ACTION-822: Send email to public-script-coord about TC39 and TPAC

Send email to public-script-coord about TC39 and TPAC

Alex Russell
Due on:
July 4, 2013
Created on:
June 27, 2013
Related emails:
  1. Re: draft June 27th teleconference minutes (from on 2013-07-05)
  2. Re: draft June 27th teleconference minutes (from on 2013-07-04)
  3. draft June 27th teleconference minutes (from on 2013-07-03)

Related notes:

Yehuda and I have discussed the topic at some length with TC39 in-person and the following was the consensus:

* It's difficult to envision a formal meeting happening in Shenzen
* However, some TC39 members will be at TPAC and TC39 is grateful for the invitation
* TC39 would like to formally indicate me as liason for the purposes of building rapport and introducing the groups to each other
* TC39 is more optimistic about TPAC in 2014

Alex Russell, 1 Aug 2013, 17:02:12

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Tim Berners-Lee <>, Peter Linss <>, Daniel Appelquist <>, Chairs, Yves Lafon <>, Staff Contact
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