MBUI Editor's Drafts

From W3C Wiki

This is a list of editor's drafts for the Model-Based UI Working Group. We are currently using Google Docs as convenient means for collaborative editing. When the Working Group judges a document is ready for publication as a W3C Technical Report, the document will be exported to HTML and checked against W3C's publication rules.

Exporting Google doc to clean HTML

Google Docs provide a means to export documents to HTML, but the markup is messy. Dave has extended HTML Tidy to support this, but you still need to do quite a bit of manual editing afterwards, see source of draft FPWD for task models.

We may want to consider switching to using the wiki for editor's drafts as these are easily converted to nicely nested sections in HTML5 using the following Chrome extension:

This would also ensure that the document content is held on the W3C server without the (very small) risk of Google dropping their document service.