 2 in the examples

  • telephony devices such as IP phones, feature phones, smartphones, and phone-enabled tablets (although such devices are becoming increasingly open and/or supplying AT and accessibility features that software can rely upon to meet WCAG requirements.)

Option 3: Edited option 2 from last week's survey

  • telephony devices such as internet-phones, feature phones, smartphones and phone-enabled tablets

Then after the list of examples, add the following note:

NOTE: Some of these technologies, though closed to some external assistive technologies, often have extensive internal accessibility features that serve as assistive technology that can be used by applications on these devices in the same way assistive technology is used on fully open devices, such as desktop computers. Others are open to some types of assistive technology but not others.

Indicate if Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft. If edits are needed, provide the detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is. 8
Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.)

(1 response didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder (2 of 3) Update to "closed functionality" examplesComments
Sam Ogami Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Phil Day Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Chris Loiselle Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mike Pluke Option 3 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.

3. (3 of 3) Move statement from Key term "closed functionality" to "Comments on Closed Functionality"

Note, Option 1 from last week's survey was removed in this question since the survey results indicated a strong preference for Proposal 2, as-is with only 1 of 7 preferring option 1. Therefore, we are working to reach consensus on Option 2.

This is the third and final question regarding possible guidance changes the key term "closed functionality". Since proposal 2 received overwhelming support in the previous survey, the text is shown below as it appears in the Comments on Closed Functionality file in the pull request (line 23).

Option 2: Move statement from key term to Comments on Closed Functionality

Edited text would say: These examples are explained more fully in the definition of closed functionality in the Key Terms section.

Indicate whether the proposal is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft. If further edits are needed, provide the detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is 8
Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.)

(1 response didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder (3 of 3) Move statement from Key term "closed functionality" to "Comments on Closed Functionality"Comments
Sam Ogami Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is
Phil Day Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is
Bruce Bailey Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is
Chris Loiselle Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is
Mike Pluke Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is

4. (1 of 2) General guidance - Note 8 of 1.4.10 Reflow

Note, Option 1 from last week's survey was removed in this question because Option 2 was preferred, as-is by all 6 respondents. The Option 2 proposal has only an editorial change, in italics.

Here is a link to PR 378's changes to the comments by guideline and success criterion file so you can see all of the substantive changes and edits to proposed for this part of the document. This and the next question will cover proposed SC changes separately. To read the changes to the SCs in context, each question will give you a direct link to the pertinent SC's section in the built document.

This first question is about proposed changes to Applying 1.4.10 Reflow to Non-Web Documents and Software where you can read the proposed changes in-context. In the last survey of the proposed edits (from May 23), 6 respondents indicated Option 2 was preferred, as-is. So in this survey Option 1 has been removed. You can see what changes were made by looking at line 288 in the file.

Text below also shows the proposed changes in bold:

Option 2: Clarified Note 8 for 1.4.10 Reflow

Some software applications provide a mode of operation where reflow is possible, while other modes are unable to reflow. An example is a document authoring tool, which includes both a "print preview mode" (without reflow, for users to view the spatial formatting) and a "drafting view mode" where reflow is supported. Such software would satisfy this success criterion as long as there is no loss of information or functionality in the drafting view.

Indicate whether this proposal can be incorporated as-is or needs edits. If edits are needed, be specific and provide them either in the PR or in this survey.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 2 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is. 7
Option 2 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) 1

(1 response didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder (1 of 2) General guidance - Note 8 of 1.4.10 ReflowComments
Sam Ogami Option 2 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 2 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Phil Day Option 2 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 2 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is. I am assuming that "criterion" would not be in italics in final.
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 2 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Chris Loiselle Option 2 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) not sure why criterion is in italics, but fine either way if reasoning is justified in prior use cases.
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 2 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is. As Bruce and Chris, I'm also assuming that "criterion" will not be in italics.
Mike Pluke Option 2 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.

5. (2 of 2) General guidance - Note 1 for 2.1.1 Keyboard, and add "virtual keyboard" key term

Note, Option 1 from last week's survey is only for reference in this question because Option 2 was preferred, by 7 out of 8 respondents, with 5 requesting edits to option 2. The Option 4 proposal was developed to address the edits requested.

This proposal is to modify Note 1 in the general guidance for 2.1.1 Keyboard and split part of it into a new note. The changes appear in lines 386-389 of the general SC guidance file. You can review the updated content in-context (will appear as Notes 1 and 2) in Applying SC 2.1.1 Keyboard to Non-Web Documents and Software.

This also proposes the addition of a new definition of "virtual keyboard" in the key terms file, which appears in lines 225-238 and can be read in-context at virtual keyboard.

For comparison only: Original Note 1

Note 1: This does not imply that software always needs to directly support a keyboard or “keyboard interface”. Nor does it imply that software always needs to provide a soft keyboard. Underlying platform software may provide device independent input services to applications that enable operation via a keyboard. Software that supports operation via such platform device independent services would be operable by a keyboard and would comply.

Option 4: Last week's Option 2 with survey comments incorporated

Note 1: Keyboard interface does not refer to a physical device but to the interface between the software and any keyboard or keyboard substitute (i.e., an interface where the software accepts text or other keystroke input). Underlying platform software may provide device independent input services to applications that enable operation via such a keyboard interface. Software that supports operation via such platform device independent services would be operable via a keyboard interface and would satisfy the success criterion.

Note 2: This success criterion does not imply that software always needs to directly support a keyboard or “keyboard interface”. Nor does it imply that software always needs to provide a virtual keyboard.

Note that if changes in Option 4 are accepted, they will also be reflected in the section as shown in Applying "keyboard interface" to Non-Web Documents and Software.

Here's the excerpted key term definition of "virtual keyboard":

Virtual Keyboard

any software that acts as a keyboard and generates output that is treated by other software like keystrokes from a keyboard

NOTE: Speech, eye-gaze, sip-and-puff, sounds, switches, and codes have all been used by virtual keyboards as input that generates "keystroke" output.

Indicate which proposal you prefer and if any edits are needed.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 4 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is. 8
Option 4 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.)

(1 response didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder (2 of 2) General guidance - Note 1 for 2.1.1 Keyboard, and add "virtual keyboard" key termComments
Sam Ogami Option 4 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 4 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Phil Day Option 4 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 4 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 4 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Chris Loiselle Option 4 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 4 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mike Pluke Option 4 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.

6. (1 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed Functionality

Review the changes proposed for the SC Problematic for Closed Functionality file. This file shows the details of the changes that are the subject of the next few survey questions. You can read the changes in-context using this link to the built document's section SC Problematic for Closed Functionality.

This is the first question regarding those proposed changes, focused on the introductory content in the 2nd paragraph. The proposed change is in line 6 of the file (first link for this question, above), and excerpted as text below with changes highlighted in bold.

Note, Option 1 from last week's survey was removed, as the Friday group proposed an option that addressed concerns raised on Option 2 from last week's survey. The Option 3 proposal below was developed to address the edits requested.

Option 3: Updated to add verbiage at the end of the paragraph

There are success criteria that can be problematic for developers of ICT with closed functionality. Some criteria discuss making information available in text (which can be read by assistive technologies), making it “programmatically determinable” (rendered by a user agent and readable by assistive technologies), or doing something else to make content compatible with assistive technologies. Where ICT with closed functionality doesn’t support use of assistive technology or the platform does not have an accessibility API, providing equivalent information and operation through another mechanism, such as functions built into the software that behave like assistive technology, would help meet the intent of these success criteria. See also the Comments on Closed Functionality section.

Additionally some small clarifications were needed in the 2nd paragraph after the editor's note in the Comments on Closed Functionality section as follows: (NOTE: exact changes are highlighted in the closed functionality.md file in line 10.) Excerpted text is shown below with changes highlighted in bold text:

ICT with closed functionality does not allow the use of some assistive technologies for some or all of the ICT's functions. In many cases, such ICT also lacks a “user agent” or its equivalent. To the extent the ICT is closed, following the WCAG success criteria by themselves will not ensure that non-web software is accessible. Where the wide range of assistive technologies or user agents are not available, as they are for Web content, to address the intent of these success criteria, something else needs to be provided or be required to facilitate accessibility as intended by WCAG 2. It is outside the WCAG2ICT Task Force Work Statement to say what additional measures are needed, but WCAG2ICT points out which success criteria depend on assistive technologies - and therefore which success criteria would be problematic in the context of ICT with closed functionality.

Indicate whether these changes are ready to incorporate into the editor's draft. If edits are needed, provide the detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is. 8
Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.)

(1 response didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder (1 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed Functionality Comments
Sam Ogami Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Phil Day Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Chris Loiselle Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mike Pluke Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.

7. (2 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 1.3.4 Orientation

Note, Option 1 from last week's survey is for reference only, as the Friday group proposed an option that addressed concerns raised on Option 2 from last week's survey and feel it is a good compromise without having a normative exception in WCAG2ICT. The Option 5 proposal was developed to address the edits requested and concerns raised by those who chose Option 1 last week.

This question focuses on proposed edits to the 1.3.4 Orientation content in SC Problematic for Closed Functionality which appears on line 18 of the file closed-functionality.md. You can read the changes in-context using this link to the built document's section SC Problematic for Closed Functionality.

For comparison only: Original content for 1.3.4 Orientation

1.3.4 Orientation - Products with closed functionality that have fixed-in-place displays or other limitations to modifying the physical display orientation are covered under the essential exception and are not required to provide support for orientation changes. See the note in the section Applying SC 1.3.4 Identify Input Purpose to Non-Web Documents and Software.

Option 5: Remove the normative-sounding content from the original

1.3.4 Orientation - Products with closed functionality that have fixed-in-place displays or other limitations that prevent modifying the physical display orientation should be considered as examples that are covered under the essential exception. See the note in the section Applying SC 1.3.4 Identify Input Purpose to Non-Web Documents and Software.

Indicate whether Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft. If edits are needed, provide the detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is. 8
Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.)

(1 response didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder (2 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 1.3.4 OrientationComments
Sam Ogami Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Phil Day Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Chris Loiselle Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mike Pluke Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.

8. (3 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 1.4.10 Reflow

Note, Option 1 from last week's survey is for reference only, because the survey results from last week had a strong preference for Option 2, as-is. This question is an attempt to reach consensus on Option 2.

This question focuses on proposed edits to the 1.4.10 Reflow content in SC Problematic for Closed Functionality which appears on line 30 in the file closed-functionality.md. In last week's survey, 7 of 8 respondents preferred option 2, as is (shown below). You can read the changes in-context using this link to the built document's section SC Problematic for Closed Functionality. Asking in the survey once more to obtain consensus - no further changes have been proposed.

For comparison only: Original content for 1.4.10 Reflow

1.4.10 Reflow - Some software on ICT with closed functionality does not support scrolling content or changing the viewport (examples include software for self-service transaction machines or kiosks). Therefore, there would be no content to which this success criterion applies, meaning the success criterion would be satisfied. Instead, other requirements exist outside of WCAG to address use by persons with low vision (including but not limited to using sufficiently large text and single screen designs).

Option 2: Updated to soften last sentence regarding existence of requirements

1.4.10 Reflow - Some software on ICT with closed functionality does not support scrolling content or changing the viewport (examples include software for self-service transaction machines or kiosks). Therefore, there would be no content to which this success criterion applies, meaning the success criterion would be satisfied. Instead, other requirements outside of WCAG would be needed to address use by persons with low vision (including but not limited to using sufficiently large text).

Indicate whether Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft. If edits are needed, provide the detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is. 2
Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) 5

(2 responses didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder (3 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 1.4.10 ReflowComments
Sam Ogami Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) Ooops. Doing great til this one. This one has problems - but i think easily fixed.
1) This is about what happens when you zoom the content. If you cannot zoom the content -- it does not pass this SC -- because the SC requires reflow on zoom. If it also doesnt change to scroll when zoomed there is double failure.

2) this is closed -- so we are just pointing out issues -- not declaring what passes or not.

Suggest instead
1.4.10 Reflow - Some software on ICT with closed functionality does not support scrolling content, or zooming or changing the viewport (examples include software for self-service transaction machines or kiosks). So some other means of ensuring that content is readable without horizontal scrolling is needed and would need to be addressed through other non-WCAG-like requirements on closed functionality.
Phil Day Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) +1 to Gregg's proposed edit in this survey.

I am also okay with Option 2 as-is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra
Chris Loiselle Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) Reading Gregg's comment of " So some other means of ensuring that content is readable without horizontal scrolling is needed and would need to be addressed through other non-WCAG-like requirements on closed functionality." Instead of this phrasing, if we factored in the original phrasing of "therefore, there..." text, that would read a bit better. I like Gregg's comments be advise we possibly wordsmith on the WCAG2ICT call prior to adopting this.
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) +1 to Gregg's edits.
Mike Pluke Option 2 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) +1 to Gregg's edits

9. (4 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 2.1.1 Keyboard

Note, Option 1 from last week's survey is for reference only, because the survey results from last week had a strong preference for Option 2, as-is with one person requesting a minor edit. This question is an attempt to reach consensus on Option 2, as edited.

This question focuses on proposed edits to the 2.1.1 Keyboard content in SC Problematic for Closed Functionality which appears on line 41 of the file closed-functionality.md. You can read the changes in-context using this link to the built document's section SC Problematic for Closed Functionality.

For comparison only: Original content for 2.1.1 Keyboard

2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. When a product with closed functionality does not have a standard keyboard or an alternative input device cannot be connected, it may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion. It may be possible to address some user needs (such as offering input methods that support users with low vision, without vision, or limited manual dexterity).

Option 3: Changed 2nd sentence (aligned with proposed changes to general guidance) and edited per the last survey

2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. When a product with closed functionality does not have a standard keyboard, or an alternative keyboard (hardware or software) that provides keyboard-like input cannot be connected, it may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion. It may be possible to address some user needs (such as offering input methods that support users with low vision, without vision, or limited manual dexterity).

Indicate whether the proposed changes in Option 3 are ready to merge into the editor's draft. If edits are needed, provide the detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is. 3
Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) 4

(2 responses didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder (4 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 2.1.1 KeyboardComments
Sam Ogami Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden I think the OR should be an AND but otherwise looks fine. ( ...keyboard, *and* an alternative...)
Phil Day Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) +1 to Gregg's edit, replacing OR with AND:

...does not have a standard keyboard, or an alternative keyboard...
should be:
...does not have a standard keyboard and an alternative keyboard...
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is. I'm not a good reference because I always get confused between "and" vs "or" but I feel that "and" in this context is ambiguous -- I prefer "or" as-is.
Chris Loiselle Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) +1 to how Bruce B. and Gregg V. interpreted the or/and proposed edits.
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) +1 to Gregg's edit.
Mike Pluke Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) +1 to Gregg's edits

10. (5 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 2.4.2 Page Titled

Note, Option 1 from last week's survey is for reference only, because the survey results from last week indicated it contained a normative statement in the language. This question is an attempt to reach consensus on Option 3, which takes Option 2 from the last survey and contains edits to address concerns expressed in the survey.

This question focuses on proposed edits to the 2.4.2 Page Titled content in SC Problematic for Closed Functionality which appears on line 45 of the file closed-functionality.md. You can read the changes in-context using this link to the built document's section SC Problematic for Closed Functionality.

For comparison only: Original content for 2.4.2 Page Titled

2.4.2 Page Titled - Where the software is part of a product that provides a single function, or has a menu-driven interface, there is no need for a title and the intent of this success criterion would be met.

Option 3: Soften language regarding "there is no need for a title" with edits from the last survey

2.4.2 Page Titled - Where the software is part of a product that provides a single function, or has a menu-driven interface, the intent of this success criterion would be met without needing an explicit title.

Indicate whether this update is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft. If edits are needed, provide the detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is. 6
Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) 2

(1 response didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder (5 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 2.4.2 Page TitledComments
Sam Ogami Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) Meeting the intent is not sufficient for meeting the SC. You need to meet the specific language. Intent is not normative. Only the language.
and the re-write doesnt solve this - is just moved with words around in the sentence.

Simple fix (since we are just providing guidance and not normative language):

2.4.2 Page Titled - Where the software is part of a product that provides a single function the name of the product would be the name. Where the software has a menu-driven interface, the software is again considered as the unit of measure - not individual menu item results.
Phil Day Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) +1 to Gregg's proposed edit in this survey.

I am also okay with Option 3 as-is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is. I don't fully understand "the software is again considered as the unit of measure". Also, I think Gregg's suggestion is too open-ended. I prefer the current text as-is.
Chris Loiselle Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is. After reading Gregg's proposal, I prefer Option 3 as-is.
Mike Pluke Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.

11. (6 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 3.3.1 Error Identification

Note, Option 1 from last week's survey is for reference only, because the survey results from last week indicated a strong preference for Option 2 (2 to 5), though there were requested edits to Option 2. This question is an attempt to reach consensus on Option 5, which takes Option 2 from the last survey and incorporates edits to address concerns expressed in last week's survey.

This question focuses on proposed edits to the 3.3.1 Error Identification content in SC Problematic for Closed Functionality which appears on line 58 of the file closed-functionality.md. You can read the changes in-context using this link to the built document's section SC Problematic for Closed Functionality.

For comparison only: Original content for 3.3.1 Error Identification

3.3.1 Error Identification - It is important for errors that can be detected to be described to the user; for ICT with closed functionality, the error description doesn’t have to be provided in text, as defined in WCAG 2.

Option 5: Use language that avoids stating an exception

3.3.1 Error Identification - Requires error information to be provided as text in a programmatically determinable form.

Indicate whether Option 5 is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft. If edits are needed, provide the detailed edits in the survey or in the PR.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is. 6
Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) 3


Responder (6 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed - 3.3.1 Error IdentificationComments
Sam Ogami Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.)
3.3.1 Error Identification - Requires error information to be provided as text, where the assumption (and WCAG defintion of text) is that it be "programmatically determinable". So this provision has the same issues as the other provisions with "programmatically determinable".

NOTE: the last sentence may not be needed.
Phil Day Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) +1 to Gregg's proposed edit in this survey, dropping his last sentence (per his NOTE).

I am also okay with Option 5 as-is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Chris Loiselle Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mary Jo Mueller Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is. IMO, Option 5 is fine as-is. If some form of Gregg's edits are used, suggest simplifying to say:

3.3.1 Error Identification - Requires error information to be provided as text, where the WCAG definition of text is that it be "programmatically determinable".
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) I think that Mary Jo's proposal, based on Gregg's, is better than option 5 as-is.
Mike Pluke Option 5 can be incorporated into the editor's draft, as-is.

12. General guidance - New proposed note for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum)

This proposal is to add Note 4 to the general guidance for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum). We previously reviewed and rejected a different proposal 2 weeks ago, so a new proposal was developed by the Friday sub-group. The proposed changes appear in line 1033 of the general SC guidance file.

You can review the updated content in-context (will appear as Note 4) in Applying SC 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication to Non-Web Documents and Software from PR 378.

Option 5: Updated proposal due to the note not being approved previously

Note 4: There are cases where non-web software has an authentication process and no alternative or assistance mechanism is feasible, for example when entering a password on first start of a product. In such situations, it may not be possible for the non-web software to meet this success criterion.

Indicate whether this proposal is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft or if any edits are needed.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 5 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is. 6
Option 5 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) 2

(1 response didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder General guidance - New proposed note for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum)Comments
Sam Ogami Option 5 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 5 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Phil Day Option 5 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 5 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 5 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Chris Loiselle Option 5 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) I'm open to wordsmithing but feel that "first start" may confuse potential audience members when reading this. Instead of "first start", perhaps state, "when starting, powering on / turning on an ICT (application/device or otherwise) .
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 5 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mike Pluke Option 5 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.) I like the expansion of "first start" that Chris proposes.

13. General guidance - New proposed note for 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum)

This proposal is to add a Note to the general guidance for 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum). We previously reviewed and rejected a different proposal 2 weeks ago, so a new proposal was developed by the Friday sub-group. The proposed note appears on line 647 of the general SC guidance file.

You can review the updated content in-context (will appear as Note 1) in Applying SC 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) to Non-Web Documents and Software from PR 378.

Option 3: May not be possible to satisfy

Note: There are cases where non-web software has toolbars or other overlapping content where it may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion.

Indicate whether this proposal is ready to incorporate into the editor's draft or if any edits are needed.


ChoiceAll responders
Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is. 8
Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, with edits. (Provide detailed edits in the survey or the PR.)

(1 response didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder General guidance - New proposed note for 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum)Comments
Sam Ogami Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Gregg Vanderheiden Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Phil Day Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Bruce Bailey Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Chris Loiselle Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mary Jo Mueller
Loïc Martínez Normand Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.
Mike Pluke Option 3 is ready to merge into the editor's draft, as-is.

More details on responses

  • Sam Ogami: last responded on 28, May 2024 at 20:33 (UTC)
  • Gregg Vanderheiden: last responded on 29, May 2024 at 05:41 (UTC)
  • Phil Day: last responded on 29, May 2024 at 08:38 (UTC)
  • Bruce Bailey: last responded on 29, May 2024 at 14:24 (UTC)
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra: last responded on 29, May 2024 at 15:00 (UTC)
  • Chris Loiselle: last responded on 29, May 2024 at 16:05 (UTC)
  • Mary Jo Mueller: last responded on 29, May 2024 at 19:13 (UTC)
  • Loïc Martínez Normand: last responded on 29, May 2024 at 22:17 (UTC)
  • Mike Pluke: last responded on 30, May 2024 at 11:53 (UTC)


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Mitchell Evan
  2. Charles Adams
  3. Daniel Montalvo
  4. Fernanda Bonnin
  5. Shawn Thompson
  6. Olivia Hogan-Stark
  7. Laura Miller
  8. Anastasia Lanz
  9. Devanshu Chandra
  10. Bryan Trogdon
  11. Thorsten Katzmann
  12. Tony Holland
  13. Kent Boucher

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