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Projects/GLD Demo/Meetings/2010-04-09
From W3C eGovernment Wiki
Discussion continued with conversation threads between project members over the past few weeks.
There are a few suggestions for this projects focus:
- We look at existing Linked Data efforts from LDDemo practitioners and determine opportunities to demonstrate the combined use of DCAT, OPM, VOID and other vocabularies and the discover-ability/dereferencing mechanics of interlinked published data
- We work on interlinking existing open gov datasets.
- We use the W3C as a platform for communication and outreach, especially where conferences or other community cross fertilization can occur, using existing works of LDDemo practitioners.
- other...
Please be prepared to participate in the planned upcoming 2010-04-09 LDDemo telecon by;
- Voting for 1, 2, or 3.
- For 1, suggesting catalogs and datasets that are candidates for DCAT and OPM and other vocabularies and suggesting desired linkages and how to leverage VOID
- For 2, proposing existing published open gov data for interlinking and any required means of achieving that
- For 3, determining what work is demonstrative of principles or best practices relevant to open gov linked data and collateral authors/owners
- For all, describing a 'user story' exercising these that can be used as an input to communication collateral that will highlight the work of this project
- Brand Niemann offers http://epaontology.wik.is/ and http://semanticommunity.net
- Suggested demos: Google (for standard environmental vocabulary) for example: epaontology wetlands, Search within http://epaontology.wik.is/ for terms and data elements, and search at http://www.sdi.gov for environmental vocabulary and data across the world (did this 10+ years ago)
- The Third International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, @ Troy, NY, June 15-16, 2010, http://tw.rpi.edu/portal/IPAW2010
- (@Brand - check out http://vocab.deri.ie/dcat-overview)
- Brand Niemann offers http://epaontology.wik.is/ and http://semanticommunity.net
Any/all other ideas that are able to be executed are most welcome!
We'll need to emerge from this meeting with a clear set of goals/objectives to communicate to eGov IG chairs.
- WWW2010, Raleigh NC, 4/26-30
- LDOW2010, Raleigh NC, 4/27
- (O'Reilly) Gov20 conference, 5/25-27 in Wash, DC, USA (where TBL is a keynote speaker).
- W3C eGov IG participation (John, Sandro and others) at FOSE
- Sunlight's Transparency Camp, 3/27-28 - George did a session on semantic.data.gov.