From Semantic Web Standards

Relational Databases to RDF (RDB2RDF)


RDB2RDF is a collection of two Recommendations to map the content of Relational Databases to RDF. The two languages are the Direct Mapping and R2RML.The mapping languages facilitate the development of several types of products. It could be used to translate relational data into RDF which could be stored in a triple store. This is sometimes called Extract-Transform-Load (ETL). Or it could be used to generate a virtual mapping that could be queried using SPARQL and the SPARQL translated to SQL queries on the underlying relational data. Other products could be layered on top of these capabilities to query and deliver data in different ways as well as to integrate the data with other kinds of information on the Semantic Web.

Recommended Reading

RDB2RDF has two different approaches, documented in the Direct Mapping and the RDB to RDF Mapping Language (R2RML). Whereas the Direct Mapping maps a relational database onto an RDF Graph without any possibility for control over the shape of the resulting graph (i.e., that graph should be explored/transformed further by the application), R2RML is a mapping language that allows the creation of a “final” RDF Graph for an application.

Important Additional Pages

Tools that are listed as relevant to RDB2RDF

(Note that you can browse tools per tool categories or programming languages, too.)

Last modified and/or added

The description of the following tools have been added and/or modified most recently.

All relevant tools

This is a list of all tools listed on this wiki, and that are marked as relevant to RDB2RDF.

  • OpenLink Virtuoso (reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, rdf generator, sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf). Directly usable from Java, Python, C, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Javascript, C++, ActionScript, Tcl, Obj-C
  • Spyder (sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf).