Tiny 12

From SVG

Things to mention when we announce the publication of SVGT12 LC

  • Element no longer inherits from ElementTraversal (normatively references ElementTraversal spec)



Test Suite

Test Suite (cvsweb) or Test Suite (view).

Allocation Table
Test Name Owner Reviewer(s) Status Comments
script-listener-204-t.svg ED CM Reviewed
script-handler-201-t.svg ED CM Reviewed
script-listener-203-t.svg ED CM Reviewed
intro-compat-201-t.svg ED AE Approved Done.
udom-svgmatrix-207-t.svg ED AE Done. Needs spec work first before approval - raised issue.
linking-refs-206-t.svg CL AE Approved Done
udom-glob-202-t.svg AE CL Approved
udom-glob-203-t.svg AE CL, AG Approved
udom-glob-204-t.svg AE CL Approved
struct-use-205-t.svg ED AE Approved Done. setAttributeNS() for xlink:href should only have href as the local name.

ED: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile12/svgudom.html#dom__Element has restrictions (though not for each method description, and still says 'qualifiedName' in the IDL). References DOM 3 Core http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/core.html#ID-ElSetAttrNS.

udom-svg-237-t.svg AE CM Approved Done. The string “Testing TraitAccess methods on an element removed from the DOM tree...” is displayed, but that really only applies to those tests on animm1, not animm2.Sub-tests b09 and b10 should be expecting NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exceptions instead of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, according to the “Accessing rules for animation related elements” section of the uDOM appendix.The display is quite cluttered with messages shown for each sub-test; maybe this could be changed to highlight those messages from failed sub-tests in red, or perhaps just omit the messages from successful sub-tests? When running this test in Opera, text in the two columns overlap (and messages fall outside the test frame),but maybe that’s not too important when they’re just error messages.
udom-svg-236-t.svg AE AZ Approved Done. Changed the event name space from ev to xe. Updated the header to the new format.
udom-svg-235-t.svg AE CL Approved Individual subtests need pass/fail color coding
udom-svg-234-t.svg AE DS Approved Done. There was a mistake in which element was removed for part of the tests; I corrected the test (with the approval of AE) and marked it reviewed.
udom-svg-233-t.svg AE AG Approved Test needs to be changed. Individual subtests need pass/fail color coding. Updated test to use new template.
udom-svg-232-t.svg AE CL Approved Individual subtests need pass/fail color coding
udom-svg-231-t.svg AE AG Approved Test needs to be changed. Individual subtests need pass/fail color coding. Perhaps a check a checkbox next to each test that gets a tick or cross to indicate pass or fail. Updated test to use new template.
udom-svg-230-t.svg AE AG Test needs to be changed. Individual subtests need pass/fail color coding. Perhaps a check a checkbox next to each test that gets a tick or cross to indicate pass or fail. Updated test to use new template. Not approved. Color assumes a given string format. Change test to set color on another element and then read it back as getRGBColor
udom-svgpoint-201-t.svg AE ED Approved The expected value comparisons should be made using some epsilon, the pass condition should be something like: (Math.abs(expected-actual) < eps). It would be good if the test covered some more values, like large ones, small ones, negative ones and values that may be hard to represent accurately.
udom-svgpoint-202-t.svg AE ED The expected value comparisons should be made using some epsilon, the pass condition should be something like: (Math.abs(expected-actual) < eps). It would be good if the test covered some more values, like large ones, small ones, negative ones and values that may be hard to represent accurately. Testcase uses e.message and e.name which are not in the SVGT12 subset of DOMException, see http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile12/svgudom.html#dom__DOMException.
udom-svg-229-t.svg AE ED The test uses "curTime >= 0 && curTime < 0.9" but I'm not sure the spec says what the resolution of the document time. The test assumes it's less than 0.9 seconds. Should test setCurrentTime(Number.NaN), Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
udom-svg-228-t.svg AE AG Approved Review done. Updated test to use the new template. Changed test such that it reports a pass for each subtest. Needed accurate description and pass criteria.
udom-svg-227-t.svg AE CL Approved
udom-svg-226-t.svg AE AG Approved Review done. Updated test to use the new template. Changed test such that it reports a pass for each subtest.
udom-svglocatable-201-t.svg AE ED Approved The test prints "bbox with node removed, should still have bounding box" which may be confusing since it sounds a bit like the test failed. The expected value comparisons should be made using some epsilon, the pass condition should be something like: (Math.abs(expected-actual) < eps). Doesn't test enough edge cases. Should be possible to use some of the getBBox examples from the spec.
udom-svglocatable-202-t.svg AE ED Approved The test status messages can be confusing, like in the svglocatable-201-t test. The expected value comparisons should be made using some epsilon, the pass condition should be something like: (Math.abs(expected-actual) < eps). Would be good if the condition "The returned object is a copy of the current screen bounding box value and will not change if the corresponding screen bounding box changes." was tested too. Should test getScreenBBox on some shapes positioned fully and partially outside the viewport. It's also a possiblity to generate the expected values by using the getBBox and getScreenCTM methods together, this ensures that they are in sync.
udom-svglocatable-203-t.svg AE ED Aprroved The expected value comparisons should be made using some epsilon, the pass condition should be something like: (Math.abs(expected-actual) < eps). Would be good if the rotate transform was tested too, and in combination with x and y attribute offsets (since those don't affect the screenCTM). Should test getScreenCTM on some shapes positioned fully and partially outside the viewport.
udom-svglocatable-204-t.svg AN,AE OH Approved changed from "types-basicDOM-02-t.svg"
udom-svgmatrix-201-t.svg AE ED Approved Review done, changed to use epsilon-comparison. This is a very simple test, could test creating some more matrices.
udom-svgmatrix-202-t.svg AE ED Approved Review done. Changed to use epsilon-comparison. Added non-invertible matrix subtest.
udom-svgmatrix-203-t.svg AE ED Approved Review done. Changed to use epsilon-comparions. Checks all the matrices for correctness.
udom-svgmatrix-204-t.svg AE ED Approved Review done. Changed to use epsilon-comparions. Checks all the matrices for correctness. Test values "450" and "-540" for mRotate.

Spec clarification needed: How to deal with Number.NaN, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY in all interfaces that take a float. Suggestion: Throw an ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED exception. This is now the new test: udom-svgmatrix-207-t.svg.

udom-svgmatrix-205-t.svg AE ED Review done. Changed to use epsilon comparisons.
udom-svgmatrix-206-t.svg AE ED Review done. Changed to use epsilon comparisons.
udom-svgpath-201-t.svg AE AN Approved http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2008AprJun/0018.html

Spec may need clarification on what SVGPath.getSegmentParam returns for a CLOSE command, and in case you ask for parameter 4 or 5 on a QUAD_TO that was normalized to a CURVE_TO.

udom-svgpath-202-t.svg AE AN, ED Approved ED: Review done. Changed to use epsilon comparison. Made stroke thicker. Added a close command.
udom-svgrect-201-t.svg AE AZ Approved Review done. Updated the template to match the new format.
udom-svgcolor-201-t.svg AE CL Approved Done. Minor update to test description.
udom-svg-225-t.svg ED AE Approved Done. Even if subtest 1 fails, the test indicates 'passed' on the bottom. Test uses xe: prefix for events. Suggest using traditional ev: prefix to focus the test on one feature
text-edit-201-t.svg ED AE Approved Done. The final test can throw an exception if the UA does not add the tbreak. Perhaps a test first for a valid # of expected children ( by counting ).
script-element-203-t.svg ED AE Approved Done. Issues with set/getAttributeNS. It uses the SVG namespace instead of null. Also, uses "xlink:href" as local name instead of only 'href'.
media-audio-215-t.svg AE AZ Approved Moved the audio files outside the <defs> section. This file needs JS addition to verify the proper audio levels are been set.
animate-elem-204-t.svg DOH AS Done.
animate-elem-208-t.svg DOH AS Done
animate-elem-219-t.svg DOH AE Approved Done.
animate-elem-223-t.svg DOH AE Done
animate-elem-224-t.svg DOH AZ Reviewed - There is a need for more extensive review of the test. It is in progress.
animate-elem-227-t.svg CL AE Approved
extend-namespace-02-t.svg JF AE Approved Done
linking-a-03-t.svg LH CL Approved Done. Updated to 1.2T syntax
linking-frag-203-t.svg DS CL Approved Done review, its fine
linking-frag-204-t.svg DS AE Approved Done.
struct-use-08-t.svg ED DS Done. Removed test, replaced with struct-use-recursion-01-t.svg, struct-use-recursion-02-t.svg, and struct-use-recursion-03-t.svg.
struct-use-09-t.svg AN, DS AE, AG Approved Renamed test from struct-use-09-b.svg. Changed test to conform to test template.
struct-use-recursion-01-t.svg DS AE Approved
struct-use-recursion-02-t.svg DS AE Approved
struct-use-recursion-03-t.svg DS AE Approved
styling-inherit-01-t.svg CL AE Approved Done
styling-inherit-03-t.svg CL ED Approved Done.
styling-pres-01-t.svg CL AN Approved Done
types-data-201-t.svg DOH AN
types-data-202-t.svg DOH AG
types-data-203-t.svg DOH AN
types-data-204-t.svg DOH AN
types-data-205-t.svg DOH AN
udom-event-209-t.svg CM ED Approved Review done.
udom-svg-216-t.svg CM DOH, ED Approved Review done. Test could be more extensive though. Overlap with the udom-svgpath* tests.
udom-svg-217-t.svg CM DOH, ED Will take too long for w3c to update servlet - not to be in this release of testsuite
udom-svg-218-t.svg CM DOH, ED, AG Approved Done. Updated with new w3c servlet. Waiting for 'content' before this test can pass.
udom-svg-224-t.svg CM AE Approved Done. The applicableElementNames setup does not work. Should be replaced with simple array, with i used in mian loop and name set to applicableElementNames[i]. svg.createSVGRGBColor needs paramaters. setAttributeNS() for xlink:href should only have href as the local name. Nice to have expected/returned exception codes in results string.

ED: DOMException.message doesn't exist in 1.2T.

udom-svgtimedelement-202-t.svg ASl DOH Should not be added, duplicate test. Should be removed from CVS
udom-svgtimedelement-203-t.svg ASl DOH Should not be added, duplicate test. Should be removed from CVS
udom-svgtimedelement-204-t.svg ASl DOH Should not be added, duplicate test. Should be removed from CVS
udom-svgtimedelement-205-t.svg ASl OH Should not be added, duplicate test. Should be removed from CVS
udom-textcontent-201-t.svg ASl OH Approved Done