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Bug 8069 - Enum: intro text needs updating
Summary: Enum: intro text needs updating
Alias: None
Product: WS-Resource Access
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Enumeration (show other bugs)
Version: FPWD
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Doug Davis
QA Contact: notifications mailing list for WS Resource Access
Keywords: hasProposal
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-10-26 13:52 UTC by Doug Davis
Modified: 2009-12-08 22:10 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Doug Davis 2009-10-26 13:52:55 UTC
In the intro of WS-Enum there's a bit that says:

In its simplest form, WS-Enumeration defines a single operation, Pull, which allows a data source, in the context of a specific enumeration, to produce a sequence of XML elements in the body of a SOAP message.

In the submitted version of the spec this was true because Enumerate() was
not required to be supported.  In the latest version of the spec Enumerate()
is no longer optional.  So the above paragraph should be changed to something
more like:

In its simplest form, WS-Enumeration defines an operation, Enumerate, used to
establish the creation of an enumeration session and a single operation, Pull, which allows a data source, in the context of a specific enumeration, to produce a sequence of XML elements in the body of a SOAP message.

Also, in the next paragraph, there's a sentence that reads:
This specification defines such an operation, Enumerate, that data sources MAY implement for starting a new enumeration of a data source.

Based on recent changes the MAY should be a MUST.

Proposal: see above
Comment 1 Doug Davis 2009-11-05 21:24:58 UTC
In its simplest form, WS-Enumeration defines an operation, Enumerate, used to
establish the creation of an enumeration session and another operation, Pull,
which allows a data source, in the context of a specific enumeration, to
produce a sequence of XML elements in the body of a SOAP message.
Comment 2 Doug Davis 2009-11-05 21:25:57 UTC
new paragraph:
In its simplest form, WS-Enumeration defines an operation, Enumerate, used to
establish the creation of an enumeration session and another operation, Pull,
which allows a data source, in the context of a specific enumeration, to
produce a sequence of XML elements in the body of a SOAP message.

and in following para s/MAY/MUST/:
This specification defines such an operation, Enumerate, that data sources *MAY*
implement for starting a new enumeration of a data source.
Comment 3 Robert Freund 2009-11-05 21:27:29 UTC
resolved with comment #2