SMIL 2.0 Testsuite

Time manipulation Module

Wo Chang (,NIST/ITL
Thierry Michel (,W3C

Modules: [All] [Animation] [Content] [Layout] [Linking] [Media] [Metadata] [Structure] [Timing] [Transition] [Time Manipulation] [Profile]

SMIL Time Manipulation Module (report template)
Test # Feature Test (test file) Expected Behavior  
1 animateColor_time_manipulation  
1.1 attributeName, to, begin, accelerate, dur, targetElement, additive, calcmode, fill=hold
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: accelerate.
  2. At 0 seconds, box with the word time will appear blue. They are both blue so you can't see the word time.
  3. At 2 seconds, box and time will start animating color from blue to red. The word time is accelerated and the box is linear.
  4. At 2-4 seconds, the word time will appear and disapper
  5. At 4 seconds, box and time will be red and hold.
1.2 accelerate, autoReverse, repeatCount, dur
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: accelerate, autoReverse, repeatCount, dur.
  2. At 0 seconds, HTML+time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, each character will start, 0.25 seconds after each other, accelerating downwards to position 5,400 and anmimating color through the rainbow spectrum.
  4. At 4-6 seconds, each character will will reach 5,400 and be red in color then autorevrse.
  5. At 8 seconds, HTML+ Time will be at its starting position and be blue in color.
  6. This will repeat 5 times freezing at 24 seconds.
1.3 autoreverse, attributeName, to, begin, accelerate, dur, targetElement, additive, calcmode, fill=freeze
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: autoReverse.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start animating from blue to red.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will be red then autoreverse.
  5. At 6 seconds, time will blue again and freeze.
1.4 decelerate, attributeName, to, begin, accelerate, dur, targetElement, additive, calcmode, fill=freeze
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: decelerate.
  2. At 0 seconds, box with the word time will appear blue. They are both blue so you can't see the word time.
  3. At 2 seconds, box and time will start animating color from blue to red. The word time is decelerated and the box is linear.
  4. At 2-4 seconds, the word time will appear and disapper
  5. At 4 seconds, box and time will be red and freeze.
1.5 decelerate, autoReverse, attributeName, to, begin, accelerate, dur, targetElement, additive, calcmode, fill=freeze
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: decelerate, autoReverse.
1.6 speed, autoreverse, attributeName, to, begin, decelerate, accelerate, dur, targetElement, additive, calcmode, fill=hold
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: speed, accelerate, decelerate, autoreverse.
  2. At 0 seconds, box and the word time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, box and time will start animating color from blue to red.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will be red and autoreverse indefinitely.
  5. At 6 seconds, boxe will be red and autoreverse indefinitely.
1.7 speed, attributeName, to, begin, dur, targetElement, additive, calcmode, fill=remove
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: speed.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start animating color from blue to red.
  4. At 7 seconds, time will be red then remove back to blue.
1.8 speed, attributeName, to, begin, accelerate, dur, targetElement, additive, calcmode, fill=hold
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: accelerate, speed.
  2. At 0 seconds, box with the word time will appear blue. They are both blue so you can't see the word time.
  3. At 2 seconds, box and time will start animating color from blue to red. The word time is accelerated and the box is linear.
  4. At 2-4 seconds, the word time will appear and disappear
  5. At 4 seconds, box and time will be red and hold.
1.9 decelerate, speed, attributeName, to, begin, accelerate, dur, targetElement, additive, calcmode, fill=hold
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: decelerate, speed.
  2. At 0 seconds, box with the word time will appear blue. They are both blue so you can't see the word time.
  3. At 2 seconds, box and time will start animating color from blue to red. The word time is decelerated and the box is linear.
  4. At 2-4 seconds, the word time will appear and disapper
  5. At 4 seconds, box and time will be red and hold.
2 animateMotion_time_manipulation/  
2.1 accelerate
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: accelerate.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start accelerating downwards to position 400px.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 400px then hold its position.
2.2 accelerate, autoReverse
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: accelerate, autoReverse.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start accelerating downwards to position 5,400.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 5,400 then autorevrse.
  5. At 6 seconds, time will be at its starting position.
  6. This will repeat 5 times freezing at 22 seconds.
2.3 accelerate, autoReverse
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: accelerate, autoReverse.
  2. At 0 seconds, HTML+time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, each character will start, 0.25 seconds after each other, accelerating downwards to position 5,400.
  4. At 4-6 seconds, each character will will reach 5,400 then autorevrse.
  5. At 8 seconds, HTML+ Time will be at its starting position.
  6. This will repeat 5 times freezing at 24 seconds.
2.4 autoreverse
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: autoReverse.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start decelerating towards position 5, 400.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 5, 400 then autoreverse.
  5. At 6 seconds, time will reach its original position and freeze.
2.5 decelerate
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: decelerate.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start animating downwards to position 5,400.
  4. At 2-3 seconds, time will reach position 5,400 and move right to position 700,400.
  5. At 4 seconds, time will reach 700,400 and move diagonaly to positon 5,5.
  6. At 8 seconds, time will freeze its position at 5,5.
2.6 decelerate, autoReverse
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: decelerate, autoReverse.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start accelerating downwards to position 5,400.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 5,400 then autorevrse.
  5. At 6 seconds, time will be at its starting position.
  6. This will repeat 5 times freezing at 22 seconds.
2.8 speed, accelerate, decelerate, autoreverse
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: speed, accelerate, decelerate, autoreverse.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start accelerating downwards to position 5,400.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 5,400 then autoreverse indefinitely.
2.9 speed
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: speed.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start animating downwards to position 5,400.
  4. At 7 seconds, time will reach 400,400 then remove itself back to its original position.
2.10 speed, accelerate
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: speed, accelerate.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start animating downwards to position 5,400.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 5,400 then remove itself back to its original position.
3 animate_time_manipulation  
3.1 accelerate, to, begin, dur, targetElement, fill=hold
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: accelerate.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start accelerating downwards to position 400px.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 400px then hold its position.
3.2 accelerate, to, begin, dur, targetElement, repeatcount, fill=freeze
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: accelerate.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start accelerating downwards to position 400px.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 400px then autorevrse.
  5. At 6 seconds, time will be at its starting position.
  6. This will repeat 5 times freezing at 22 seconds.
3.3 accelerate, decelerate, to, begin, dur, targetElement, repeatCount, fill=hold
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  2. At 2 seconds, time will start accelerating downwards to position 400px.
  3. At 4 seconds, it will end accelleration and reach position 400px.
  4. No decelleration will be observed.
  5. This will repeat indefinitely, every 4 seconds.
3.5 decelerate, to, begin, dur, targetElement, fill=freeze
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: decelerate.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start decelerating downwards to position 400px.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 400px then freeze its position.
3.7 speed, accelerate, decelerate, to, begin, dur, targetElement, repeatCount, fill=freeze
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: speed, accelerate, decelerate, autoreverse.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start accelerating downwards to position 400px.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 400px then autoreverse indefinitely.
3.8 speed, to, begin, dur, targetElement, fill=remove
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: speed.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start animating downwards to position 400px.
  4. At 7 seconds, time will reach 400px then remove itself back to its original position.
3.9 speed, decelerate, to, begin, dur, targetElement, fill=remove
(smil, source)
(xhtml+smil, source)
  1. Testing: speed, decelerate.
  2. At 0 seconds, time will appear.
  3. At 2 seconds, time will start animating downwards to position 400px.
  4. At 4 seconds, time will reach 400px then remove itself back to its original position.
4 Media