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This page will serve as not only a road map of e-Government and thus a landing page/index for grouping the IG's project deliverables and pages that have been generated over time, but also through the creation of a heirarchical path structure, identify the toll booths, roadworks, single lane bridges and other "pain points" on our roadmap - that is, those areas of e-Government that cause governments and associated agencies considerable concern, time or resources, and where guidance has otherwise been identified as being needed.
@@ NOTE: If an exisiting page could not be immediately identified as belonging in any one place, I've left it at the bottom of the page as "uncategorised". Members are encouraged to expand/edit them as needed so they can be slotted in appropriately. Members are also encouraged to move pages around here as needed. I haven't included pages that are TF or Project group pages, but rather focused on what could be considered "outputs" from the IG and associated sub-groups to date. "Pain Points" are listed under each category - these are just thoughts gleaned from group minutes and my own (suspect?) thinking :) @@
e-Government at the top level
The online activities of government (e-Government), follows roughly the same model as traditional government activities. At the highest level, any e-Government activity, regardless of country, political or beaurecratic structure, or ideology, can be isolated into 4 broad categories. In addition, we provide for an over arching "issues" category, which covers social and technological concepts which fall outside these activities but are often intricately linked to them or can act as policy drivers, such as Privacy or Metadata, and are important enough to be included under their own banner. These issues are in and of themselves not necessarily "pain points", but may well be seen as a symptom or underlying cause of such.
e-Government as a Service Provider
Online service delivery is a major activity of most governments online.
@@ Note - Linked Data is included in Information Provision as this category deals with the "transactional" service or application providing the information, not the information itself. Just a thought??@@
- Transparency_and_Participation
- Use_Case_4_-_Semantic_MyPage
- Use_Case_5_-_Your_Website_is_your_API
- Use_Case_9_-_Common_Service_Model
- WebTech - Included for the links. Probably applicable in each category.
Pain Points
- Use_Case_10_-_Identification_Authentication
- Use_Case_11_-_Identification_Authentication - Same as above??
e-Government as a Information Provider
Information provision is perhaps the oldest and widest use of e-Government, be it formal information such as legislative guidence and policy advice, or more transient information such as marketing and advertising.
- Data-gov-memo
- Data_Catalog_Vocabulary
- GLD_Tutorial
- Government_Linked_Data_Executive_Primer
- LDStat
- LDTech
- Linked_Data
- Linked_Data_Query
- Linked_Data_Quick_Start
- Linked_Data_Resource_Links
- Linked_Environment_Data
- Open-linked-government
- Transparency_and_Participation
- Tutorial/Linked_Data
- Tutorial/Publishing_Triples
- Tutorial/RDF_Vocabularies
- Use_Case_2_XSD_for_DRM
- Use_Case_5_-_Your_Website_is_your_API
- Use_Case_8_-_Linked_Open_Government
- WebTech_(Redaction)
Pain Points
e-Government as a Record Manager
The move towards transparent and open Government is very "2.0", but use of the online space as a means of recording the activities of government for public accountability reasons, or even simply as a cost effective means of providing legal and legislative information to citizens, is as old as the Internet itself.
- DataSharingPolicyExpression
- Open_Government_Laws
- Open_Standards_Policies
- Transparency_and_Participation
- Use_Case_1_-_Strategic_Plans
- WebTech_(Redaction)
Pain Points
e-Government as a Communicator
The use of electronic means for active communication and engagement between government and others is also quite old. It can range from the simple and traditional through to the latest in Web 2.0 driven Social Media activities.
- Blog Policies
- SocMed - Included due to the links on page
- SocMed-bestpractices
- WebTech_(Redaction)
Pain Points
- Us-privacy
- Use_Case_6_-_US_Privacy_OWL - Same as above? Merge?
- WebTech_(Redaction)
- WebTech_(Privacy)
Trust and Provenance Issues
- RDF_Graph - Should be moved into Glossary?
- RDF_Repository - As above
- Triple - As above
Tech vs Policy
Pain Point
- Socio-Technical_Issues_in_Outreach - great example of a "pain point".
- Web_Guidelines - Important page, but doesn't fit elsewhere.
- Reports
- Fea-rmo - Plain english would be handy here. Maybe Privacy??
- Use_Case_7_-_FEA-RMO_OWL - As above. Maybe Information Provision or Service Provision??
- Glossary
- Inventory
- Public_Sector_Information
- Related_Initiatives
- Seamless_Integration_of_Data