Closed Actions

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There are 20 closed actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed Review requirements from wcag-em as input into requirements for act Shadi Abou-Zahra 2016-10-03
ACTION-2 (edit) closed Document decision on failure techniques in requirement for repository Wilco Fiers 2016-10-05
ACTION-3 (edit) closed Pull out relevant sections of standards docs. Alistair Garrison 2016-10-05
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Review first cut from Alistair to pull out relevant sections of standards docs. Charu Pandhi 2016-10-05
ACTION-5 (edit) closed Get github setup for requirements editing and viewing Shadi Abou-Zahra 2016-10-05
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Investigate w3c testing activities for take-aways on the requirements Wilco Fiers 2016-10-05
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Work with jemma on oaa relation to act Wilco Fiers 2016-10-05
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Create a plain english description of axe rule structure Wilco Fiers 2016-10-26
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Create a plain english description of dap rule structure Charu Pandhi 2016-10-26
ACTION-10 (edit) closed Take the requirements document to the wcag wg Wilco Fiers 2016-11-09
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Write up a proposal for 2.2 rule description Charu Pandhi 2016-11-09
ACTION-12 (edit) closed Write up on change management 6.4 JaEun Ku 2016-11-09
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Write up on selectors 4.1 Romain Deltour 2016-12-12
ACTION-14 (edit) closed Write up introduction section Wilco Fiers 2016-11-09
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Add the ibm info into the ods and create a pull request Charu Pandhi 2016-11-09
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Create a draft for change management section Wilco Fiers 2016-11-16
ACTION-17 (edit) closed Update the intro section based on feedback Wilco Fiers 2016-11-16
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Draft text for section Alistair Garrison 2016-11-23
ACTION-19 (edit) closed Open new issue for clarification of compliance Charu Pandhi 2016-11-23
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Update scope description Wilco Fiers 2016-11-30

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Wilco Fiers <>, Mary Jo Mueller <>, Chairs, Shadi Abou-Zahra <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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