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WAI Education & Outreach Meeting, December 11, 1998

Last updated: December 31, 1998
Scribe: Chuck Letourneau
Posted by: Judy Brewer, WAI EOWG Chair
  1. Outreach Updates
  2. Do we need short & friendly guidelines?
  3. Use of WAI curriculum by other folks
  4. Additional outreach on "Call for Cross-Disability Review"
  5. Planning future media coverage
  6. Review status/priorities of Section 2  (Promotion & Outreach) of Deliverables
  7. Upcoming meetings



  1. Peter Bosher and Sheela Sethuraman to talk to provide some input to PAWG on "user friendliness"
  2. Chuck Letourneau to integrate W3C copyright info into curriculum slide set.
  3. Peter Bosher will co-ordinate with Stella O'Brien to ask for EU participation in the cross disability review of the three guidelines.
  4. E-mail Judy if you have thoughts on meeting schedule. Should it remain weekly or return to bi-weekly?

1. Outreach updates

2. Discussion: do we need short & friendly guidelines version?

- (see recent discussion on IG & EO lists)
- (also feedback in "quick-tips" archive so far, at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-quicktips/
- what would it look like?
- how should we develop it?
- where does it fit into our priorities?

3. Use of WAI curriculum by other folks

- assuming we want to maximize re-use of our material, but any constraints?

4. Additional outreach on "call for cross-disability review"

- need names of organizations particularly in Europe
- please forward it to other disability organizations that you know

5. Planning future media coverage

- opportunities within W3C process
- creating other opportunities
- maximizing mileage from coverage we get

6. Review of status & priorities of Section 2 of Deliverables list

http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/EO-Deliverables#Promotional Materials
- includes these topics:
- revisit status, priorities, resources

- Brochures - fairly high priority;
- Reference Card - doing great, getting feedback to quick-tips list;
- Bulletin - highest priority, for people who aren't on any WAI list, a concise once-per-month list of resources and news. The IG update is essentially a pilot for that, although the bulletin would only be once a month. To broaden our contacts much more widely.
- Dissemination Points - mailing lists, multipliers - Ron can do this.
- Press Coverage - discussed earlier also should have high priority.
- Interactive Web site/ Mirroring/ CD-ROM
- Articles/Chapters/Books

7. Upcoming meetings

keep weekly or go back to bi-weekly?
- current schedule:
December 11
December 18
January 8
January 15
January 22
January 29
ACTION ITEM: E-mail Judy if you have thoughts on meeting schedule. Should it remain weekly or return to bi-weekly?

Meeting ended at 10:02 AM EST.

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